Italy announced the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus

Italy announced the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus

The Italians did it! They created the first coronavirus vaccine! It remains to test it on humans, and the salvation is ready.

Italy announced the creation of a vaccine against coronavirus

Researchers from the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome announced incredible news: they have invented the world’s first vaccine capable of neutralizing the coronavirus. 

“As far as we know, we are the first in the world to demonstrate the neutralization of coronavirus with a vaccine. We expect this to happen in humans as well, ”said Luigi Aursicchio, CEO of vaccine development company Takis.

The vaccine contains antibodies that act on cells, preventing the virus from infecting people. According to Aursicchio, human trials are expected in the fall.

So far, the vaccine has been tested in rodents with amazing results.

Note, according to the latest data, the coronavirus has been detected in 3,8 million people around the world. 1,2 million recovered, more than 263 thousand died.

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