IVF from the first time
What are the chances of success – pregnancy and childbirth – after the first attempt at artificial insemination? Exploring this exciting question

In vitro fertilization has enabled many women to become pregnant and give birth (1). But, unfortunately, the first IVF attempt is not always successful. We understand why the long-awaited result may not come and how to increase the chances of success.

Reasons for failure

There are many reasons for failed IVF attempts. Let’s talk about the main ones.

  1. Age. Unfortunately, the probability of pregnancy in women after 40 years is much lower, even with excellent health. And not only with IVF, but also with natural conception. This is because the number and quality of eggs decline over the years (2).
  2. Excessive reaction of the ovaries to the introduction of hormonal drugs. This step is necessary at the stage of ovulation stimulation, but is not always well tolerated by the body.
  3. Pathology of the genital organs. In some cases, pregnancy is simply not possible.
  4. Unhealthy Lifestyle. It has long been known that smoking, alcohol, other addictions and bad habits are the enemies of pregnancy and the bearing of a healthy child.

Other reasons include:

  • violation of spermatogenesis;
  • genetic disorders;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Since there are quite a few reasons for an unsuccessful IVF attempt, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and properly prepare for the procedure.

Statistics: chances of success

The chances of success with the first IVF 一 are approximately 50%. After the second attempt, they increase by 8%, but after the fifth failure they decrease to 15%. On average, the results depend on the age of the woman (3):

  • under 36 years old – up to 50%;
  • 37-39 years 一 35%;
  • 40 years old – up to 20%;
  • 42-44 years old 10% lower.

How to increase the effectiveness of the program

You can increase your chances of success. To do this, you must follow some rules.

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol and smoking have a very negative effect on reproductive abilities. Sport, on the other hand, has a very positive effect.
  2. Don’t drink too much coffee. It is recommended to limit yourself to two cups a day. Moreover, the drink should not be strong.
  3. Eat right. Food should be balanced, rich in vitamins. It is better to refuse diets.
  4. Do not take medicines without consulting your doctor. Also, do not use drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy.

The simplest but most important advice is to protect yourself from negative emotions and stress. Believe in a successful result, because a successful IVF from the first time also depends on a positive attitude!

Popular questions and answers

Which of the specialists determines a positive result in the IVF program?

First of all, from your doctor. His knowledge, experience and willingness to help. Next, the embryologist. All stages depend on this person: fertilization, cryopreservation, PGD and hatching. A “handy” embryologist is worth its weight in gold.

It is also important to equip the department in which the IVF program is carried out:

– drugs used in stimulation must be of high quality;

— Colleagues of a different specialization (anesthesiologist-resuscitator, operating gynecologist, urologist, oncologist, therapist) should be nearby, who will promptly be able to support and provide assistance;

– the embryological laboratory should be equipped with proven and modern equipment.

And, of course, success depends on the patient. Responsible implementation of all the recommendations of the doctor and the psychological attitude of the couple. In most cases, 50% depends on the specialist and 50% on the patient.

When can you try again?

It is recommended to try again no earlier than in 2-3 months. In this case, it is necessary to find out the causes of failure and eliminate them.

Sources of

  1. Eco in the treatment of infertility. Management of pregnancy and childbirth / Savelyeva G. M., Kurtser M. A., Krasnopolskaya K. V., Eroyan L. Kh. // 2003
  2. Assessment of the influence of clinical factors on the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization programs / Likhacheva V.V., Markdorf A.G., Bazhenova L.G., Vlasenko A.E., Shramko S.V. // 2018
  3. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of assisted reproductive technology programs in women of older reproductive age with low ovarian reserve / Kolesnikova I.O., Sulima A.N., Rybalka A.N., Litvinov V.V., Latyshev O.S. // 2018

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