Izanami Martínez: «We cannot choose what gives us pleasure, but we can choose where to find it»

Izanami Martínez: «We cannot choose what gives us pleasure, but we can choose where to find it»


The author of “Vivir Notox” gives the keys to leave behind everything toxic that surrounds us and start eating and thinking in a healthier way

Izanami Martínez: «We cannot choose what gives us pleasure, but we can choose where to find it»

Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to realize that you have to change direction. A series of habits and disappointments led Izanami Martínez, an anthropologist and daughter of the first yoga teachers, to leave behind a “brief but intense ‘affair’ with processed foods, sugar and anxiety”, and start a process ” Notox ”in which she started on restrictive diets, reset the toxic relationship she had with herself and stopped tripping to give way to the maximum expression of her potential.

This is how «Live Notox», The first book by Izanami Martínez, a step-by-step guide to get rid of thoughts, feelings and toxic foods that prevent us from developing. It is in this book where the author tries to raise awareness through her experience that many times pleasure, fear and power hurt us: «My studies in anthropology gave me a deep understanding of the evolution of our species and I was certain that habits can transform our lives, “he explains.

According to Izanami Martínez, «our natural state is to be healthy, vital and happy. “We have all the necessary physiological tools, but the way we eat, think and move is toxic and counterproductive. Only when we withdraw those habits one by one and replace them with ‘Notox’ habits, do we give ourselves the opportunity to return to the state that corresponds to us, ”he says.

How do you define ‘Notox’?

Living ‘Notox’ is living by deactivating survival mode, the one that chronifies our culture and prevents us from developing the potential to create the most unique and extraordinary version of our life. Because it is precisely the evolutionary tools that have brought us here that are now tripping us and thus, by stumbling, we cannot take advantage of the incredible capacity that makes us human: create our reality.

And how would you define ‘tox’?

Living ‘tox’ is living limited by cultural beliefs that chronify survival mode. It would be to seek happiness in perfection and gagging and deforming oneself in molds that cancel out who we are and that are the cause of that pain that we try to anesthetize with pleasure.

What makes this method different from all the others?

It is based on anthropology and the latest discoveries in neuroscience to identify the origin of pain and gradually apply practical strategies that will allow us to gradually deactivate it in order to access our full power and begin to develop our potential. The only toxic relationship we have is with ourselves, all the others are a reflection, and we have to stop, once and for all, living in a chronic survival mode, transcend the evolutionary and the animal and reconnect with all our power. .

Are we really born to be healthy and happy? What is wrong with our head?

We bring as standard strategies perfected over hundreds of thousands of years to not only survive, but also to enjoy creating our own lives. And it is this new culture that we have created that is failing. This culture, sometimes very toxic, is putting many of these evolutionary mechanisms against us and giving rise to such common ills as being overweight, anxiety, depression, stress or diseases such as cardiovascular diseases.

He says that “we cannot choose what gives us pleasure but we can choose where to find it.” What do you mean?

It is with pleasure that our brain rewards us every time we adopt any of the behaviors that are prerecorded as productive. Most of the things that give us pleasure have an evolutionary reason. The toxic relationship I had with food, tobacco and with my body was not the problem: how using pleasure was nothing more than a symptom of how broken I was inside and that is why you have to understand how pleasure is written on it. body and how it affects our biology.

Can we put a stop to this society in which we live in immediacy?

We have the neurological power to create our reality. Our brain does not distinguish between what we think and what happens outside because absolutely everything processes it as thoughts. We have the extraordinary ability to decide how we tell our lives and what chemical impact we create on our body. Once we remember how to use it, our ability to create resets and transforms our lives.

It is a diet book, but not only about food, but it also talks about thoughts, feelings, habits … Do we have to reset ourselves to live healthier and happier?

Living Notox goes much further than not eating toxic things, what we eat is only a small fraction of what we are and in almost all cases the best escape route to try to anesthetize what happens to us. For this reason, any approach to well-being that works only from food is condemned to, sooner or later, produce a rebound effect.

He went from acting according to what those around him told him to doing what really identified him. What is there to change in oneself to rule only by what makes us happy and not what it is supposed to do to us?

From a young age, society tries to instill in us that we must be happy, not complain and achieve perfectionism, but when you enter the molds that they demand and you realize that they do not go with you, that is when you start to do what you really like and like. identifies. This is where you ask yourself ‘What am I doing?’, You compensate for the fear you have of not being accepted and you start to care what others say. We are here to create our reality, not to exert ourselves or revive corpses.

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