Jade stone: magical properties, care tips

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What is jade stone

Jade is a mineral (calcium, magnesium, iron hydroxide). It can be of different colors. It is a semi-precious stone. The most expensive is a one-color green gem, it is called an imperial.

Its main value is firmness. It is 2 times stronger than steel and 5 times harder than granite. Because of this, it was used in the old days to create tools, axes and hammers were made from it.

Its hardness is greater than that of quartz. It is transparent if it is a thin plate. If you polish a matte stone, it becomes glossy. It has a high heat capacity, therefore it is warm to the touch.

First, they found a stone deposit in China, in the Xinjiang province. But in the 1896th century, the stones were found in Burma. They have also been mined since XNUMX in the Sayan Mountains. There is a deposit in the upper reaches of the Yarkand Pamir.

Jade stone: magical properties, care tips

A bit of history

The Maori (indigenous people of New Zealand) were created from Hei-Tiki stone. This is an amulet in the form of a sculpture of a person or a portrait. Hei-Tiki father passed on to his son. When the last member of the family died, the jade craft was buried with him.

The gem was widespread and used as far back as the Bronze Age. Egyptian priests and nobles wore jade jewelry. In the East, he was considered the stone of the winner. They were inlaid with weapons, that is, they decorated the hilts for daggers, shields.

Jade was considered sacred in ancient China. For some time the gold was weighed by placing jade weights on the scales. In the Celestial Empire there is a statue of Buddha, which has a height of 6 m. It is made of white jade.

Plates were created from jade, then they were certified by letters. The winner of the competition was awarded with jade. Musical instruments were carved from the stone, they were called lithophones. Confucius venerated jade. Pillows were made of stone, but they were used only in the family of the emperor.

Jade: color

This gem has many colors and shades:

  • white with a slight shade of another color;
  • scarlet (rare);
  • bright green;
  • the black;
  • smoky green;
  • a gem in which smoky and dark gray areas alternate, there are streaks and spots;
  • brown and brownish yellow;
  • a mineral that has a bluish tint is called dianite.

Jade stone: medicinal properties

The healing effect is based on the high heat capacity of the mineral. A warm (slightly heated) mineral is applied to the site of injury or rheumatism as a warming agent. Green jade beads relieve palpitations, calm the nervous system, relieve insomnia.

  • treats kidney disease;
  • improves the health of a pregnant woman, helps with childbirth;
  • accelerates the recovery of the body after illness;
  • jade amulet is worn for diseases of the nervous system;
  • applied to age spots;
  • helps with depression and stress.

How to care for jewelry

Jewelry with jade is placed in a soapy solution. Then it is cleaned with a brush that has soft bristles and rinsed in running water. If there is little dirt, it can be polished with a soft cloth. For storage, the product is placed in a box.

The magical properties of jade

Experts in the field of esotericism assure that jade has a strong energy. The Chinese believe that jade amulets and talismans:

  • protect from evil spirits;
  • bring good luck;
  • gives peace of mind;
  • instills faith.

This gem is a kind of indicator of a person’s actions. If he began to grow cloudy or darken, then his owner should think about his actions. This mineral makes a person change for the better.

It is said that jade products are good to have in the house for those who consider themselves a failure. It helps you focus and achieve what you want. It is used as a talisman for burials, protecting graves from desecration.

White stone is believed to promote positive thinking. To those who wear jewelry made of it, he gives peace. A green gem gives a person calmness, makes thinking clear.

Jade bracelets, rings, earrings and pendants can be worn by representatives of all zodiac signs, but this gem is ideal for Libra!

Don’t miss the video! Here’s additional information to the article.

Why do Chinese people like to wear jade?

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