Many are faced with such a problem as itching in the armpit, but not everyone is trying to figure out the true causes of this unpleasant phenomenon. Therefore, before prescribing any ointments and remedies for yourself, you need to try to figure out what exactly provokes such a reaction of the body.
In most cases, the main cause of itching, especially in the summer, is the effect on the skin of sweat, or rather, the salts it contains. Routine hygiene practice helps to avoid such problems. If it is often not possible to take a shower, then washing the armpits in the morning and in the evening is available to everyone.
However, if you clearly see a lack of connection between sweat production and the amount of heat received from the environment, then profuse sweating may be a symptom indicating a problem with the thyroid gland.
Itching may indicate that blood sugar levels are elevated: a doctor may order an examination to check for diabetes
Armpits can also scratch when changing birth control pills, as well as due to taking hormonal drugs. As a rule, doctors recommend combating unpleasant side effects with baby powder or special inserts.
Hygiene products can also cause irritation, and especially their abrupt change. In this case, you will have to abandon the new “inhabitants” of your bathroom.
An overly sharp or dirty razor can also be the culprit. During depilation, the skin is injured, and this is an open path for infection.
Often, the irritant is a spray deodorant, or rather, its incorrect use. Spraying must be done at a distance of at least 5 cm, otherwise you risk simply burning the skin and provoking redness and itching. In this case, you will have to completely abandon any means for some time until the skin is completely restored.
Clothing could be another reason. Moreover, irritation can be caused not only by the composition of the fabric (everyone knows about the negative effect of synthetics), but also by the peculiarity of the cut, namely, the narrowness of the sleeve in this delicate area. Try a corticosteroid ointment for a week, it will significantly ease the condition.
And the last and most unpleasant of the main causes of itching is fungus. If there is a suspicion of the presence of this “uninvited guest” in your body, you should abandon self-medication and immediately consult a doctor.
Folk remedies, of course, can also be effective, but first you need to determine what exactly needs to be treated
Only examination and specialist advice will help here. Otherwise, you will be able to relieve symptoms only for a short time, while the undiagnosed disease will continue to progress.
Also interesting to read: apple cider vinegar for stretch marks.