Schaeffer proposes to reject the thesis of human exclusivity and consider a person only as a biological object — about the same as elephants, moles, tigers and any mammals. And what so obviously distinguishes a person — a developed language, articulate speech, the ability to create, a complicated social life, and culture in general — is just a «product of the evolutionary process», which, for a combination of reasons, developed more successfully for people than for other animals. .
The French philosopher Jean-Marie Schaeffer expounds a new anthropological theory that has already entered the European scientific fashion. Schaeffer proposes to reject the thesis of human exclusivity and consider a person only as a biological object — about the same as elephants, moles, tigers and any mammals. And what so obviously distinguishes a person — a developed language, articulate speech, the ability to create, a complicated social life, and culture in general — is just a «product of the evolutionary process», which, for a combination of reasons, developed more successfully for people than for other animals. . The rejection of the thesis of exclusivity, Schaeffer argues, makes it possible to combine the natural and human sciences when studying a person and thus see a person as an integral being and not divide him into a “basis” (body) and a “superstructure” (soul). It is clear that the Schaeffer model is for atheists and positivists, but this is not even the problem: the idea of a person as a biological object does not explain anything to us about the anomalies and oddities in the behavior of this object, about his regular insane and completely suicidal actions, which completely refute everything evolutionary schemes according to which the goal of each species is to survive.
UFO, 392 p.