Izotek – how long does the treatment last? Side effects of using Izotek

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Izotek (isotretinoin) is a drug that is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A, indicated mainly in the case of severe forms of acne in patients who have failed standard treatments. The exact way in which isotretinoin works is not fully known. The use of Izotek causes that the sebaceous glands stop growing, shrink, and their activity is reduced. What are the main indications for the use of Isotec? What to watch out for during the treatment? We check how to care for the skin during and after the use of Izotek.

Izotek (isotretinoin) is a synthetic derivative of vitamin A with a very strong effect, used in the treatment of acne. It helps fight severe forms of skin problems and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands responsible for the formation of purulent lesions.

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In addition, Izotek helps to inhibit the action of bacteria responsible for acne, including Propionibacterium acnes. However, be careful, because there are a number of side effects that Izotek causes, so you need to be under the constant care of a dermatologist during the treatment.

Izotek – the composition of the drug

The main ingredient in Izotec is isotretinoin (10 or 20 mg). In addition, it contains auxiliary substances such as:

  1. refined soybean oil,
  2. yellow wax,
  3. hydrogenated soybean oil,
  4. partially hydrogenated soybean oil,
  5. gelatin,
  6. glycerol,
  7. titanium dioxide E 171,
  8. red iron oxide E 172,
  9. iron oxide yellow E 172

Izotek is available in the form of flexible capsules, available only on prescription, and the dose and frequency of use is decided by the doctor. The entire therapy lasts 16-24 weeks and must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

If treatment has not been achieved after this time, it may be restarted 8 weeks after its completion. Izotek should be taken with food, which increases the effectiveness of its action.

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Izotek – who is it for?

Izotek is a drug that is only given to people with severe acne. These types of acne are:

  1. nodular (cystic) acne – people with this type of acne have small, hard bumps on their skin and under the skin. Moreover, these nodules are painful and last for several months. The lumps contain purulent-bloody fluid and may look like boils. The lump has a red border. Over time, the amount of fluid found in the lump begins to increase.
  2. Focused acne – occurs primarily in men and is a type of acne vulgaris, but compared to it is much more severe. The patient develops skin changes, including aching purulent pustules and open or closed blackheads. Focused acne occurs mainly on the face, but is also seen on the back and chest.
  3. Keloic acne – usually occurs on the nape and skin of the occiput. The initial symptoms are inflammation of the hair follicles, incl. on the skin of the nape. Then inflammatory papules, pustules and itching develop. Later, the lumps harden and may appear as a white “crest”. The use of Izotek is one of the treatments. Another method of treatment is, for example, cryosurgery.

The preparations containing isotretinoin are also increasingly used by people with mild acne. Of course, much lower doses of the drug are administered to this group of patients. Nevertheless, in their case, acne treatment with isotretinoin should rather be a last resort in a situation where the previously used methods of treatment did not give satisfactory results.

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Izotek – dosage

Izotek is a drug prescribed only by specialists who know how to use systemic retinoids and are aware of the risks associated with taking the drug when treating severe acne cases. The prescribing physician must also be experienced in treating patients taking Izotek in order to know how to monitor the patient during treatment.

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Izotek is taken orally – the drug should be taken once or twice a day with food. In the first stage of treatment, it is recommended that the patient receive 0,5 mg / kg body weight daily. However, the doctor always adjusts the dose to the patient. In some cases, it may be from 1 mg / kg body weight per day. The occurrence of side effects depends both on the dose of the drug the patient is taking and his general health conditions.

Patients with severe renal insufficiency receive lower doses of the drug – in their case it is recommended to start the treatment with, for example, 10 mg of the drug per day. The dose can then be increased to 1 mg / kg body weight daily. When a patient is severely intolerant to the recommended dose of Izotek, a lower dose may be used. However, in this case, the side effect may be longer treatment duration and relapse of the disease.

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Izotek – contraindications

Due to the strong action of the drug, it is not intended for everyone. The greatest danger is the high concentration of active substances that can harm, among others, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Izotek is a prescription drug, therefore the doctor should conduct a detailed interview with the patient before starting the treatment. Contraindication to the use of the drug is allergy or hypersensitivity to isotretinoin and:

  1. liver failure
  2. excess vitamin A in the body,
  3. increased amount of lipids in the blood,
  4. taking antibiotics,
  5. taking preparations with vitamin A,

In order for the taking of the drug to have no side effects, the patient should inform the doctor about the medications, herbal preparations and dietary supplements used during the medical interview.

What’s more, he should also inform him about mental problems, e.g. depression, suicide attempts or thoughts and health disorders, e.g. asthma, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, problems with the skeletal system, eating disorders, problems with the digestive system, menstrual disorders) .


Izotek 10 mg and 20 mg cannot be given to children under 12 years of age and before puberty.

Izotek – side effects

Izotek is a potent drug, so possible side effects are likely. The most common are:

  1. dry lips
  2. dry mouth
  3. dry eyes
  4. dry nose and nosebleed
  5. headaches,
  6. dizziness,
  7. increased sleepiness,
  8. deterioration of the skin condition (usually temporary).

Skin changes, such as itching or rash, can also be a side effect of taking the drug. Sometimes, although this is a rare side effect, patients taking the drug have mood disorders, and even depression or suicidal thoughts. For these reasons, it is extremely important to take only the dose prescribed by your doctor and only increase it after consultation.

Side effects of using Izotek can also be severe allergic reactions. Hair loss, as well as excessively rapid hair growth, breathing problems caused by chest shortness of breath, fainting and general weakness have been reported among patients taking the drug.

In addition, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting also occurred. If you are taking the drug and have noticed these symptoms, please see your doctor to find out what causes them. Treatment with Izotek may lead to deterioration of night vision. For this reason, driving or operating machinery is not recommended.

Preparations containing isotretinoin, such as, for example, Izotek, in some cases can harm people who take them. In order for the treatment with the use of the drug to be safe, the patient must first take part in the appropriate tests and repeat it every 2-3 months during the therapy. If the dose of the drug is adjusted to the patient’s condition, then side effects should not appear, but the body’s reaction cannot be fully predicted.

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The preparation containing isotretinoin is metabolized by the liver. Therefore, patients with chronic liver disease, taking many other medications and abusing alcohol should not take these drugs. In his case, the treatment may result in damage to the liver cell – the patient’s liver will not be able to metabolize the drug.

Izotek 10 mg and 20 mg must not be taken during pregnancy. The use of isotretinoin may lead to a miscarriage or cause serious fetal malformations, including central nervous damage, cleft palate, ear and eye defects.

The active substance of Izotek should not be taken also during breastfeeding, because it passes into the milk and may be harmful to the baby.

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Side effects of Izotec

If the drug causes you: a severe allergic reaction, unusual hair growth, bleeding or swelling of the gums, dark urine, shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, severe weakness and fainting, convulsions, depressive states, visual disturbances, disturbing gastrointestinal symptoms, including pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or other signs – go to the emergency room or make an appointment with a doctor, unless your condition is serious and does not require immediate attention.

Worth knowing

In order to be safe, follow the dosage recommendations, use effective contraception, consult your doctor, do not donate blood during and for a month after treatment, and avoid sun and sunbathing in a solarium, because Izotek may increase your tendency to burns. .

The use of Izotek, as well as other drugs containing isotretinoin, does not give the patient 100% certainty that the acne will be cured. What’s more, there is still no single method of treating this ailment that would guarantee full success.

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Nevertheless, many patients using the preparations achieve satisfactory results, provided that they follow a healthy diet and do not have hormonal disorders.

During the treatment with Izotek, the skin may be dry, sensitive and red. For this reason, it is best to choose cosmetics with a moisturizing effect for care. Face cleansing products should be gentle.

It is worth reaching for cosmetics with ceramides that regenerate and soothe the skin. Sun protection is very important during the treatment with Izotek. For this reason, you should reach for creams with a high SPF.

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Izotek should be kept out of the sight and reach of children, preferably in the original packaging, away from light sources. After the expiry date, the tablets should not be taken.

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