Jägermeister: 7 Cocktail Recipes + 12 Liqueur Facts

Jagermeister (Jägermeister) is a German digestif made from 56 different herbs and spices with a strength of 35%.

The liqueur has a deep dark color, herbal taste and aroma with hints of cinnamon, ginger and saffron.

It is known that the ingredients to create a drink are crushed, then immersed in water and alcohol for 2-3 days. This mixture is then filtered and stored in oak barrels for about a year. After 12 months, the liqueur is filtered again, then mixed with sugar, caramel and alcohol.

How to drink Jägermeister

  1. It is correct to drink Jägermeister clean and chilled to -18 degrees from 50 ml shots.

  2. Alternative option. Prepare shots of ice and pour liquor directly into them. An attractive and unconventional presentation motivates your guests to complete the shot again.

  3. Jägermeister also goes well in cocktails, the recipes of which you will find just below …

The company also recommends storing bottles of Jägermeister on ice if it is an event.

At home, it is recommended to store liquor in the freezer at -18 ° C.

Cocktail: Jägermeister Cut

  1. Twenty masters – 10 ml

  2. Bourbon – 10 ml

  3. Lemon peel – 1 pc.

В шот налейте ликер, а затем бурбон. Выдавите цедру лимона в шот и украсьте его по настроению.

Cocktail: Jägermeister Hunter’s Tea

  1. Twenty masters – 50 ml

  2. Lime juice – 20 ml

  3. Black tea – 50 ml

  4. Maple syrup – 15 ml

  5. Lemon peel – 1 pc.

  6. Ice cubes

Brew tea and let it cool. Pour the tea, Jägermeister, maple syrup and lemon juice into an iced rocks glass. Add ice and stir with a bar spoon. Garnish with a twist of lemon zest.

Коктейль: Jägermeister Naughty German

  1. Twenty masters – 35 ml

  2. Sugar syrup – 10 ml

  3. Blackcurrant liqueur – 10 ml

  4. Lemon juice – 15 ml

  5. Lemon peel – 1 pc.

  6. Ice cubes

Add all liquids and ice to shaker. Shake well. Pour through a strainer into a bowl. Garnish with a twist of lemon zest.

Cocktail: Jägermeister Mule

  1. Twenty masters – 50 ml

  2. Ginger beer – 120 ml

  3. Lime – 2 slices

  4. Ice cubes

Crush the lime wedges at the bottom of the highball. Add ice cubes, Jägermeister and ginger beer in that order. Stir with a bar spoon.

Cocktail: Jägermeister Purple Stag

  1. Twenty masters – 50 ml

  2. Tea – 25 ml

  3. Lemon juice – 25 ml

  4. Blackberry jam – 10 ml

  5. Fresh blackberries – 5-7 pcs.

  6. Powdered Sugar – 3 g

  7. Ice cubes

В шейкере раздавите и перемешайте свежую ежевику и джем. Добавьте лед и все остальные жидкости в шейкер. Хорошенько взболтайте и перелейте содержимое шейкера через стрейнер в бокал рокс со льдом. Украсьте свежей ежевикой и посыпкой из сахарной пудры.

Коктейль: Jägermeister Old Fashioned

  1. Twenty masters – 15 ml

  2. Maple syrup – 15 ml

  3. Rye whiskey – 45 ml

  4. Lemon or orange peel – 1 pc.

  5. Any bitter to taste, such as Angustura – 1-2 drops

  6. Ice cubes

Pour all the ingredients into a rocks glass over ice cubes and stir with a bar spoon. Garnish with lemon or orange zest.

Cocktail: Jägermeister Count Mast

  1. Twenty masters – 30 ml

  2. Сладкий красный вермут – 30 мл

  3. Gin – 30 ml

  4. Lemon peel – 1 pc.

  5. Ice cubes

Add Jägermeister, gin, sweet vermouth and ice to a mixing glass. Mix well with a bar spoon. Pour through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest on a skewer.

12 facts about Jägermeister liqueur

  1. For more than half a century, the Jägermeister recipe has not changed.

    Authentic originality is one of the main features of the alcohol brand.

  2. Like 80 years ago, it is still produced in Wolfenbüttel, Germany.

    Сегодня компания «переросла» старую фабрику по производству уксуса и теперь Егермейстер разливают на 3-х различных заводах.

  3. Wolfenbüttel became a tourist city thanks to Jägermeister

    With a population of only 50, Wolfenbüttel is visited by a large number of visitors precisely because of the fame of the liquor produced there. Tourists come to visit the factory and headquarters. Also in the city there is a hotel with the same name “Jägermeister”.

  4. It takes 1 year for Jägermeister liquor to “get” into the bottle

    This is a rather long and laborious process. Before bottling, Jägermeister is first filtered and bottled in oak barrels, in which it is left for exactly 1 year. After that, the liquor goes through 383 series of quality checks, including another round of filtration with sugar, caramel, alcohol and water.

  5. The Germans call it “liver glue”

    And although many now believe that Jägermeister is a popular shot in nightclubs, it was originally prescribed as a digestif. Many Germans still drink it after meals.

  6. Егермейстер лечит

    Как и большинство травяных ликеров, Егермейстер изначально использовали в медицине. Даже сегодня существуют те, кто уверяет, что он помогает при простуде.

  7. The liqueur does not contain the blood of deer or elk

    Contrary to some legends about Jägermeister, you will not find the blood of these noble horned animals in its composition.

  8. Форма бутылки наиболее прочная среди других форм

    Курт Маст совершенствовал всемирно известную зеленую бутылку путем разбивания большого количества бутылок разной формы об кухонный пол в своем доме. То есть, форма, которая существует сегодня, доказала свою надежность и прочность на практике.

  9. Unusual logo

    The idea for the logo is believed to have been inspired by a story about a couple of saints who converted to Christianity after having a vision of a crucifixion between deer antlers.

  10. Germans use liquor as insect bait

    Wasps and flies also adore Jägermeister.

  11. Liquor is often used in cooking

    Хотите верьте, хотите нет, но с помощью Егермейстера получается вкусный соус для куриных крылышек, маринад и даже брауни.

  12. Jägermeister is one of the most popular liquor brands in the world.

    Today, the liquor is sold in 80 countries, and 80% of all sales come from countries other than the country of origin. The largest market for the liquor is the United States, where sales have quadrupled over the past few years. The staff of the company is only 4 employees.

История ликера Егермейстер

1935 The recipe for Jägermeister liquor was invented in a vinegar factory by a man named Kurt Mast, who took 20 years for the factory to pass to him from his father.

It was after this momentous event that Kurt decided to focus more on the production of alcohol, which subsequently led to the creation of a drink with a worldwide reputation.

1919 Jägermeister gained international attention, in part through the work of Sidney Frank, who ran an American liquor import company.

Since the 1980s, he has promoted the drink in the youth and student market as a party drink, a niche that was radically different from the brand’s conservative position in the German market.

2012 Jägermeister launched pre-blended drinks labeled “raw” and “ginger lime”, but this innovation was not successful.

2015 Mast-Jägermeister acquired Sidney Frank Importing.

2019 – today: The company is growing, releasing new versions of the original recipe, experimenting with advertising and sponsoring various music events and nightlife in general.

Types of Jägermeister

  1. Jägermeister

    The original version of the liqueur, the recipe of which has not changed since its inception. Catalyst for epic parties.

  2. Jagermeister cool pack

    Отличается от оригинальной версии лишь своим необычным дизайном и четким предписанием к действию: заморозить ликер до -18 ° C!

  3. Jagermeister Manifesto

    A new craft flavor based on the original recipe, but lighter and more “feminine” in taste and color.

Relevance: 06.09.2019

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Brands of liqueurs

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