Itchy skin at night – what could it mean?

Itching is considered to be one of the most troublesome ailments that can prevent normal functioning. Often this persistent symptom is intensified in the evening and at night. Extremely troublesome itching should not be underestimated because it may be a sign of an illness. Why is itching at night stronger than during the day? What can night itching mean? Does itchy skin at night require urgent medical consultation?

  1. Itching of the skin, which intensifies in the evening and at night, is most often extrinsic and easy to identify
  2. Itching of the skin at night may result from systemic diseases, therefore a very strong and prolonged itching requires medical consultation
  3. Kidney, liver, thyroid, blood, autoimmune and parasitic skin diseases, or even depression may be associated with nocturnal itching
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Why does it itch more at night?

The term “itching” means an unpleasant sensation that triggers the urge to scratch. Its formation mechanism is extremely complicated. It is based on the stimulation of itch receptors by numerous substances collectively called pruritogens. In many cases, itching leads to an escalation of skin inflammation, a vicious circle and increased scratching.

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The body’s circadian rhythm regulates the secretion of hormones and other substances that influence the sensation of itching. It is subject to changes that can increase the itching of the skin at night. They include:

  1.  increased blood flow to the skin and its increased temperature, 
  2. greater production of cytokines (pro-inflammatory molecules), 
  3. lowering the level of corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory hormones), 
  4. impaired secretion of prostaglandins (substances that dilate blood vessels),
  5. increasing the excretion of water through the skin. 

These factors may, in the evening and at night, increase the perception of the pruritic reaction and thus affect the quality of sleep. To reduce itching, use Bioherba Natural Avocado Oil for external use. The oil moisturizes and soothes the skin well. For daily care, we also recommend Blue Cap Shower Gel for flaky and itchy skin, which you can buy at Medonet Market at a promotional price.

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Nocturnal pruritus – common causes

Allergic reactions to bedding agents or chemicals in the bedroom are other possible causes of night itching. Others may be: dry skin, burns (including sunburn), excessive sweating or the effect of taking certain medications (antibiotics, antifungal drugs, opioid painkillers).

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Another cause of itching is from arthropod bites. Two species of bedbugs prefer human blood: the bedbug (Cimex lectularius) and tropical bedbug (Cimex hemipterus). Bed bugs, which are most active at night, gnaw at all exposed areas of the skin while sleeping. The cause of night itching can also be the bites of other arthropods: lice, flies, mosquitoes or fleas.

  1. What are the symptoms of a bedbug bite?

Pregnancy and menopause is a period of rapid hormonal changes that play an important role in the etiology of pruritus. Hormonal changes cause the skin to lose its elasticity, increase the amount of water secreted from the body and reduce sebum production, which increases the feeling of itching.

Itchy belly in pregnancy most often occurs in the evening and is associated with the natural expansion of the skin due to the growth of the fetus. Regular moisturizing with cosmetics of natural origin, fragrance-free and non-colored brings relief in this case.

Nocturnal pruritus may also be of a psychological nature. Stress or depression may aggravate this symptom, especially in the course of atopic dermatitis, acne or psoriasis. In addition, evening relaxation and limiting the amount of external stimuli, or even boredom, can increase the feeling of itching.

The cause of itchy skin may also be seborrheic dermatitis. In this case, it is worth using the EPTA DS Scalp Shampoo, which you can buy separately or in the EPTA DS Body and Hair Care Set.

In this case, relaxation techniques bring relief, which are as important in alleviating psychodermatological diseases as proper care. It includes the use of moisturizing lotions, cool baths and cold compresses. It is worth using Natural soap with amber, which properly moisturizes the skin, restoring its tension and firmness. We also recommend Tadé Pays du Levant brand products, eg Tadé Pays du Levant 500ml liquid soap with strong occlusive and moisturizing properties.

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Nocturnal pruritus – rarer causes

Among the more rare causes of nocturnal pruritus, the following can be distinguished:

  1. parasitic diseases: pinworms, scabies,
  2. systemic diseases:
  3. autoimmune skin diseases,
  4. endocrine diseases,
  5. hematological causes,
  6. kidney and liver diseases,
  7. some neoplasms and infectious diseases.

Itchy skin at night and parasitic diseases

Itching around the anus that intensifies at night is a characteristic symptom of pinworms. Pinworm is a parasitic disease of the gastrointestinal tract caused by human pinworm Enterobius vermicularis. Mature females migrate to the anus at night and lay their eggs there, which causes an itchy sensation.

Itching, which is most intense in the evening and at night, is characteristic of scabies infestation. The common species that causes scabies in humans is human scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei).

In the course of scabies, mechanical and toxic damage to the skin occurs. Scabies also cause local inflammation and the formation of nodules and vesicles on the skin.

Itchy skin at night and systemic diseases

The etiology of pruritus may be related to the skin disease. Then, in many cases, it is possible to quickly identify its cause and treat the underlying disease. Sometimes, however, it appears without any underlying skin lesions and may be caused by a systemic disease.


It should be remembered that in the case of intense and worsening itching at night, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Potential, less common causes of nocturnal pruritus are discussed below.

Itchy skin at night and autoimmune skin diseases

This is a group of disorders in which the immune system directs the body’s defenses against its own cells and tissues. These diseases include atopic dermatitis. One of its basic clinical symptoms is persistent itching, increasing especially in the evening hours and having a significant impact on the quality of sleep.

Not only does itching interfere with sleep, it can also contribute to depression and difficulty concentrating. Psoriasis is another chronic inflammatory skin disease with increasing itching at night.

Do you struggle with dry skin, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis? You can try the soothing hemp cream available on Medonet Market. Its regular use helps reduce water loss, soothing the skin.

Skin itching at night and hematological causes

A rare cause of generalized pruritus may be iron deficiency, with or without anemia. Its intensity decreases during supplementation with preparations containing this microelement.

Itching is also possible in the course of polycythemia vera – a rare disease of bone marrow hematopoietic cells. Typical itching begins soon after a hot bath or shower and lasts for about 15-60 minutes. The trigger is likely a sudden drop in skin temperature.

Itching is also one of the first symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease (formerly known as Hodgkin’s disease), a rare blood cancer. Skin itching occurs in about 30 percent. patients. Hodgkin’s disease is characterized by nocturnal pruritus that begins in the lower extremities and then spreads throughout the body. Usually, it is described by patients as “smoking”.

  1. What are the symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease?

Itchy skin at night and endocrine disorders

The itching of the skin that intensifies in the evening may also be associated with endocrine problems. This persistent symptom is sometimes associated with hyperthyroidism, including Graves-Basedov’s disease, which has an autoimmune background.

Chronic urticaria and the associated pruritus may be less likely to accompany euthyroidism, i.e. hypothyroidism. Moisturizing the skin and correcting hormonal disorders in the thyroid gland reduce the feeling of itching. Generalized pruritus has also been associated with diabetes mellitus or hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands in several published studies, but there are few studies on this.

Itching of renal and hepatic origin

Chronic kidney failure may be one of the causes of itching. Possible pruritus is paroxysmal or continuous, generalized or localized. It is usually most troublesome in summer, possibly due to an increase in skin temperature.

Pruritus in the course of chronic renal failure is associated with a large number of secondary disorders, such as dry skin, increased levels of histamine, magnesium, phosphate and many others.

Hepatic pruritus occurs in about 20-25% of adults. jaundice patients and is often associated with cholestasis. Cholestasis, a set of symptoms accompanying the impaired outflow of bile, may have a different etiology.

Pruritus due to cholestasis is likely in people taking certain medications: oral contraceptives, phenothiazines, tolbutamide or anabolic hormones.

Try Bioherba Natural Tonic Relief and Illumination for sensitive and oily skin, which soothes itching, moisturizes and tightens.

Itchy skin at night and other diseases

Pruritus has been described as one of the first symptoms of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, making it a potentially important symptom in the early diagnosis of AIDS and HIV infection. In AIDS patients, the causes of itching can range from infections and parasitic infections to systemic diseases

Pruritus has also been reported as a component of the cancer paraneoplastic syndrome:

  1. breasts 
  2. stomach, 
  3. spit, 
  4. prostate, 
  5. uterus, 
  6. large intestine,
  7. pancreatic head (secondary to bile flow arrest or disturbance),
  8. nasopharynx and others. 

Itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night, can be caused by many factors – from the most mundane ones, such as bedbug bites or stress, to a myriad of general diseases.

It is best to eliminate the most common causes of nocturnal itching in the first place. It is worth consulting a doctor when the itching is long and intense.

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  1. გამარჯობათ უკვე რამოდენიმე წელია მაწუხებს ქავილი ძირითადად მკერდის ზურგის მკლავების არეში ზოგჯერ მთლიან სხეულზე. ქავილს თან ახლავს საშინელი სიმწვავე სხეულის მაღალი ტემპერატურა. იმდენად მწვავეა თავს ვერ ვაკონტროლებ და კანს ვიზიანებ ქავილით მშრალი კანი მაქვს ასევე ყავისფერი ლაქებით დაფარული მაქვს სხეული რომელიც სიცხის დროს მოწითალო ხდება. ქავილი და სიმწვავე ძირითადად სიცხისდროს იჩენს თავს ასევე აბაზანის მიღების დროს ან მიღების შემდეგ ასევე მექერცლება კანიც. ანალიზი ჩავიტარე სოკო არარისო ასევე რამოდენიმე მედიკამეტიც მივიღე მაგრამ არანაირი შედეგი არაქვს. გთხოვთ დამეხმარეთ.

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