Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the “miracle drink”, how to brew it?
Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the “miracle drink”, how to brew it?

Tea from a samovar was the main drink of our ancestors, but it has nothing to do with tea leaves, familiar to modern man, because in Rus’ there was no tea from India or China. All over the country they drank only the original Russian drink, the basis of which is flowers and leaves of fireweed. This plant is better known as Ivan-chai.

In Rus’, they loved tea and knew how to brew it, preparations were made in the warm season. Our great-grandmothers insisted on the drink so as not only to enjoy it, but also to get the maximum benefit. In addition to fireweed, currant, raspberry, strawberry leaves, linden blossom and more could be found in the samovar.

About Ivan tea plant

Blooming Sally (Koporsky tea) – a drink that is very pleasant in taste and color, which has a powerful healing effect!

Even in Rus’, Ivan-tea infusion was used as a drink and a cure for various ailments. This inconspicuous-looking grass in terms of therapeutic effect and healing properties, given the unique chemical content, it surpasses even sea kale many times over.

Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the miracle drink, how to brew it?
This is how the leaves and flowers of Ivan-tea look like

Ivan Chai is a perennial plant that produces abundant color. In height, it can reach one and a half meters. The inflorescences look like brushes, they are represented by small flowers of various colors: pink, white, red and purple. The root system is well developed. Ivan-tea blooms from May until the end of summer.

Seeds ripen in August. Together with fluff, they fly out of the box and spread over several kilometers. If at this time you pass by the thickets of Ivan-chai, you might think that a lot of feather-beds have been torn over the field.

One plant can produce up to 20 seeds. They are extremely volatile. A seed that has fallen into the soil can remain in it for several years, waiting for suitable conditions for germination.

Europe very quickly appreciated the merits of this tea for its unique content. It has 3,5 times more vitamin C than lemon. In 100 g of leaves, its content reaches 200-400 mg. Ivan tea is rich in B vitamins, which remain in it even after brewing.

In addition, there are tannins – up to 20 percent, a large amount of flavonoids, mucus and pectins. Therefore, it is also a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. According to these characteristics, it surpasses many medicinal herbs. Therefore, this product was exported from Russia (before the revolution of 1917) to Europe in huge quantities.

What is Koporye tea?

It is made from vegetable raw materials – fireweed leaves. This happens by analogy with obtaining black tea from green tea. Preparation of delicious and healthy tea begins with fermentation – 24-48 hours. The smell, color and taste of the product that will be obtained as a result of all manipulations depend on the time the fermentation starts and the operating temperature. The color of tea becomes different – green, yellow or completely dark. The black mixture has no competitors on the tea market! More details about fermentation will be discussed below.

History of Russian tea. Why did Ivan tea get such a name?

Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the miracle drink, how to brew it?

Key source: “On the counterfeiting and admixture of teas and deceptions in the tea trade” S. 212-222. Readings at the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University. Book. 3. July-September. M.: 1860.

Ivan tea is a plant with a long history. The first information about him is found in ancient Russian manuscripts. It turns out that people drank it during the construction of Moscow.

The plant is mentioned in the description of the events of 1241, when Prince Alexander Nevsky fought with the German crusaders in the city of Koporye, near Veliky Novgorod. Its inhabitants not only brewed and drank Ivan tea, but also prepared a powder based on it, which they sprinkled on wounds. The drink itself was already considered healing in those days, so it was offered to soldiers after battles.

Subsequently, it was Koporye that became the main supplier of Ivan tea for the whole country. It happened in the XIII century. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the second name of the drink – “Koporsky tea”.

Why did “Russian tea” lose its popularity?

Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the miracle drink, how to brew it?

In the XNUMXth century, licenses for the supply of Ivan tea to England were issued by Alexander I himself. Although in those days Great Britain had its own East India Company engaged in the sale and production of Asian tea the British preferred the Russian “Koporsky” drink to him. There was an opinion that it was he who gives a person strength and protects against various diseases. Therefore, England bought it in Russia in tons.

Ivan-tea fell in love not only with the inhabitants of Great Britain, they drank it all over the world. And every year the drink gained more and more popularity. This continued until Koporye tea began to seriously compete with the East India Company. When its owners realized that the market was occupied by Russian tea, active actions began to be taken.

Accusations were made that the quality of Ivan tea is extremely low. The news was artificially inflated that white clay was mixed into dry raw materials, which is harmful to health. Although the true reason for such “news” was reduced to the usual market competition. As a result, the East India Company got its way: sales of Ivan Tea in England fell.

With all their maneuvers, the British magnates pursued a single goal – to reshape the global sales market, liquidate companies, deprive them of their competitive ability and increase their own turnover.

The purchase of tea in Russia ceased completely in 1917, when England entered the Atlanta military bloc, and the revolution ended in our country. Moreover, at that turbulent time, Ivan-tea ceased not only to be exported, but also sold to its own citizens. Its production was completely stopped, and Koporye was ruined.

Therefore, it is not surprising that now few people know that until 1916 every inhabitant of Russia drank not ordinary black tea, but Ivan-tea every day. However, the glory of this healing drink was completely crossed out and given to oblivion in troubled revolutionary times.

Continuation of the story, and the appearance of “tea dust”

When the real threat of the Second World War arose before the USSR, the country’s leadership began to realize that the study and practical application of the beneficial properties of Ivan tea is a real opportunity to improve the health of the country’s population. Therefore, in those years, it was decided to open a research base in Koporye.

By order of Beria, Ivan-tea was again produced in the town, from where it was supplied to pharmacies and medical institutions of the country. German intelligence reported this to its leadership as soon as possible. It was found out that it is on the basis of this plant that medicines are prepared in Russia to improve the health of soldiers. As soon as the opportunity arose, the German troops dealt a powerful blow to the laboratory in Koporye. It happened in the summer of 1941, and a little later, breaking through to Leningrad, the Nazis took the Koporsky fortress. Having occupied this reliable shelter, the Nazi troops began to expect an order to continue the defense of Leningrad. However, the commander of the “North” group, Field Marshal Fon Lei, gave an instruction that surprised them – to go to Koporye and destroy the object, which at that time functioned under the name “river of life”.

About what exactly was hidden under this phrase, it was found out only recently. It turned out that it was a biochemical laboratory that was engaged in the creation of a drink based on Ivan-tea. It studied old recipes, and has already been practically developed a tool that can increase the stamina of the Red Army soldiers.

To call in Koporye, the Nazis made an impressive detour. When the laboratory was found, it was razed to the ground, all the documentation was completely burned, and the employees of the enterprise were shot.

This fact is mentioned by the historian Alexander Seregin. He writes: “Enemy troops during the Second World War demolished Koporye with their tanks, trampled the fields of Ivan-chai with caterpillars, destroyed all the laboratories, destroyed the scientists who studied this plant.”

To eliminate production in Koporye, German troops even put the Barbarossa plan in jeopardy. A. Seregin writes: “In terms of benefits, Ivan-chai surpassed all known forms of food. It contains amazing substances that are similar in effect to alkaloids, but they do not intoxicate, but cheer up and clarify the mind.

Studying history, one comes to understand why Ivan-chai was deleted from the life of Russians, why its second name “Koporsky tea” is forgotten. A healthy drink with healing properties was replaced by an Asian tea that excites the mind and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Many Russians do not even suspect what they are brewing in their cups. Tea bag fillers are dust, which is also sold in the form of granules. Flavorings and dyes are added to this dust to improve the taste and aroma. Another little-known fact is that the infusion of black tea leaves is simply dangerous to health. Even in the most expensive premium class tea, purines and phenols are formed, which lead to metabolic disorders, causing glaucoma, gout, and high blood pressure in people.

Useful properties of Ivan tea

Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the miracle drink, how to brew it?

The taste of Ivan-tea is distinguished by pleasant and fragrant features, tones the body, invigorates and adds vitality. It has a healing effect on the entire body as a whole. In the heat, there is no better way to quench your thirst, regardless of the temperature of the drink. The main thing that makes this drink the most popular, especially for people leading a healthy lifestyle, is that it differs in composition from various caffeinated drinks and black tea.

It, unlike ordinary black tea, does not contain such negative elements as oxalic acid, purine bases and caffeine.

Chemical composition

The composition is represented by fresh leaves of willow-tea.

Calories 103 KKal

  • Fats:

    2,8 g

  • Proteins:

    4,7 g

  • Carbohydrates:

    8,6 g

  • Water:

    71 g

  • Ash:

    2,3 g

  • Cellulose:

    10,6 g




Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

56-225 mg


Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

0,63 mg


Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

112 mcg


Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

1,36 mg


Vitamin B3 (PP, nicotinic acid)

4,67 mg


Vitamin A (retinol)

180 mcg


Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

0,14 mg


Minerals (in 100 g):




6704 mcg



429 mg



156 mg



320 mcg



2,66 mg



494 mg



108 mg


Other important compounds per 100 g:

  • Tannin compounds — 6,12-10,1 mg

  • anthocyanin — 1,01-1,81 mg

  • Lignin — 8,67-13,8 mg

  • Chlorophyll a — 5,11-8,02 mg/l

  • Chlorophyll b — 9,34-13,56 mg/l

  • Flavonoids. Especially a lot of quercetin and kaempferol.

  • Phytosterols

  • Coumarins

  • organic acids

What else is useful Ivan tea?

  • Assists in the normalization of digestion and metabolism, improves all types of metabolic processes, especially lipid and carbohydrate;

  • It has a powerful antiphlogistic and antiseptic properties, and is effective as a curative and prophylactic drug in the general treatment of infections and inflammations. In this matter, the leaves and flowers of this herb are far superior to such powerful natural antiseptics familiar to everyone as willow bark, oak bark and bear ears. Such a specific effect of the plant is associated with the content of flavonoids, tannins, carotenoids, vitamin C, organic acids, triterpenoids, microelements in it;

  • Prolongs the active life of the male body, maintaining and improving the function of the “second heart” – the prostate gland. In addition, the state of men’s health in general is significantly improved: it increases potency, normalizes erectile function. No wonder Ivan-tea is called the “male” grass;

  • It has a mild diuretic effect, normalizes water and electrolyte balance, while lowering blood pressure;

  • Thanks to the magnesium, vitamins of group B, flavonoids that are part of fireweed, it is an effective non-synthetic hypnotic and sedative, normalizes the psycho-emotional state (reduces nervousness, excitability, relieves headaches, normalizes night rest);

  • Since Ivan-tea contains tannins, mucus, pectins, etc., it is able to improve and restore the activity of the digestive system, eliminating constipation, heartburn, and dysbacteriosis. This is achieved due to the enveloping, anti-inflammatory and reparative action;

  • Due to the presence of organic acids in Koporye tea, together with magnesium and flavonoids, a choleretic effect is manifested;

  • Acts on viruses and resists allergies;

  • The reparative (that is, wound-healing) effect is achieved due to the presence in the content of the grass of such elements as chlorophyll, tanning mixtures, carotenoids, which accelerate the granulation and epithelialization of lesions on the skin;

  • The gradual analgesic effect of Ivan-tea occurs due to the alkaloids, mucus, flavonoids, and magnesium present in the flowers and leaves;

  • It has lactation qualities, prolonging breastfeeding and thereby improving the health of babies;

  • Flavonoids and pectins of Ivan-tea leaves are natural adsorbents and cleanse the body of toxic elements;

  • Endocrine organs work smoothly and more efficiently;

  • The herb has especially gained success as an antitumor agent due to the antioxidant action of hangrol and other antioxidants – carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, copper, organic acids, manganese, vitamin C, magnesium. During scientific research, it was found that narrow-leaved fireweed contains low-toxic and high-molecular substances that show “interest” in relation to cancer cells;

  • Slows down early skin aging, making it supple and elastic. All this thanks to substances that stimulate the natural processes of collagen synthesis (phytosterols, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids, organic acids and copper).

Ivan tea for men

Of course, the healing properties of the plant help everyone – men, women, children, but, having the ability to cure prostatitis and prostate adenoma, Ivan tea has earned unconditional trust from men.

Ivan tea for women

This is an unsurpassed remedy for the treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases of the genitourinary system in women.

The healing properties of Ivan tea

Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the miracle drink, how to brew it?

With constant use, Koporye tea is used in the general and preventive treatment of the following diseases:

  • Anemia (anemia);

  • Gastritis, ulcerative formations in the duodenal bulb and stomach, enterocolitis, colitis, disorders in the biliary system, pancreatitis;

  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system in men (prostate adenoma or prostatitis);

  • Infertility, regardless of gender;

  • Too high blood pressure of various origins;

  • Urolithiasis, including foci of inflammation in the bladder and kidneys;

  • Changes in the respiratory system and ENT organs: tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. Thus, the positive effect of the use of infusions and decoctions is due to such qualities of fireweed as expectorant, anti-inflammatory, reducing fever;

  • Pathology of the spleen;

  • Dermatology;

  • Herpes;

  • Metabolic and inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Drinking Koporye tea is also recommended for:

Ivan-tea: useful and medicinal properties of the miracle drink, how to brew it?

  • Poisoning and intestinal dysfunction;

  • Violations in the nervous system – neurosis, alcoholic psychosis, hysteria, depression;

  • Epilepsy;

  • The general course of rehabilitation from alcoholism, for the relief of a hangover syndrome;

  • Increased psycho-emotional pressure and chronic stress;

  • The effect of constant fatigue, overwork;

  • In dentistry – in children during the appearance of milk teeth, at an older age with friability and inflammation of the gums;

  • Endocrine disorders in women of various origins (problems with the menstrual cycle, existing uterine bleeding, menopause, premenstrual syndrome);

  • As an aid after manipulations to fight tumors and cancer (chemotherapy and radiation exposure) during the recovery period;

  • In the treatment of blood diseases (leukemia or lymphogranulomatosis) as an adsorbent;

  • With a decrease in immunity (immunodeficiency state);

  • With beriberi, especially vitamin C and group B.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – an amazing TEA for GASTRITIS, ulcers, colitis and for NERVES: to relieve tension and anxiety:

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