It touches 80 thousand. Poles every year. How do you recognize the symptoms of a stroke?

Stroke is the most common cause of permanent and multiple adult disability in the world and one of the most common causes of death worldwide. – One of the most common myths related to stroke is the belief that it affects only the elderly – says Bartosz Karaszewski, prof. neurology.

Young people are affected by stroke

Stroke affects 80 annually. Poles. In Poland, the disease affects someone on average every 6,5 minutes.

– Stroke is the most common cause of permanent and complex adult disability in the world and one of the most common causes of adult death in the world – says Prof. Bartosz Karaszewski, head and head of the Department of Adult Neurology at the Medical University of Gdańsk and the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk.

According to the neurologist, one of the most common myths related to stroke is the belief that it only affects the elderly

– Depending on various data, between 5 and 20 percent. patients suffer a stroke before the age of 45 – says prof. Karaszewski.

  1. Read also: The stroke takes the young

One of the people who recently had a stroke is 41-year-old Ryszard. He, too, was convinced that he was too young to have a stroke. His body was not sending out any warning signals.

– Before breakfast, I wanted to check my laptop and felt that something was starting to go wrong with my body. I couldn’t pick up my laptop flap. This has not yet given rise to concern. But when I got up from the table, my body refused to obey – says Ryszard.

Half the body was paralyzed. He couldn’t move his arms or leg, he had a strange look – his wife adds.

Symptoms of a stroke. How do you recognize a stroke?

The symptom of a stroke is presented in the FAST chart:

  1. Face dropping – the drooping corner of the mouth
  2. Arm weakness – one hand weakened
  3. Speech difficulty – speech problems 
  4. Time do call emergency – time to call an ambulance

Ryszard’s ischemic stroke was caused by a previously undetected heart defect.

  1. How do you recognize a stroke? The first signals

Stroke – What Are the Risk Factors?

Prof. Bartosz Karaszewski lists the most important risk factors for a stroke:

  1. hypertension
  2. heart problems, especially heart rhythm problems (atrial fibrillation)
  3. lipid disorders
  4. diabetes
  5. smoking tobacco
  6. abdominal obesity
  7. lack of physical activity
  8. wrong diet
  9. stress
  10. depression

Stroke – the most important thing is reaction speed

Richard’s stroke was dangerous and extensive. To cure, two methods of treatment were used – thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy, i.e. the insertion of catheters into the carotid or vertebral arteries up to the brain, then a stent was led into the artery closed with a stroke, it was attached to the clot and removed.

Thrombolysis can be used up to 4,5 hours after stroke, thrombectomy up to 6 hours after stroke. But the sooner the procedure starts, the better.

  1. Walking protects men from stroke

– If we start the procedure in the first hour or even after 20 minutes, the prognosis is better than if we start it in the third or fourth hour, which is also within the therapeutic window – emphasizes prof. Karaszewski.

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Also read:

  1. Third dose of COVID-19 vaccine. When is the best time to accept, when to hold off?
  2. How is rehabilitation after a stroke?
  3. How can I prevent a stroke?

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