Itching of the labia – what to do?

Itching of the labia is a specific skin reaction to an irritant that makes a woman want to scratch the itchy area. There can be many reasons for itching of the labia. You should not ignore them, as in some cases serious treatment may be required.

By itself, itching of the labia is not a separate disease, but only a symptom indicating trouble in the body.

Causes of itching of the labia

Itching of the labia - what to do?

The causes of itching in the labia include the following:

  • The age of a woman is important in determining the cause of the itching. So, hormonal fluctuations in the body can occur during puberty, during pregnancy, during menstruation and in menopause and lead to itching.

  • Itching during menstruation. Menstrual flow is a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of the bacterial flora. During this period, a woman’s immunity becomes especially vulnerable to various external and internal factors. If, in addition to everything, the rules of intimate hygiene are not observed, then it is quite possible to develop an inflammatory process – vulvovaginitis. He becomes the cause of itching of the labia.

  • Itching of the labia during pregnancy. The reason for the discomfort that has arisen most often lies in the hormonal changes that occur in the body. These fluctuations lead to a weakening of the immune defense, a change in the normal microflora of the vagina and the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

  • Itching of the labia after the birth of a child. This discomfort is also associated with hormones. In order for the hormonal background to stabilize, it will take some time. The hormonal storm ends with the onset of menstruation. Until this time, there is an increased risk of developing various diseases of the genital organs, which may be accompanied by itching.

  • Itching of labia during menopause. Violation of the trophism of the mucous membranes and skin of the vulva often occurs during menopause. Gynecologists call this process kraurosis. With this disease, itching becomes a rather serious symptom, causing a woman to experience severe discomfort. Often, against the background of kraurosis of the vulva, nervous disorders of varying degrees occur. A sharp drop in the body of female sex hormones, which previously had a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, leads to kraurosis. Sometimes the disease proceeds quite difficult, abrasions and cracks appear on the labia, followed by the formation of ulcers. The risk of developing infectious lesions increases, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis join.

  • External Factorswhich affects the occurrence of itching of the labia.

  • Pollution. Most often, itching of the labia occurs in women working in industries with increased air pollution with dust.

  • Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, rare and incorrect washing, a rare change of pads, the inability to take a shower.

  • Exposure to low or high temperatures. Both overheating and hypothermia can provoke itching.

  • Mechanical impact. In this case, we are talking about wearing underwear made of synthetics, about its inconsistency with the size range, about the use of underwear with rough internal seams. In addition, too frequent washings, as well as vaginal douching without medical recommendations, can negatively affect. The use of scented sanitary pads can cause discomfort in the area of ​​the labia.

  • Taking certain medicines.

  • Exposure to chemical compoundscontained, for example, in condoms or contraceptive gels.

  • Infectious diseases leading to the development of itching of the labia.

  • Vaginal candidiasis caused by fungi, which, with a normal immune status, always exist in the mucous membranes of a woman’s body. With a decrease in protective forces, their active reproduction occurs. Itching of the labia is one of the most striking symptoms of candidiasis. In addition, white curdled discharge, pain during an attempt to empty the bladder, during sex, etc., testify to the disease.

  • Gardnerellosis. The disease develops due to the replacement of the normal microflora of the vagina with a pathogenic one. Itching and burning of the labia with this disease is always pronounced. In addition, the woman is concerned about the discharge, which has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of a missing fish.

  • Genital herpes is also one of the possible causes of itching of the labia. In addition, rashes in the form of bubbles periodically appear on the genitals, which occurs during an exacerbation of the disease.

  • With inguinal epidermophytosis there is a lesion of the skin of the labia, the appearance of pink spots on it with a center of inflammation. In this case, the inguinal zone itches, and the lesions peel off. Then, foci of inflammation are formed on the skin, which have clear red borders.

  • Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease leading to redness and itching of the labia. Discomfort occurs against the background of abundant yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.

  • Parasitic diseases leading to itching of the labia. Scabies can cause discomfort in the area of ​​the labia. This disease is contagious and develops due to contact with the dermal integument of the scabies mite. As parasites multiply, itching covers all large areas of the body, including the inguinal zone. Itching tends to increase at night. In addition, pubic pediculosis, which occurs due to infection with pubic lice, is capable of causing itching of the labia and inguinal zone.

  • Diseases of the reproductive system of a woman that can provoke itching of the labia. Sometimes the cause of itching of the labia is the pathology of the reproductive system of a woman. With endometritis and cervicitis, purulent discharge may appear, which will irritate the skin of the labia and cause itching. Although sometimes these diseases are asymptomatic.

  • Itching of the labia in diabetes mellitus. Itching in the groin occurs due to the fact that the urine of a woman suffering from diabetes contains a lot of glucose. In addition, trips to the toilet become more frequent. The remnants of such secretions on the genitals lead to the fact that bacteria begin to multiply there faster, which provoke the occurrence of irritation and itching.

  • Diseases of the liver that provoke itching of the labia. Severe liver damage can cause bile enzymes to accumulate in the blood and skin. In addition to giving the skin a yellowish tint, they also act as an irritant. As a result, a woman may experience itching all over her body, including in the area of ​​the labia.

  • Diseases of the urinary system and itching of the labia. With pathologies of the bladder and kidneys, their functioning is disrupted. This contributes to the development of polyuria and the accumulation of urea breakdown products in the blood. These two factors act as irritants for the skin of the labia.

  • Diseases of the hematopoietic organs, endocrine glands, tumors of the genital organs. All these diseases lead to the fact that the woman’s immune system begins to function worse. The decrease in protective forces leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, which causes various diseases that provoke itching of the genital organs. Diseases of the endocrine glands can also cause hormonal failure.

  • Psychological reasons. Prolonged stress, serious shocks, nervous disorders, depressive states can cause increased sensitivity of the skin. This, in turn, leads to itching on the body and in intimate places.

[Video] Gynecologist Ekaterina Volkova – Why genital itching occurs:

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