
Like Pontius Pilate, we also wash our hands when we want (unconsciously) to get rid of doubts about the correctness of the decision made and ease our conscience. This effect is known in psychology as the «Lady Macbeth effect». About 200 more such phenomena are given in the book and their significance is explained.

Like Pontius Pilate and Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth, we also wash our hands when we want (unconsciously) to get rid of doubts about the correctness of the decision made and to ease our conscience. This effect is known in psychology as the «Lady Macbeth effect». About 200 such phenomena control us when we drive a car, buy groceries in a supermarket, take exams, listen to compliments — they are collected under one cover of this book. And I must say, knowing the reasons that allow us to unconsciously deceive ourselves, and others to manipulate us, significantly improves mood and self-esteem. It also helps to be condescending to one’s own and other people’s weaknesses and mistakes — after all, we are all a little «idiots». And for those who doubt this, the tests proposed in the book will help to make sure.

Phoenix, 352 p.

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