Itchy skin – what it is, causes, treatment

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The itching of the skin causes it to scratch, which may result in excretions, local infections or superinfections of the skin. We distinguish between local and generalized pruritus. It can be caused by diseases caused by parasites, such as scabies or generalized allergic rashes.

What is itchy skin?

Skin itching is an unpleasant sensation that occurs as a result of irritation by chemical or mechanical factors of the nerve endings in the dermis. Very often patients report this condition to a dermatologist, but the itching is not always related to skin diseases. It can also be one of the symptoms accompanying general diseases of internal organs or is idiopathic in nature. Skin pruritus is a diagnostic challenge for the clinician because it is associated with a variety of causes. Diabetes is a common cause of unbearable itching of the skin – in young people itching is limited to a specific area of ​​the body, while in the elderly it is general in nature. Therefore, it is important to know the mechanism of skin pruritus and treatment options.

The causes of itchy skin

The endings of nerve fibers that are responsible for the pain we feel are located in the human skin. Irritation of these ends with various types of factors causes the sensation of skin itching of varying severity (it may also be pain). It depends to a large extent on the patient’s threshold of sensitivity to stimuli.

Itching of the skin is caused by the following stimuli: chemical, mechanical, thermal and electrical. It is also worth mentioning psychogenic stimuli, because there are parasitic delusions of the skin (and not only). Then, delusional patients cause skin changes by scratching themselves intensely or trying to pick out imaginary parasites from the skin with sharp tools. Such people go to a dermatologist when there is mechanical damage to the epidermis and bacterial infection. The classic mediators (factors) of pruritus are histamine, serotonin, kinin derivatives, prostaglandins, and neuropeptides. The skin, which is immunologically active, is rich in cells that secrete these mediators. They are of great importance in the sensation of itching neuropeptydy, which are found in various tissues and organs. They are produced not only by the cells of the nervous system, but also by eosinophils, mast cells, macrophages and granulocytes.

Skin itching can be alleviated by using Bioherba Natural Avocado Oil, which is great for dry skin problems.

Taking into account the area of ​​the body affected by itching, we distinguish between generalized itching and local itching. Due to its course, it can be paroxysmal or permanent. In addition, skin pruritus can be physiological, pathological or senile.

The reasons generalized pruritus:

  1. generalized allergic rashes,
  2. some infectious diseases (hepatitis, trichinosis),
  3. aggravated diseases caused by parasites (human scabies, lice, fleas, flies, bed bugs),
  4. metabolic disorders (diabetes, uremia, cholestasis),
  5. Hodgkin’s disease, leukemia.

The reasons local itching:

  1. allergic (urticaria, eczema, urticaria),
  2. infectious (e.g. the period of pustule formation in chickenpox and true),
  3. skin and general parasitic diseases (e.g. anal itching in pinworms),
  4. fungal diseases of the skin,
  5. seborrheic skin diseases.

In the case of seborrhea, it is recommended to use specialized preparations such as cosmetics for seborrheic dermatitis Seborh.

Itching and skin diseases

Skin itching is often seen in many skin ailments. There is a classification (according to Rassner) that divides pruritic dermatosis into:

  1. physical damage to the skin, e.g. sunburn, drying;
  2. constitutional dermatoses (low skin lubrication);
  3. fungal, bacterial and parasite infections (e.g. mycosis, head lice, scabies);
  4. skin ailments of allergic and immunological origin, e.g. atopic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema;
  5. tumors.

The diagnosis of pruritus as a consequence of a skin disease is based on the identification of the patient’s lesions typical for a specific dermatosis. It is important to identify the area where itching occurs. In addition, a thorough medical history and physical examination of the patient are performed and additional examinations are ordered. Conducting specialized allergy tests helps pinpoint the factors that caused eczema or atopic dermatitis. Sometimes a histopathological examination is also performed, e.g. in lichen planus.

To soothe itchy skin and improve its condition, it is worth using licorice liniment with celandine on red and itchy skin. The preparation is available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Itching of the skin and systemic diseases

Generalized skin pruritus is a common diagnostic symptom of many systemic diseases. In addition to determining the causes of itching, taking a medical history and performing a physical examination of the skin, it is important to conduct additional tests:

  1. peripheral blood count with smear,
  2. Chest X-ray,
  3. kidney function tests (urea and creatinine),
  4. liver function test (bilirubin),
  5. thyroid hormone tests,
  6. blood sugar level,
  7. general urine test,
  8. fecal occult blood test.

In addition to the above-mentioned skin diseases, itching is also one of the symptoms of systemic diseases, such as:

1. liver disease with accompanying cholestasis: itchy skin is often the first symptom, localized on the hands and feet;

2. mild jaundice in pregnant women (itching is usually more severe in the third trimester and disappears after delivery);

3. cancer of the internal organs (breast, stomach or lung cancer);

4. kidney diseases, most often in chronic renal failure;

5. endocrine disorders – pruritus usually occurs in the course of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism;

6. diabetes – there is limited itching of the vulva and anus (as a result of infection most often with yeasts);

7. haematological diseases (eg multiple myeloma, iron deficiency anemia, mycosis fungoides).

Systemic skin itching can also occur as a consequence of taking certain medications, for example histamine triggers (atropine, codeine, morphine) lub agents that induce cholestasis (amiodarone, estrogens, progestins). In addition, itching of the skin often occurs in women during menopause, and it is associated with hormonal disorders. Older people also complain of itchy skin, which is not always associated with systemic diseases. Senile pruritus usually occurs in people over 60, more often in the male sex. Its characteristic feature is its resistance to treatment, durability and the accompanying burning, tingling and pricking sensation of the skin.

How To Treat Itchy Skin?

During a visit to a dermatologist, a medical interview with the patient is made, followed by a physical examination. If necessary, additional blood tests are ordered, especially if endocrine disorders or anemia are suspected. Sometimes lung X-ray and biochemical tests to check renal and hepatic parameters are also performed. Itchy systemic disease is suspected when the pruritus persists despite treatment.

The choice of the method of treating skin pruritus depends on the cause of the ailment, because it is not a disease, but only a symptom with various conditions. It must therefore be determined whether the pruritus is limited, systemic, moderate or severe. Removing the cause heals the symptom. In turn, symptomatic treatment includes antihistamines, tranquilizers and topical medications to alleviate itching.

Proper care for problem skin is very important. Order BIO propolis balm for skin problems with Propolia BeeYes honey and beeswax today.

In the event that itching of the skin is caused by allergic reactions, allergenic factors should be removed from the patient’s surroundings. If it is not possible to determine and eliminate the etiological factor of pruritus, symptomatic treatment is also used as supportive measures.

Skin itching may occur as a result of excessive dryness. Use Cannaderm cosmetics, whose natural composition helps to restore the skin’s optimal level of hydration and makes it delicate and pleasant to the touch. We also recommend Bioherba Raspberry Peeling Soap with soothing and moisturizing properties.

Remember! Any persistent itching of the skin should be consulted with a doctor.

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