Itchy mole: how to soothe a scratched mole?

Itchy mole: how to soothe a scratched mole?

Whether a mole is scratching, or rather itchy, or if you have injured one of your moles unintentionally, it is essential to find the right method to soothe it. In some cases, a few basic treatments are sufficient, in others, it is essential to consult a dermatologist.

A itchy mole, what to do?

A mole – or nevus – is a concentration of melanocytes, in other words melanin, the pigment that causes tanning.

The presence of moles is of course normal and common to everyone, although some individuals have more of them than others. When there is no problem with their development, neither in terms of shapes or sensations, there is no need to worry.

However, people with fair skin, and / or with a large number of moles, must be particularly vigilant and consult in case of doubt. In general, it is important, and for each person, to be attentive to any visible change on their moles.

Determine the type of itch on the mole

When a mole itches, two scenarios are possible:

  • In most cases, the mole is on an area of ​​the skin that is already prone to itching. This can come from an allergy to a cosmetic product, or even from an eczema or a hives attack.

In the event of acne, it happens in particular that certain buttons come to be lodged in the immediate vicinity, even under the mole, on the face, the bust or the back. This can create discomfort and again itchy, but not directly related to the mole.

Soothing ointment or calendula cream will help you soothe the entire skin area, including the mole, and soothe the itch. If it is an eczema or hives attack, medical treatment may be necessary.

  • In the second case, the mole itself can be a problem. Here, and without worrying, it is essential to consult your general practitioner who, as part of the treatment process, will refer you to a dermatologist.

Any mole that causes problems spontaneously should be seen by a doctor. And this, both to rule out a risk of skin cancer, or to treat possible melanoma early enough.


Mole torn or injured, how to treat it?

Tearing off a mole, a dangerous wound?

A popular belief suggests that inadvertently tearing a mole has serious consequences. However, if it is of course necessary to treat this wound, it is not for all that the trigger of a disease.

Disinfect the wound with antiseptic alcohol, possibly apply antibacterial healing cream and put on a bandage. If it doesn’t heal or you are concerned, see your GP first. Do this in any case if you again have fair skin or many moles.

A bleeding mole

A spontaneous bleeding mole could be a sign of something wrong. It is then necessary to consult a doctor then a dermatologist as soon as possible to rule out any possibility of melanoma or, conversely, to take care of it quickly.

Of course, it could very well be that you injured yourself, with a razor for example, or by accidentally scratching yourself. Don’t panic if this is the case. For a small wound, it is above all necessary to disinfect and allow it to heal. However, consult in case of poor healing or if you have a lot of moles and fair skin.

A scratched mole

In case of itching around and on a mole, the ideal would be not to touch it and especially not to scratch, a rule that is not always easy to follow.

If your scratchings have caused lesions on a mole, disinfect the wound and put a bandage on it until it heals. To be on the safe side and if you’ve scratched your mole for a long time, see a dermatologist. He will do a complete tour of your moles to make sure the lesions are safe.


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