It works! 5 secrets of ballerinas slenderness

It turns out that if you follow a number of important rules, you can even indulge in fast food before bed and not get better. Anna Voytina, prima ballerina of the St. Petersburg Russian Ballet Theater, told us how to always be in shape.

Rumors that ballerinas are on diets all the time are greatly exaggerated. Great physical activity helps us maintain ideal shape, although, of course, attention should be paid to the diet.

Ballet dancers are actually sculptors of their bodies. Any relief and fit can be achieved with special exercises. Fitness, yoga, pilates help a lot. I include some exercises from these techniques in my daily exercise. Nowadays, such a direction as body ballet is gaining popularity. This helps not only to achieve harmony, but also to correct posture, develop flexibility, and stretch muscles. It is better to study, of course, under the supervision of an experienced mentor.

I myself sometimes indulge in fast food, but the main thing is not to abuse it. I want to dispel the myth that not eating after 18:00 is right. This is not really a healthy diet, unless you go to bed at 20:00 pm. For the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, we need almost all products. I eat everything, but in reasonable proportions – more herbs, vegetables, fruits and berries.

1. Do exercises. Nobody talks about an hour’s jog in the morning, etc., it’s just enough to choose a few exercises to wake up yourself and your body.

2. To start breakfast with a glass of water, it is not necessary to drink two liters a day, if it is hard for you, this will be enough for the internal organs to wake up and start working.

3. Go for a relaxing massage as needed and a sauna if you like it.

4. Be sure to rest.

5. Maintain a favorable emotional background. This is very important not only for psychological health, but also for physical health, because it is no coincidence that they say that all diseases are from nerves. Do not go to extremes, balance in everything is the key to success.

Of course! But also passion for their work. This cannot be discounted. Find something to your liking, then you will not have to seize stress. As for me, having once danced about a thousand “Swan Lakes” all over the world, I realized that I wanted to take a break and take care of my family. But when I was in the hospital, they called me and offered to dance “White” in two weeks. I said yes”. This ended my maternity leave.

Ahead of us is the summer season of the Swan Lake ballet and a busy touring schedule, and my husband and I have been working as coaches and choreographers for a year at the Zhemchuzhina rhythmic gymnastics center, where the team of St. Petersburg and Russia trains. I like teaching. This is not ballet at all, but choreography is very necessary and important for gymnasts, especially at such a high level. I see my pedagogical activity in sports, I am thinking about additional education at the University of Physical Culture, Sports and Health of PF Lesgaft.

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