It was he who invented Lugol’s fluid. At the beginning, the drug had a completely different purpose

Many of us associate Lugol’s fluid mainly with the unpleasant consequences of the disaster that occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986, when the famous suspension was obligatory to counteract the effects of irradiation. Years later it turned out that it was not necessary at all, and the drug has many serious side effects. The fame of the preparation has not passed away – the solution of iodine and potassium iodide, invented by Jean Lugol, is still used today. Is it right? How was the structure of Lugol’s fluid developed, and what was it originally intended for? Is the famous preparation safe for health? The perception of the situation has changed somewhat over the years.

  1. The recipe for Lugol’s fluid was developed by a French doctor in the XNUMXth century.
  2. The medic wanted to use the preparation to treat tuberculosis. The fluid, however, was not effective against this disease
  3. Lugol’s fluid became “famous” after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Years later it turned out that taking it was not necessary at all
  4. Doctors are alarming not to take Lugol’s fluid on your own. Side effects can be very serious
  5. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The invention of Lugol’s fluid

The structure of Lugol’s fluid was developed in 1829. The discovery was made by the French physician Jean Auguste Lugol (1788-1851), who spread the use of iodine in medicine. The doctor is remembered as a professional who performed his profession directly for patients – this is confirmed by many reports about the friendly disposition and manner of Jean Lugol.

On the initiative of the creator, the use of the famous liquid was to be reduced only to the treatment of tuberculosis (which turned out to be a fiasco), but in the end, the preparation began to serve many other purposes. When did Lugol’s liquid gain so much fame?

Further part below the video.

Lugol’s fluid after the Chernobyl disaster

Lugol’s solution is a solution that consists of 87 percent. distilled water, 2 percent potassium iodide and 1 percent. iodine. After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Polish society received it for protection purposes due to radioactive fallout. The famous solution was consumed with the intention of preventing the body from absorbing the radioactive iodine isotope from the environment, which was supposed to build up into the thyroid gland, causing the development of thyroid cancer.

The intake of Lugol’s fluid was commissioned by Zbigniew Jaworski and the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection. In 1986, the suspension was administered mainly to children to protect the thyroid from the harmful iodine isotope, which sowed panic after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.

  1. See also: Why was Lugol’s fluid administered after the Chernobyl disaster?

Although today it is already known that Lugol’s solution was not necessary then, as the risk in Poland was not high, the interest in the solution does not decrease at all. Many people use it on their own, as part of individual prophylaxis. The interest in Lugol’s fluid is compounded by the ever worsening conflict in Ukraine – as a result of the bombardments, a fire occurred at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, which led to concerns about the likelihood of increased radiation in Poland. However, this fear is not justified, as confirmed by the Polish Atomic Energy Agency, which constantly monitors the situation related to radiation.

  1. Also read: Assault for Lugol’s liquid. The doctor warns what this may be

Modern use of Lugol’s fluid

Lugol’s fluid has many other uses. Consumption of a specific amount of fluid may stimulate or inhibit the thyroid gland, but only a specialist should decide on the dose. The preparation is also used to treat goiter (abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland). Externally, you can benefit from its disinfecting properties and use as an antiseptic. There is no need to thin the preparation – just apply it to small wounds or scratches. Another use of the suspension is for gargling. Then Lugol’s solution should be diluted with water in the proportion of 10 drops per 200 ml of water.

Another example of using Lugol’s solution is administering its solution to patients shortly before the scintigraphy is performed. The recommended proportion is to dilute 5 drops in 200 ml of water.

In addition, Lugol’s solution is also used to detect starch. The test consists in adding a solution of iodine and potassium iodide to the analyzed element. If the suspension contains large amounts of starch, the liquid turns purple-red, and when the concentration is lower – blue-purple.

Contraindications to taking Lugol’s fluid

Self-use of a well-known preparation invented by a French doctor can be dangerous to your health. People who should not use it are patients who suffer from hyperthyroidism, pulmonary tuberculosis and are hypersensitive to iodine. Another group that categorically should not use Lugol’s solution are women expecting a baby and breastfeeding mothers.

  1.  Check the condition of your thyroid gland. Buy a package of diagnostic tests

It is worth emphasizing that Lugol’s liquid, which is available on pharmacy shelves, is not intended for consumption in the form of a solution, but only topically – for external use. Crude suspension may cause gastrointestinal and allergic problems. The internal intake of the preparation takes place only on the recommendation of a doctor, and Lugol’s solution is then prepared by an experienced pharmacist.

Is Lugol’s solution harmful? Know the possible side effects

Iodine is an element that regulates the work of the thyroid gland. It is therefore an essential element involved in the production of T3 and T4 hormones. However, as with everything in excess, taking Lugol’s solution can also be associated with side effects and overdosing. For this reason, taking the famous solution on your own may be an irresponsible decision, especially when the amount of the preparation is exceeded. This situation may lead to hypothyroidism or aggravate the progression of hyperthyroidism. Additionally, ill-considered intake of Lugol’s solution may be associated with:

  1. zimnymi potami;
  2. iodine acne;
  3. itching;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. refractory allergic reactions;
  6. development of Hashimoto’s disease;
  7. tachycardia;
  8. a direct threat to life – in the case of people struggling with cardiovascular diseases

Symptoms of iodine overdose are primarily a high body temperature, swollen lymph nodes and a troublesome rash.


The use of Lugol’s solution – as well as other preparations with iodine in the composition – should be consulted with a doctor. Endocrinologists, who emphasize that its prophylactic use can do much more harm than profit.

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