Jackfruit is a breadfruit with a length of 20 centimeters to 1 meter. Weight reaches 35 kilograms.
The Indian breadfruit is famous for the largest edible fruits, which are attached directly to the trunk using strong pedicels. Jackfruit ripens up to 8 months. The green pulp of unripe fruits is fried and stewed like vegetables.
When ripe, the pulp acquires a bright yellow color, cloyingly sweet, slightly oily taste. The aroma of the fresh fruit is reminiscent of melon. And in dried form, it acquires chocolate notes. Bangladesh’s national fruit is widely used in cooking and perfumery.
An evergreen tree of the Mulberry family grows in India, the Philippines, the islands of Oceania, and the countries of eastern Africa. In the regions of India, it is as popular as mango and banana. Huge fruits in a tough pimply peel reach a weight of several tens of kilograms.

Almost 40% of the weight is occupied by starchy substances. The seeds contain carbohydrates and proteins. When fried, they resemble chestnuts. Fermented seeds serve as a natural flavoring agent.
Dozens of huge fruits ripen on one tree at the same time. Due to its cheapness, nutritious jackfruit was nicknamed the breadfruit. Fruit ripeness is determined by a dull sound when tapped.
Inside, the fruits are divided into lobes. The sticky sugary-sweet pulp contains natural latex. The taste and aroma is reminiscent of a melon. It is poorly stored when ripe.
Composition and calorie content of Jackfruit
Jackfruit is rich in minerals and other biologically active substances: calcium (34 mg), phosphorus (36 mg), sodium, potassium (303 mg), magnesium (37 mg), manganese, zinc, selenium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, copper, sodium, folic acid.
- Caloric content 95 kcal
- Proteins 1.72 g
- Fat 0.64 g
- Carbohydrates 21.75 g
Benefits for humans
Nutritional value of jackfruit is 94 kcal. The product contains vitamin C, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese. Plant fibers also contain niacin, pantothenic acid, and other beneficial organic compounds. The chemical composition determines the benefits of the fruit for the body:

- jackfruit strengthens the immune system, stimulates the activity of leukocytes;
- exhibits antiviral and antibacterial activity;
- slows down cell aging;
- prevents degenerative changes in tissues;
- perfectly cleanses the intestines;
- improves vision;
- strengthens blood vessels, prevents the development of cardiovascular disorders;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- strengthens bones;
- prevents the development of anemia;
- improves hormones, stimulates the thyroid gland.
The exotic fruit provides the body with vitamins and minerals. It is consumed fresh, cooked, dried. Snacks, main courses, desserts are prepared from it. High-protein vegetable fibers serve as a complete substitute for meat.
Jackfruit can be harmful in case of individual intolerance and allergy to any of its components. Also, people who are not used to this type of food, having tried jackfruit for the first time, can get an upset stomach.
Jackfruit in perfumery
Lovers of exotic perfume will appreciate the thick and sugary aroma of jackfruit. In the compositions you can clearly hear its sweetness, reminiscent of a fruit mix of banana, melon, pineapple. Fruity aromas are included in complex compositions. Jackfruit goes well with fougere, floral aromas.
The perfume seems to be refined and refined, where jackfruit is combined with apricot, vanilla, papaya. The composition with lime, juniper, nutmeg acquires cheerful and a little adventurous tones. Independence and self-confidence are given by the notes of oak, anise, leather, cedar. A mixture with jasmine, patchouli, peony, nectarine reminds of paradise.
Cooking use of Jackfruit

Jackfruit for our area is still exotic, which cannot be said about the countries where it grows, there it is widely used to prepare various dishes. Unripe fruits are used in cooking like vegetables, for example, they can be boiled, fried and stewed.
In addition, you can prepare a filling for various baked goods from them, or prepare a side dish that goes well with meat and fish. The ripe fruit can be used in various salads and desserts.
You can also eat the seeds of the fruit, which can be fried and eaten, like chestnuts. In addition, the flowers of the plant are used in cooking, on the basis of which sauces and light salads are prepared. You can make a delicious salad from young leaves.