Izatizon for bees: instructions

Izatizon helps fight bee diseases. Bees provide people with the most valuable components for health and nutrition – honey, propolis, royal jelly. But the winged workers themselves sometimes need medical help or prevention. Isatizon is one of those drugs that beekeepers buy to improve the health of their pets.

Application in beekeeping

Izatizon has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antibacterial action. This medicine can be called universal. It protects insects from viruses, fungi and bacteria. Has no unwanted side effects. The remedy is effective for tick-borne varroatosis, viral paralysis, ascopherosis and other fungal diseases.

These positive characteristics (value for money, quality and versatility of use) make Izatizon one of the most preferred preparations for practicing beekeepers.

Composition, form of release

A yellow liquid with a bitter aftertaste, resembling sunflower oil in appearance. The composition contains N-methyl, dimethyl sulfoxide, polyethylene glycol-400, isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone.

Isatizon can also be used to treat people. For this purpose, pharmaceutical companies produce medicine in aerosol cans for local inhalation. In some cases, pharmacists produce candles with isatizon to order.

Izatizon for bees: instructions

Pharmacological properties

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • to eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • as an immune system stimulant;
  • to destroy viruses;
  • for preventive purposes to prevent the occurrence of tumor diseases;
  • to combat pathogens of ascospherosis, ticks.

The drug blocks the reproduction of pathogenic microbes and viruses, penetrating through the body’s natural biological barriers. Along the way, it has an antihistamine effect.

Instructions for use

Isatisone is easy to use – just add this medicine to the feed or treat the honeycombs in the hive with it. How to use the medicine: dissolve it in warm water, observing the proportion of 1:50, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray the frames, taking them out of the hive one by one. This is necessary for maximum irrigation area. If you use Isatizon as a prophylactic, then you need to dilute in a ratio of 1:100.

The drug is suitable not only for the treatment of bees, but also for other farm animals and birds. Modern pharmacology produces the drug in aerosol cans. Before using the product, you must study the information on the package.

Dosage, application rules

For medicinal purposes, an aqueous solution is used in a ratio of 1:50, honeycombs are sprayed or the composition is added to the feeder from which the bees eat.

For preventive purposes, the aqueous solution is diluted in a ratio of 1:100, the comb is sprayed with the composition or added to the bee feeder.

Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, manufacturers recommend using Izatizon only in the warm season. Hives should not stand in a heavily ventilated place, it is recommended to enclose them.

The tool has no contraindications and can be used to treat any farm animals. Therefore, the drug has gained popularity among livestock breeders and enjoys their confidence. To avoid an overdose, it is necessary to follow the requirements of the instructions and dilute the composition in the right proportion.

Shelf life and storage conditions

It is necessary to store the medicine in a dark place. Shelf life 5 years.


Isatizon is a broad-spectrum drug. Helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases of bees, is effective if the dosage and rules of use are observed.


Ivan Mikhailovich, 56 years old, Kostroma
We keep the apiary for a long time, once every two years we spray the hives with this remedy for prevention. There were no health problems or disease outbreaks in the bees. There is a common stocked pond with neighbors, we use Izatizon there for prevention, so that the fish do not get sick. Good product, cheap and cheerful.
Olga Stanislavovna, 38 years old, Bryansk
My father used the medicine Izatison to treat bees when there was a fungal outbreak in the hive. I didn’t have to dilute the drops, we found a ready-made aerosol for bees on sale, which is very convenient. The spray did a great job, so I recommend to buy. The price is good and the result is noticeable.
Diseases of bees and their signs – all beekeepers need to know

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