Itchy skin in adults
Itching is perhaps the most common complaint of skin problems. You need to know that itching is not an independent disease, but a symptom. We will tell you what it is, how to treat, how to eat

What is itchy skin

Itching of the skin is an unpleasant sensation when a person has a need and an involuntary desire to comb the skin. Itching is not accompanied by any rash.

There are two types of itching:

Generalized. This type of itching is a consequence of food intolerance, the reaction of the body to certain medications, it is also observed in neuropsychiatric diseases. For example, allergies to smoked meats, spicy foods, certain antibiotics. Often such itching appears due to serious diseases – diabetes, leukemia, hepatitis.

Localized. It occurs both on the legs and on the hands, but most often it “lives” in the anal-genital region: on the scrotum, vulva, and anus. Such itching is caused by hemorrhoids, worms, prostatitis, candidiasis, thrush, seborrhea.

People who develop itching should see a doctor to find the cause of it.

Causes of itchy skin in adults

There are many reasons that cause itchy skin. Yes, and the itching itself is different – localized in certain areas, all over the skin, there may be itching in the evening, in winter or after exposure to the sun, there may be itching after taking a bath, – says dermatovenereologist, member of the Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists, member of the Society of Trichologists of Russia Dana Evgrafova.

The specialist identifies the main reasons:

  • helminthic invasions;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system, for example, thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus;
  • some blood diseases;
  • tumors of internal organs;
  • dry skin;
  • senile itching in elderly patients;
  • liver disease;
  • stress and other neurological disorders.

Also, itching can occur due to allergies, sometimes due to pregnancy, the use of low-quality cosmetics, old age, when changes occur in the endocrine, digestive and other systems. Insect bites, the presence of parasites in the body, vitamin deficiency are also causes of itching.

Treatment of itchy skin in adults

As mentioned above, itching is not an independent disease, but a symptom and consequence of other diseases. That is why it is necessary to treat the disease that provoked itching. And only a specialist doctor will find it.

If you see that you can’t cope at home, and the itching is growing, then be sure to consult a dermatologist for qualified help.
Dana EvgrafovDermatovenereologist, member of the Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists


The main task of the doctor is to find out why the itching appeared. Diagnosis begins with a conversation with the patient, taking an anamnesis, then a rectal and gynecological examination is prescribed.

If the diagnosis is still unclear, then the specialist may prescribe additional studies. The patient will have to pass a clinical blood test, a general urinalysis and a biochemical blood test. The latter will show bilirubin, glucose, cholesterol levels. You will also have to pass a stool test for helminths and their eggs, make an x-ray of the chest organs and examine the thyroid gland.

Modern treatments

To begin with, a patient with itching will have to reconsider their diet. As the specialist explains, it is necessary to exclude the amount of table salt, tomatoes, chocolate, alcohol, coffee, spices – all of them are irritants.

The next point is to pay attention to the clothes that you take out and the powders with which you wash them. Often, the chemicals in modern powders cause itching and irritation.

A dermatologist will recommend applying creams and coolants to the itchy areas. If the inflammatory process has begun, steroids and non-hormonal agents are used.

Modern clinics offer phototherapy and acupuncture in the treatment of itching. The first is the procedure when the patient is exposed to bright light from artificial sources with certain wavelengths. This treatment is strictly prescribed by a doctor, since it has contraindications.

And with the help of acupuncture, in other words – acupuncture, the patient’s skin is affected with the help of special needles. This procedure is also carried out only on prescription.

If all of the above did not help, you will have to carefully look for the diagnosis that caused itching and fight the disease.

Prevention of itchy skin in adults at home

Here are the main measures to prevent itching:

  • follow the rules of hygiene – you do not need to wash every day or even twice a day with scented shower gels and soaps, because the chemicals in their composition dry the skin, disrupt the sebaceous glands – they are recommended to be used 2-3 times a week, and on other days wash with plain water;
  • use only natural products – special washcloths, soaps;
  • eat right and balanced – your diet should include fats, carbohydrates, and proteins;
  • wear comfortable and breathable clothing, say goodbye to synthetic clothing;
  • humidify and ventilate the apartment, especially in winter, when you live with heating;
  • monitor your mental state and avoid stress;
  • treat diseases in time to prevent complications.

Popular questions and answers

Answered typical patient questions doctor-dermatovenereologist Dana Evgrafova.

Is it possible to treat itchy skin with folk remedies?

Usually, products with a cooling effect are used, for example, menthol and emollients – like baby cream, olive oil, peach seed oil.

When to see a doctor for itchy skin?

If itching bothers you for a sufficiently long period of time, more than a month, then you should definitely consult a doctor. In order to find out the cause of itching in time, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist or a general practitioner and undergo a full examination in order to identify the cause of itching.

How to eat with itchy skin?

When itchy skin, it is recommended to exclude egg white, rich meat broth, chocolate, tomatoes, coffee, spices, sweets, nuts, seafood, alcohol from the diet and limit the use of table salt.

What absolutely can not be done with itchy skin?

● It is undesirable to take a shower or bath with very hot water. As a result, we can get dry skin, peeling and increased itching;

● do not use scented bright shower gels – this can be a source of additional allergens, it is better to wash with mild cleansers for children’s skin, sensitive or atopic skin;

● Do not use body scrubs or hard washcloths, this leads to microtraumatization of the skin and increased itching;

● and, of course, you can not self-medicate – if you see that you can not cope at home, and the itching is growing, then be sure to consult a dermatologist for qualified help.

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