IVF for women
IVF is an important stage in the life of a married couple, a step towards the birth of a long-awaited child. The success of the procedure largely depends on the quality of preparation for the process.

IVF in the natural cycle

IVF in the natural cycle
This option of artificial insemination is closest to the usual physiological processes occurring in the body of a woman. This procedure does not use hormonal drugs, the egg in the ovary matures on its own

IVF preparation for women

The duration of training largely depends on the health status of the partners. (1) If a woman has gynecological diseases such as fibroids or endometriosis, it may take time to treat them.

IVF will also have to be postponed if the partner has poor sperm counts or one of the partners has hypovitaminosis.

A few months before the protocol, partners need to give up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits. At this time, future parents are prescribed a course of vitamin complexes.

The next stage is consultations with medical specialists. For women, this is a gynecologist, endocrinologist and mammologist. Men need to consult an andrologist.

Before proceeding with the implementation of the IVF protocol, it is necessary to pass the following tests:

  • examination of the fallopian tubes for patency using hysterosalpingography, ultrasonic hysteroalpingography or laparoscopy;
  • analysis of the blood group and its Rh factor;
  • clinical blood test;
  • hemostasiogram (coagulogram);
  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C;
  • blood test for hormones: FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin, testosterone, TSH, free T4, DHEA, AMH (on the 2nd-3rd day of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone on the 21st day of the cycle;
  • blood tests TORCH (IgM, IgG to toxoplasma, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus);
  • a smear on the flora from the cervical canal and the degree of purity of the vagina;
  • cytological examination of scrapings from the cervix;
  • swabs for infections: chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, herpes, genital ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas;
  • conclusion of the therapist about the state of health and the possibility of carrying a pregnancy;
  • fluorography or x-ray of the lungs;
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands in patients under 35 years of age, after 35 years of mammography;
  • the conclusion of a mammologist about the possibility of ovarian stimulation.

How IVF is done for women

After receiving satisfactory test results, the doctor proceeds to the next stage – the choice of IVF protocol. There are several. Each is selected individually, depending on the cause of infertility and the patient’s ovarian reserve, information about the medical history.

Each IVF protocol consists of standard procedures:

  • ovarian stimulation;
  • follicle puncture to obtain eggs;
  • egg fertilization and embryo cultivation;
  • transfer of the embryo into the uterine cavity;
  • hormonal support;
  • analysis for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin).

Surely you know that an increase in the level of hCG indicates the onset of pregnancy. In pregnant women, its rates double every 48 hours. If the result of the procedure is unsuccessful, the result of the analysis will show from 0 to 5 mU / ml.

The consequences of IVF for women

In vitro fertilization is a complex procedure that comes with certain risks for the female body.(2) These should always be kept in mind. These include:

  • side effects of hormone therapy;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • multiple pregnancy.

At the preparation stage, a large number of hormones are introduced into the body. This may cause the following side effects:

  • noise in ears;
  • bleeding similar to menstruation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lethargy, depression;
  • decreased appetite;
  • reduction or, conversely, weight gain.

During the period of ovarian stimulation, the growth of follicles occurs, in which the eggs mature. “Strong” hormonal preparations are used. Their use can also lead to the following consequences:

  • ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
  • blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus;
  • bloating and pain in the abdomen;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdomen or chest;
  • indigestion.

Hyperstimulation syndrome develops with excessive exposure to the ovaries and the use of high doses of hormones. The stimulation process is out of control. In this case, blood can thicken, and fluid can accumulate in the chest and abdominal cavity, increasing the risk of developing thromboembolism and other serious complications.

Popular questions and answers

The IVF procedure appeared relatively recently, a little over 40 years ago. And there are still many questions related to it. With the gynecologist Svetlana Murashko, we will answer the most common ones.

Does IVF lead to cancer in women?

The common myth that IVF can lead to cancer is not scientifically proven. Most doctors do not see a direct link between this procedure and the development of cancer. Most likely, late pregnancy and a predisposition to oncological diseases play a greater role. Once again, scientific studies and analyzes have not found a direct link between IVF and cancer in women.

Is IVF allowed for single women?

Yes. In this case, donor sperm is used. Moreover, IVF for single women can be done through the CHI program. And there are legal grounds for this – Article 55 of the Federal Law of the Federation on Health Protection defines the rights of single women for such a procedure. Also, a woman should have no contraindications to IVF and a confirmed diagnosis of “infertility” should be indicated.

At what age can IVF be done?

The older a woman is, the fewer eggs she has left. Their number is laid even in the prenatal period. With the onset of the menstrual cycle, every month a woman matures several eggs, and the supply is used up. The number of laid eggs in the ovary is a hereditary factor. By the age of 35, their number begins to decrease, by the age of 40 it decreases significantly, and after 40-45 years they may no longer exist at all. However, some women may experience early ovarian failure and ovarian reserve is minimal as early as 35 years of age. For others, on the contrary, late exhaustion is possible, only at the age of 50.

Why do multiple pregnancies often occur after IVF?

A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy in which two or more embryos develop in the uterine cavity. With IVF, this situation occurs quite often and is considered a complication of procedures, since multiple pregnancies are a risk to the health of the expectant mother and children.

With natural conception, the frequency of twins is not more than 1-1,5%, triplets are about 0,01%, quadruples – not more than 0%. After IVF, the total frequency of all multiple pregnancies reaches 005%.

The process of implantation of the embryo into the uterus does not always go smoothly. If only one is planted, the chance of pregnancy is too low. Therefore, there are certain rules:

• women under 35 are transplanted with 2 embryos;

• 35 embryos are transplanted to women over 3 years of age.

In this case, everyone can take root and, as a result, multiple pregnancy occurs. Another option is the division of the embryo into 2 or more embryos. This is possible due to the appointment of hormone therapy. Normally, only one follicle with eggs matures in the ovaries, and there may be several of them during the administration of drugs. Accordingly, the likelihood of multiple pregnancy increases.

Is the health of children born through IVF different from children conceived “naturally”?

If the embryo takes root, then the further course of pregnancy differs little from the “usual” one. (3) But the woman is subject to more careful medical supervision. Since the risks of miscarriage, multiple pregnancy, premature birth and pathologies of the placenta are high. Otherwise, the growth of the baby, its development, health completely coincides with those of a child conceived naturally.

Expert Commentary

Psychological preparation is also important.

– IVF is a complex, multi-stage procedure that requires both physical and moral preparation, – notes reproductive medicine doctor, Svetlana Murashko. – At the appointment, the doctor will definitely tell you in detail how to properly prepare for IVF. First of all, you need to give up bad habits. It is important to distribute physical activity and monitor your diet. A few months before the procedure, both partners should start taking multivitamins.

Psychological preparation is very important. It is necessary to prepare for a long multi-stage procedure, as well as for a possible negative outcome.

Before entering into the protocol, both spouses must pass tests that confirm the health of partners. After that, the reproductive specialist will select an individual scheme.

Sources of

  1. Likhacheva V.V., Markdorf A.G., Bazhenova L.G., Vlasenko A.E., Shramko S.V., Evaluation of the influence of clinical factors on the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization programs / 2018
  2. Vyalikova Yu. V., Alieva A. Ya., Naiko Yu. V., Shintaev T. K., Features of pregnancy and childbirth in patients after in vitro fertilization / 2015
  3. Novikova N. O., Ippolitova L. I., Features of the early neonatal period in children after in vitro fertilization / 2013

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