IUD – is it 100% sure? Advantages and disadvantages of placing an intrauterine coil

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If a woman is looking for a method of contraception, she may consider using an IUD among the many options. What type of IUD should I choose and what are the pros and cons?

What is an IUD?

Name “spiral»Is a common name IUD. Spiral it is T-shaped or S-shaped and is mainly made of plastic. Homemade spiral offers effective and long-term operation. It can be used in premenopausal women of all ages, including adolescents. Homemade spiral has a contraceptive effect up to 5 years after application. Traditional IUD it is made of plastic with the addition of copper. Copper causes inflammation and a large number of leukocytes appear, destroying the sperm and preventing the egg from fertilizing. Leukocytes also affect the structure of the uterine mucosa, preventing a fertilized egg from implanting. On the other hand hormonal inserts contain a capsule that releases hormones that immobilize sperm and thicken the cervical mucus.

Spirala domaciczna – dla kogo?

Homemade spiral for its sake defects i benefits, it is recommended for women who:

  1. want to use a contraceptive that does not require daily monitoring,
  2. they already have their first pregnancy behind them,
  3. want to be able to stop using contraception at any time and become pregnant
  4. have heavy bleeding and menstrual pain.

Intrauterine coil – advantages

Homemade spiral has a lot advantagesfor which it is worth considering this type of contraception as your method of use. The most important features include:

  1. high effectiveness of this contraceptive (99%, i.e. 0,1 according to the Pearl Index),
  2. exclude the need to stop intercourse in order to use contraception (as in the case of condoms),
  3. the effectiveness of contraception does not require the participation of a partner,
  4. can stay in the woman’s uterus for up to 5 years,
  5. can be removed at any time, quickly restoring a woman’s normal fertility,
  6. after consulting a doctor and waiting for a 6-week period, it can be used during breastfeeding,
  7. It does not have the side effects characteristic of contraceptive drugs that contain estrogens.

Homemade spiral with progesterone also reduces the amount of bleeding in women when used for more than 3 months. About 1/5 of women after a year of use the intrauterine coil stops menstruating. IUD it may also reduce the pains associated with menstruation, excess growth of the lining of the womb and the risk of endometrial cancer. At Medonet Market, you can now buy an intrauterine device tailored to your needs.

Are you considering contraception? Talk to your gynecologist before deciding on a particular method. You can use the online consultation option. Make an e-appointment with a gynecologist even in 10 minutes without leaving your home.

Intrauterine spiral – disadvantages

Application disadvantages the intrauterine coil can be divided into those that result directly from the mechanism and operating conditions of the spiral, and from side effects.

Homemade spiral does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. It cannot be used by women who have had or suspect cancer of the womb, cervix or breast cancer, have unexplained vaginal bleeding or changes to the tissue in the uterus (such as tumors or lesions).

Do side effects you can include:

  1. headaches,
  2. irregular and heavy menstrual bleeding at the beginning of use,
  3. mood changes
  4. acne,
  5. contractions.

Because of that domestic spiral may irritate the uterine mucosa, it is not recommended for women who have never been pregnant. A contraindication its application also includes: liver diseases and pelvic infections, allergy to chemical substances of the inserts, previous bacterial endocarditis and serious heart diseases, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine changes, e.g. uterine myomas and congenital defects of the uterus.

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