A real miracle happened in Rome: Italian doctors managed to separate the Siamese twins, fused with skulls.
On June 29, 2018, Siamese twins were born in the Central African Republic. The babies were born with fused skulls. Italian doctors from the Bambino Gesu Hospital (“Baby Jesus”), having learned about the girls, began to help them.
It took more than a year for research and preparation: since May 2019, the babies have undergone three surgical procedures. During the last one, which took place on June 5 of this year, the sisters managed to be separated.
“This is the first case in Italy – and probably the only one in the world (such operations are not described in the literature) – of a successful operation for complete posterior craniopagia (fusion of skulls, – approx. Healthy Food Near Me)… This is one of the rarest and most complex forms of merger, ”the hospital’s website said in a statement.
A month later, 2-year-old crumbs are doing well. The sisters finally sleep each in their own bed. The girls’ mother cannot recover from joy: she thanks the doctors for their help, noting that in Africa the sisters would hardly have been helped. “Ervina and Prefina were born twice,” the woman is quoted as saying.
Siamese twins were born to a woman from a village near Bangui (the capital of the Central African Republic)
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Despite the fact that the girls spent the first two years of their lives inseparably, they are very different: “Prefina is playful, lively and lively, while Ervina is more serious and observant.”.
Photo Shoot: East News