“It seemed that her mouth might burst”: St. Petersburg woman almost burned down in a solarium

It seemed that her mouth might burst: St. Petersburg woman almost burned down in a solarium

Everyone knows about the dangers of a solarium. It is all the more surprising that there are still people who regularly visit there.

It seemed that her mouth might burst: St. Petersburg woman almost burned down in a solarium

In October 2020, a resident of St. Petersburg named Maria came to the solarium to once again renew her golden skin color, but instead received terrible burns on her face and body. By the way, the girl went to the solarium on a regular basis, but this was the first time she faced such a “horror” – she honestly told about what happened to her later in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

That day, instead of the usual 7 minutes, the girl decided to sunbathe for 8 minutes to enhance the effect. Maria claims: that “fatal” session was no different from the previous ones – she did not feel any burning sensation or discomfort.

However, in the morning, a terrible thing happened – redness appeared on her face and body, very similar to burns, which caused obvious discomfort. And although Maria was a little wary, she did not panic.

By the end of the day, the condition worsened – Maria admitted that it was painful for her to touch the skin, and even more so to open her mouth or just smile – there was a feeling that it could burst at any moment.

Realizing that it would hardly be possible to solve this problem on her own, the girl went to the hospital.

It is assumed that in the salon where Maria went, there could be low-quality or old equipment. Solarium lamps have a kind of “mileage”, exceeding which, they become unusable.

We asked an expert about the dangers of a tanning bed and what such burns can result in.

cosmetologist-aesthetist of the CIDK network of clinics

Getting a chocolate tan through regular tanning visits can have serious consequences. The influence of ultraviolet rays provokes the breakdown of protein molecules of the skin, which leads to the fragmentation of polypeptide chains into biologically active substances. This provokes a negative effect on the work of internal organs and the body as a whole. 

This particular case, judging by the photographs, is a 2-3 degree burn, the recovery of which will take at least a month. In addition, scar tissue may remain, depending on individual tolerance. From the image, it is difficult to find out the reasons and understand why such a serious case occurred, what the victim did before visiting the solarium from things incompatible with tanning, what contraindications she had. Even a good, high-quality tanning bed with serviceable equipment is not good for the skin because of the high ultraviolet radiation that damages the skin, regardless of whether this burn is visually visible after a visit or not. 

Consequences of visiting a solarium

In everything, measure and careful control are necessary, and excessive visits to the solarium can lead to the following problems: 

  • The central and peripheral nervous system is weakened 

  • The possibility of developing dermatitis and even a malignant tumor

  • The process of metabolism of fats is overly activated, which can cause the body to malfunction

  • Development of ophthalmic diseases such as cataracts and conjunctivitis

  • Development of mastopathy, as the mammary glands are sensitive to ultraviolet light

  • Dehydration of the skin, as proteins such as elastin and collagen, which are responsible for its elasticity and firmness, are destroyed

Causes of burns

After visiting the solarium, burns of varying degrees may appear, as the skin becomes sensitive to ultraviolet rays. In addition, if the lamps in tanning salons are installed of inadequate quality, their use can lead to very serious consequences. Also, the appearance of burns after visiting a solarium can be affected by taking medications – antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antipsychotics. Those who have fair skin will easily get burned, since the level of melatonin, which is a protective barrier against ultraviolet rays, is much lower. If, after visiting the solarium, you feel: itching, burning, severe headache, fever and nausea – these may be signs of a burn, you should immediately seek help from a doctor and not self-medicate. 


If you feel discomfort after visiting the solarium, it is recommended to take a slightly cool shower and smear the skin with a preparation that stimulates tissue regeneration and soothes damaged areas. Depending on the degree of the burn, the treatment takes up to 7 days on average, but if the damage is severe, then up to several weeks or a month. For any discomfort, you should consult a specialist in order to prescribe treatment on time and avoid consequences.

Photo: Getty Images, personal archive

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