- Who is Ivan Neumyvakin
- The essence of the Neumyvakin system
- Basic rules of the Neumyvakin system
- 1. Start the day with salt
- 2. Peroxide – protection against everything
- 3. Drink plenty of water
- 4. Do not drink before and after meals
- 5. Magnetic water is our everything
- 6. Not a strict diet, but BJU will have to count
- 7. Follow the rules of food pairing
- 8. What should be discarded?
- 9. All food should be “drinkable”
- 10. “Live” and “dead” food
- 11. After the meal – rest
- 12. Diet is a must
- 13. Unload regularly
- 14. What I ate – I spent
- 15. Maintain acid-base balance
- 16. At the table – in a good mood
Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a Russian scientist who for 70 years has been developing unique methods of cleansing the body and restoring health. According to Neumyvakin’s theory, in order to get rid of the disease, it is not necessary to take medicine and follow the rules of official medicine. The scientist confirmed his theory on his own experience. When he was 52 years old, doctors shrugged helplessly and discharged him from the hospital with a whole bunch of diseases. Ivan Pavlovich began to apply the principles of alternative medicine on himself, which later formed the basis of his healing system. Despite the fact that official medicine is still skeptical about the development of Neumyvakin, following his own advice, the scientist was able to restore his health and actively live up to 90 years.
Who is Ivan Neumyvakin
When people talk about Professor Ivan Neumyvakin, then, as a rule, they also remember space medicine, of which he is the founder. It all started with the fact that in 1964 Neumyvakin was instructed to develop methods for treating astronauts after flights of various durations. The best minds of the health care system of the USSR were involved in the creation of space medicine. The team consisted of therapists, surgeons, traumatologists, ophthalmologists, dentists, pharmacists and even engineers of various profiles. But soon experts realized that medication alone was not enough in this case. Research in this area continued, and already in 1975 the first space hospital appeared in the USSR. Nevertheless, after a lot of research, experts have some doubts about the effectiveness of the approaches used by official medicine. In particular, pharmacological agents have become a stumbling block, which, by and large, are aimed at eliminating the symptoms, and not the very cause of the disease. At this time, researchers turned their attention to non-specific methods of treatment, including traditional medicine. According to Neumyvakin’s theory, in order to be healthy, you just need to take from nature what it gives to a person. Using unconventional methods, the professor managed to treat the diseases of astronauts.
At the end of his career in space medicine, Neumyvakin began to implement the established methods. Ivan Neumyvakin himself said about his activities that his main goal is to find the best means and ways to prevent diseases. He was not involved in the so-called medicine of diseases, when, based on the disease, the doctor draws up a treatment program to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. He chose a different path for himself.
The essence of the Neumyvakin system
According to Neumyvakin’s theory, there are no incurable diseases, but there is only a state of the body in which it is difficult to get rid of the disease. Neumyvakin’s healing system is based on several rules. First of all, it is the right way of life and cleansing of the body. These rules are the basis of the system. In addition to them, there are many more recommendations that the professor advised to follow to maintain health.
After more than 15 years of research, Ivan Neumyvakin came to the conclusion that the human body itself is a perfect self-regulating energy-information system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent. Further, the researcher came to the conclusion that the cause of almost all health problems are disorders in the digestive tract. And all because it is through the digestive system that food is absorbed and processed, the substances necessary for the body are absorbed and metabolic products are removed. And it is very important that at each stage the food processing process goes smoothly.
Neumyvakin explained the importance of the digestive tract for the whole organism by the fact that almost 75% of all the elements of immunity are concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract, on which “putting things in order” in the human body depends. In addition, the gastrointestinal tract produces over 20 different hormones that affect the state of the entire hormonal system. Neumyvakin was also a supporter of the theory of the “abdominal brain”, which is responsible for the coordinated work of the digestive system and for its relationship with the brain. By the way, in recent years there have been more and more supporters of this theory, although official science still does not recognize the existence of a “third brain” along with the brain and spinal cord. Based on the importance of the health of the digestive system for the whole organism, Ivan Neumyvakin came to the conclusion that, first of all, it is necessary to take care of this organ system. If the gastrointestinal tract is working correctly, then there will be no problems in other systems.
According to the theory of the scientist, the main enemy of the body is slagging. It leads to the use of canned, refined, fried, smoked foods and sweets. The body uses a lot of oxygen to digest products from these categories, and this ultimately causes oxygen starvation. Why is it dangerous? Yes, at least by the fact that for the formation of cancer cells, an oxygen-free environment is just the same.
Another reason for the slagging of the body is incompletely digested food. This can happen when there is not enough juice in the stomach to break down the food eaten. This happens if the gastric juice is diluted with liquid. As a result, food stagnates in an undigested form, begins to rot and acidify, creating favorable conditions for the development of various diseases.
Ivan Neumyvakin focused on the fact that any disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract lead to weakened immunity, hormonal imbalance and disruption of enzymatic processes.
In addition, beneficial microflora is replaced by pathogenic, which causes colitis, constipation, and dysbacteriosis. Violation of the digestive tract can cause electrolyte imbalance, and that in turn leads to impaired blood circulation and failure in metabolic processes. Against the background of this condition, arthritis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis develop, strokes and heart attacks occur. Problems in the digestive system can cause displacement or compression of the organs located in the abdominal, thoracic and pelvic regions, due to which their performance is impaired. And of course, malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract are the cause of stagnation in the large intestine, and the entire body feels the negative consequences of this.
Professor Neumyvakin was sure that to maintain good health, it is not enough just to adjust the diet. Positive changes will not occur until the body, especially the intestines, is cleansed of toxins.
Basic rules of the Neumyvakin system
For the most part, the rules of the Neumyvakin system are well-known recommendations from the field of a healthy lifestyle. Although there are some of them that look very unusual. Below we consider the main rules of the Neumyvakin system, which he carefully described in his book Endoecology of Health.
1. Start the day with salt
According to the Neumyvakin system, daily before breakfast (between 5 and 7 am) you need to eat a pinch of salt and drink it with a glass of water at room temperature (preferably with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide). A little later (or immediately) drink another 200 ml of water, in which another pinch of salt is diluted. With the help of such a simple method, you can activate the outflow of bile that has accumulated overnight, and thereby prevent the formation of gallstones. In addition, 400 ml of water on an empty stomach restores the hydrobalance in the body after a night, prevents constipation and serves as one of the ways to cleanse all systems.
2. Peroxide – protection against everything
In the recovery system of Ivan Neumyvakin, a special role is assigned to hydrogen peroxide. The professor was sure that with the help of this simple pharmacy remedy, almost any ailment can be prevented. Peroxide 3% doctor advises adding 5-10 drops per glass of water. Such a “cocktail” can be consumed during the day, but it is better on an empty stomach. Hydrogen peroxide is a source of atomic oxygen, which is the best assistant in the fight against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites. In addition, during influenza epidemics, the professor advised rinsing the nose with such a solution.
3. Drink plenty of water
During the day, the body of an adult loses about 1,5 liters of processed fluid. Therefore, to maintain balance, it is necessary to restore these losses by drinking clean water. At the same time, according to the expert, tea, juice, coffee or compote are not interchangeable with water.
4. Do not drink before and after meals
According to Neumyvakin, it is strictly forbidden to drink immediately after a meal. As, however, before her. According to the scientist’s advice, the liquid should not be consumed 10-15 minutes before a meal, and also within 1,5-2 hours after a meal. The maximum that can be done after a hearty meal is to rinse your mouth. The professor explained this prohibition by the fact that different amounts of hydrochloric acid are produced in the stomach to digest different types of food. For example, in order to quickly and efficiently break down an eaten piece of meat, a certain amount of gastric juice is produced. But if you drink water immediately after a hearty meal, the acid concentration decreases, which is why the meat is not digested, but remains in the digestive tract and rots.
5. Magnetic water is our everything
To stay healthy, the professor recommended paying special attention to the quality of the water used. It is best to drink melted or activated water. Activated is any water passed through a magnetic funnel. It is believed that after such a procedure, the molecular structure of water changes, it becomes “alive”. The intake of magnetized water launches self-purification systems in the body, normalizes metabolic processes, and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels.
6. Not a strict diet, but BJU will have to count
We are what we eat. Professor Neumyvakin treated this statement with special respect, and therefore calculated the most beneficial ratios of different types of products for health. So, according to the theory of the scientist, the amount of protein in relation to all food consumed per day should be 15-20%. In this case, it is better to focus on proteins of plant origin. With age, it is advisable to use animal proteins no more than 2-3 times a week, and the number of eggs should not exceed 10 pieces in 7 days. The percentage of plant foods (mostly raw) in general should be 50-60% of the daily diet. Carbohydrate products in the daily menu should be approximately 30-35%. As for fats, their amount should not be more than 5-10%. That is, the ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and plant foods is 1:2:3:5.
Allowed proteins in the system are:
- lean meats;
- white poultry meat;
- a fish;
- eggs (preferably soft-boiled);
- meat and fish broth (but when cooking, the first water must be drained);
- mushrooms;
- beans;
- nuts;
- seeds.
Plant foods according to the system include:
- vegetables;
- fruit;
- berries;
- any juices;
- jam.
- bread (preferably coarsely ground);
- flour products (it is desirable that they be present in the diet as rarely as possible);
- cereals;
- potatoes;
- honey;
- sweets (very rare).
Fats in the diet are:
- melted butter;
- vegetable oil;
- fat;
- nuts;
- seeds.
7. Follow the rules of food pairing
Any plant food Ivan Neumyvakin advised to consume about 8-10 minutes before protein or carbohydrate. But if carbohydrate and protein products are well combined with vegetable products, then it is forbidden to consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time, according to the system. Carbohydrates can be eaten no earlier than 4-5 hours after proteins. Proteins after carbohydrates can be eaten no earlier than 3-4 hours later.
8. What should be discarded?
Very fatty broths, fried foods, skimmed milk, refined foods, semi-finished products, smoked meats, sausages, confectionery and white bread – all this should not be present in the diet of a person who follows the Neumyvakin healing system. As for sugar, its daily intake is limited to 30-40 g per day. You can eat no more than 3 g of salt per day.
9. All food should be “drinkable”
The essence of this seemingly strange rule is that any solid product must be thoroughly chewed – until it turns into a liquid substance and its characteristic taste disappears in the mouth. By the way, such a system of eating is useful for overweight people. Firstly, saturation according to such a system appears much faster than with the usual way of eating. Following this principle, a person usually eats 2-3 times less food than before. Secondly, the digestion and assimilation of food after such a thorough chewing is faster.
10. “Live” and “dead” food
According to the scientist’s theory, food is “alive” and “dead”. Any freshly prepared dish is “live”. But it is enough for him to stand for several hours or reheat it – the food turns into “dead”. Such food is only harmful to the body. By the way, the temperature of consumed warm dishes and drinks should not exceed 22-38 degrees.
11. After the meal – rest
Digestion of food is an energy-consuming process for the body. Therefore, in order for the processing of products, the absorption of nutrients and the removal of waste metabolites to proceed correctly, immediately after a hearty meal, it is useful to rest for 20-30 minutes. But rest does not mean sleep, but a temporary decrease in physical activity.
12. Diet is a must
In order not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to eat in small portions 3-4 times a day. And sometimes it is better to skip a meal (if there is no feeling of hunger) than to load the stomach. During an illness accompanied by fever, eating solid foods is contraindicated. Until the temperature returns to normal, you should drink only water and juices. As for dinner, the last meal should be before 18-19 hours, since the digestive tract needs rest.
13. Unload regularly
In order for the digestive system to work without failures and be cleared of toxins in time, fasting days must be done every week. The duration of unloading can be from 24 to 36 hours. Unloading can be carried out on juices, fruits or only on melt water.
14. What I ate – I spent
Eaten food should always be compensated by movement. That is, how many calories the body received, how much it should spend, or more. By the way, like traditional doctors, Neumyvakin urged to move as often and as intensively as possible. Squats and walking up and down stairs are very useful as workouts. When the body is in good shape, you can not worry about the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
15. Maintain acid-base balance
The pH level is not the same throughout the body. For example, for the oral cavity, pH 7,6-7,9 is considered normal, inside the stomach – 0,5-0,1, in the duodenum – 7,8-8,8. But the acidity of the blood is considered correct at a pH of 7,4. At the same time, according to Neumyvakin (and not only him), if the pH in the body is disturbed in the direction of increasing acidity, this is fraught with serious health problems. Meanwhile, according to some reports, elevated pH is observed in more than 90% of the world’s population.
The danger of an acidic environment lies in the fact that it is the most favorable for pathogenic organisms, including cancer cells. Neumyvakin suggested that the most suitable environment for the development of cancer is an environment with an acidity of pH 7. But at the same time, if cancer cells are placed in an alkaline environment (pH 7,4), they die.
To increase the alkaline level in the body, Neumyvakin advised using ordinary soda. He advised to start taking alkali with the use of 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. Drink this before breakfast.
16. At the table – in a good mood
The last rule from the system of Ivan Neumyvakin: you should never start cooking or eating food in anger. Such food acquires a negative charge and is harmful to health.
On the Internet, you can find different reviews about the effectiveness of Neumyvakin’s healing system. Many people claim that by following the rules drawn up by the professor, they were able to get rid of chronic diseases. But at the same time, official medicine is very skeptical about his methods.
What do you mean soda? Is club soda the same ? Also what happens to hydrogen peroxide?