Russia, unlike a number of European countries, is fighting the coronavirus without introducing an emergency regime. However, the Italians are already urging us, if possible, not to leave the house.
Natalia Poklonskaya urged Russians to stay at home
Natalia Poklonskaya, like many of us, is not indifferent to the fate of Russia. She also cares about what is happening in other countries in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. So, in one of the recent posts, Natalia admitted that she was concerned about the constantly increasing number of victims in Italy.
Poklonskaya wrote that she contacted Italian friends to offer help, to which she received an answer: “Before it’s too late and still under control, you can change the situation in your country (Russia). Isolation of citizens works at this stage, and human lives can be saved. Take it harsher and more seriously. Do not repeat the mistakes of other countries. “
And then Natalia turned to the followers, urging them to strictly observe all precautions in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
“The government of the country is doing everything necessary. Temporary self-isolation is required from you and me – you need to be at home. If now everyone understands this, and each person shows discipline, we will go through this difficult period quickly and with minimal losses, ”Poklonskaya is sure.
Natalia Poklonskaya in a new post addressed the Russians
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“If you have been quarantined at work, then you need to sit out in your apartment. If you have a sore throat or a fever, do not go to the office so as not to re-infect everyone around you. Even if you think you don’t have the virus, show respect for others. People are already scared.
On my own behalf, I sincerely wish beautiful Italy and the whole world to get rid of this “plague of the XNUMXst century” as soon as possible, ”Natalia wrote in conclusion, noting that her whole family had made a choice in favor of self-isolation.
@nv_poklonskaya / Instagram