😉 Hello dear readers! Thank you for choosing this particular article “Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev biography, personal life of a writer.” Here are the main stages in the life of the classic of Russian literature, playwright and translator.
The works of I.S. Turgenev had a huge impact on the European novels of the II floor. XIX century. He was the first in Russia to study the personality of the “new people” called the sixties, their morality and psychology. With his light hand, the term “nihilist” appeared.
Biography Turgenev
The future writer was born on November 9 (old style October 28), 1818 in Orel in the family of Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev and his wife Varvara Petrovna.
His father had served in the cavalry regiment before marriage, but his somewhat reckless lifestyle seriously cut his finances, and in 1816 he married a wealthy 29-year-old noblewoman, Varvara Lutovinova. Five years later, having received the rank of colonel, he retired.
The union of parents cannot be called happy. After 14 years of marriage, the father left the family and died four years later.
Varvara Petrovna was left with three children. She was a rather despotic woman, her lordly manners, oddly enough, were combined with education. Even caring for children was often arbitrary.
Vanya also suffered beatings, although he was a recognized favorite. He was taught to read and write by regularly changing European tutors. The family spoke only French, even prayers were read in French.
Mother repeatedly visited European countries, was an enlightened woman, read the works of serious philosophers. She also possessed excellent figurative Russian speech.
She closely followed the literary novelties and subscribed them. She was familiar with the work of Russian poets and writers and often quoted by heart whole excerpts from their works.
In 1827 the family moved to Moscow, where Ivan entered the university at the Faculty of Literature. A year later, they moved to St. Petersburg, and the young man continued his studies.
The first works of Turgenev
While still a student, Turgenev wrote the poem “Steno” and showed it to prof. P. Pletnev. At the lecture, the professor carefully analyzed the work, without specifying the author, and noted that the essay was written well. This assessment became a healing balm for the young man, and he, inspired by praise, wrote many more poetic lines and poems.
Ivan Turgenev in his youth
In 1838 Turgenev left for Berlin, where he attended university lectures on the history of ancient Roman and ancient Greek literature, and independently studied grammar. This allowed him in the future to freely read the works of that era.
He is interested in German idealism. The way of European life makes a huge impression on him. He realized that the assimilation of the fundamental principle of universal human culture would help lead Russia out of darkness and ignorance.
Subsequently, Turgenev was nicknamed “Westerner”. In 1840, in Germany, he meets a girl whose image remains in his memory for a long time. Remembering these meetings, he will write a wonderful lyric story “Spring Waters”.
In 1843 he wrote the poem “Parasha” and introduced it to V. Belinsky, who highly appreciated it. This first served as a close acquaintance, which then turned into friendship. This year is also marked by the creation of the poem “Misty Morning”, for which many composers composed music.
The literary elite perceived the work as a dedication to the opera singer Pauline Viardot.
In 1844, the poem “Pop” saw the light of day, which immediately attracted the interest of society with its obvious anti-clericalism. The poem was seriously curtailed by censorship, but European publishers published it in its entirety.
“Contemporary” and “Bell”
From 1847 he took part in the transformation of the railway. “Contemporary”. Chapters of the Hunter’s Notes were published here. The success was overwhelming, and the author decided to continue the cycle of these stories. According to him, the stories were directed against serfdom, which he had hated since his youth.
In Paris, Turgenev becomes an unwitting witness to the revolution. He watches bloody attacks, the construction and fall of barricades, and is imbued with “the deepest aversion to any revolution.”
From the first days of the publication of The Bell, which was published by Herzen, Turgenev became its active collaborator and rendered great assistance in collecting material and distributing it.
last years of life
In 1863 the writer settled in Baden-Baden. The last years of his life were the pinnacle of his fame. But in 1882 his gouty pains worsened. However, the writer paid no attention to them, continuing to work. Doctors from Paris came to the patient Turgenev and was diagnosed with angina pectoris and intercostal neuralgia.
By the end of the year, the pain increased. To fall asleep, I had to take morphine. An operation was performed, but the pain only intensified. On August 22, 1883, on the outskirts of Paris, the great Russian writer died of myxosarcoma. Buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg. He was 64 years old.
Personal life of Turgenev
1 – T. Bakunina, 2 – O. Turgeneva, 3 – M. Tolstaya, 4 – P. Viardot, 5 – M. Savina
If Ivan Sergeevich had not experienced feelings of love, he would never have written many works. What kind of women did he meet on the path of life?
Ekaterina Shakhovskaya (1815-1836)
When Ivan was 15 years old, he experienced the first feeling of love for the daughter of Princess Shakhovskoy. Katya was 4 years older. The girl was fond of poetry. Young people exchanged visits, since their parents’ estates were nearby.
Soon, the young man’s heart was broken by the fact that the girl reciprocated his father. This episode will be reflected in the novel by the writer “First Love” (1860).
Avdotya Ermolaevna Ivanova
In 1841, twenty-three years old Ivan became interested in the seamstress Dunya. A passionate romance in Lutovinovo ended with the girl’s pregnancy. The young man was ready to marry, but his mother intervened. There was a serious scandal. Dunya was sent to her parents in Moscow. Pelageya, the daughter of Turgenev, was born there. Soon Avdotya was married off.
Tatiana Bakunina (1815-1871)
A few months after the episode with Dunyasha, Ivan was visiting the estate of a friend – the future revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. There he meets his sister. She was called Tatiana and was three years older than Ivan. The girl was fond of German philosophy.
Several months of communication gave birth to love. Tatyana was truly in love, and he could not remain indifferent to the girl’s lofty feelings.
Olga Alexandrovna Turgeneva (1836-1872)
It was a fleeting affair with a cousin. Feelings were mutual, the writer even thought about getting married, but the prospect of this marriage frightened him. Olga Aleksandrovna became the prototype of Tatiana in the novel “Smoke”.
Maria Nikolaevna Tolstaya (1830-1912)
Sister of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Maria Nikolaevna was 12 years younger than Turgenev. She took the writer’s interest in herself for love and even left her husband. M.N. Tolstaya is the prototype of Vera in the story “Faust”.
Pauline Viardot (1821-1910)
In the fall of 1843, opera singer Pauline Viardot toured in St. Petersburg. The singer’s unique voice and appearance immediately captivated Turgenev. He wanted to see her constantly and followed her everywhere: in Berlin, London, Paris.
Acquaintance and communication with the singer’s husband – Louis Viardot, art historian and critic, grew into friendship. Turgenev lived for 20 years in the same house with the Viardot family. The real nature of the relationship (40 years long!) Between the singer and the writer is a matter of controversy.
Polina had two children: daughter Louise (1841) and son Paul (1857). The version is not excluded that the father of Paul was Ivan Sergeevich.
Marya Gavrilovna Savina (1854-1915)
The last love of Ivan Sergeevich is a young actress of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The age difference is 36 years. He openly confessed his love to Mashenka. For four years, their rare meetings were supplemented by constant correspondence.
For Maria Gavrilovna, he was more of a friend. She was going to marry another, but the marriage never took place. Soon the writer died in the circle of the Viardot family.
Character features of I.S. Turgenev
What was Ivan Sergeevich’s character? Biographers note the following features:
- indecision;
- amorousness;
- generosity;
- cowardice;
- optional;
- the carelessness of the landowner;
- modesty;
- kindness;
- gentleness;
- responsiveness;
- introspection.
Turgenev would not be married. He had a daughter, Pelageya, from Avdotya Ermolaevna Ivanova. The girl, after the death of her mother, from 8 to 14 years old was brought up in the house of Viardot. Pelageya died at the age of 76. Her two children, Georges and Jeanne, did not have offspring. In 1952 Jeanne passed away. The Turgenev family was interrupted.
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