Itchy feet: what to do?

Legs can itch with different intensity. Sometimes itching is very weak, and sometimes quite pronounced. Strong scratching can even become inflamed and hurt. The reasons for itchy feet can be very diverse. To get rid of itching, you need to find out its cause.

Causes of itchy feet

Itchy feet: what to do?

Most often, it happens that in addition to itching in the legs of a person, other symptoms are disturbing. If you try to put them together, you can find the cause of the violation and get rid of it. First you need to think about the allergic reaction of the body. Perhaps more recently, a person has eaten something unusual or stale. An abundance of sweet foods in the diet can provoke itching in the legs. In addition, allergies often occur on items of clothing – tights or stockings.

Sometimes the legs can itch due to a lack of moisture in the skin, or due to a vitamin deficiency. Another reason for itching of the lower extremities is shaving the legs or depilation. Even dry and hard water can dry out the skin of the lower extremities and cause itching.

Conditions that can cause itchy feet include:

  • Diabetes.

  • Pathology of the liver.

  • Diseases of the endocrine glands.

  • Varicose veins.

Also, the fungal nature of itching cannot be ruled out. Although sometimes it is provoked by the usual fatigue of the lower extremities.

Finally, the obvious cause of itchy feet are insect bites – mosquitoes and midges.


Itchy feet: what to do?

If for a long time a person suffers from varicose veins, then he may develop eczema and itchy skin. Unpleasant sensations bother regardless of the time of day. With varicose veins, there are changes in the skin. In those places where diseased veins pass, the skin becomes thinner, and constant scratching provokes the appearance of non-healing wounds.

To reduce discomfort, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Wear stockings and tight underwear.

  • Take long walks.

  • Apply hormonal creams and ointments to the affected area.

If itching bothers you a lot, then to eliminate it, you can use a mixture of Lidocaine and vodka in the proportion of 4 ampoules to 50 ml. The application of the composition allows you to relieve itching for several hours.

It is not recommended to use alkaline soap for washing your feet, as its use will increase itching. To normalize the acid-base balance of the skin, you can treat it with diluted boric acid or lemon juice.

Foot fungus is another common disease that causes severe itching. It occurs as the disease progresses. Mycotic microorganisms produce toxins that poison the human body as a whole. The skin on the legs begins to peel off and burn, it can become covered with small papules filled with fluid. If the fungus is left untreated, it will spread to the outside of the foot and to the nail plate.

If the legs itch and turn red

Itchy feet: what to do?

If the legs itch and become covered with red spots, then this may be a symptom of erysipelas. The disease threatens with the development of elephantiasis, as it worsens the lymphatic outflow.

Provoke erysipelas streptococci. At first, a person simply begins to feel bad, his body temperature rises. The appearance of a red spot on the leg is a secondary symptom of the disease, or its relapse. And it can happen even 6 months after the first episode of inflammation.

The spot is slightly swollen and painful. At first it hurts, and then it starts to itch.

Antibiotics are required to treat the disease. As a rule, improvement occurs quickly, within 24 hours from the start of therapy. The stain should be smeared with creams with an antibacterial effect. It also shows the use of antihistamines, which can eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Why do legs itch after hair removal?

Itchy feet: what to do?

Shaving your legs can irritate your skin. She begins to itch, covered with red spots. To reduce the likelihood of inflammation, it is necessary to change machines more often, not to use them for years.

The razor should be sharp so as not to injure the skin. You can use machines that are equipped with a special strip soaked in aloe extract. This will soothe the skin after shaving, and also has a slight disinfecting effect.

During the procedure, it is best to use not soap, but special shaving products. It can be creams and foams. It is good if they contain vitamin E or aloe vera. The use of such products helps to avoid irritation and itching of the skin. The procedure should be carried out in the bathroom or in the shower, as due to the effect of warm water, the hairs are better removed.

Do not shave your legs right before leaving the house. If you then put on stockings on your legs, then the likelihood of itching increases. It is best to remove hair in the evening so that the skin has time to regenerate.

You can not shave your legs against the direction of hair growth. This increases the likelihood of irritation.

How to treat?

Itchy feet: what to do?

If it is not possible to identify the causes of itching, then it is necessary to take an antihistamine drug that will reduce this symptom. Sedative medications may also be prescribed. It is possible to carry out physiotherapy treatment: electrosleep, contrast shower, baths with sea salt, etc.

On the skin that itches, you need to apply special products. It can be metol tincture, Dimedrol, salicylic acid 2% concentration, carbolic acid.

You can lubricate the skin of the feet with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3. It is good to treat the dermis with creams and ointments that have an antipruritic effect. The skin of the feet must first be disinfected. Novocaine blockade is an extreme measure that allows you to get rid of itchy skin. It is resorted to when other methods of treatment do not achieve the desired effect.

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