It’s worth seeing: how dad took birth in the car

The photos are so beautiful that they seem to be staged. Well, there are no random shots taken on the run with trembling hands (how else at such a moment?), But at the same time so studio-like.

We have seen hundreds of photographs of newborns on duty. Even a photo of the birth process itself was also seen. Some of them, to be honest, look creepy: all this blood, the tortured sweaty face of mommy … But these pictures are just a masterpiece!

How did it happen that the whole world saw pictures of the birth of this baby? That’s how.

Lauren Strank’s birth began on 22 February. She and her husband Noah were expecting a second son. They even came up with a name: Noah Parker van Rijn. Lauren is no stranger to maternity, so she immediately knew what was going on. Her husband put her in a car and they rushed to the hospital.

The contractions intensified rapidly, but Lauren managed to write a message to their family photographer Stephanie Knowles. It was planned that the photographer would come to the hospital and take pictures, if not of childbirth, then of happy parents with a newborn baby.

But … We must never forget about Murphy’s law: if something can go wrong, it will definitely go wrong. With excitement, frightened by the screams of his wife, Noah slipped through the entrance to the hospital. Lauren shouted at him to stop – she felt that the child was about to be born.

Meanwhile, the photographer was also rushing to the hospital – literally stepping on the spouses’ heels. And she drove into the parking lot just at the moment when Strankov’s car screeched to a stop in the parking lot. Stephanie flew out of the car, grabbing a camera, and rushed to Strankov’s car. And for good reason. The exciting moment was already … Here it is!

As the happy daddy said, when he ran out of the car and opened the door from his wife’s side, he could only catch the baby – the birth was so swift. Mom herself had to take part – to hold the baby so that the father would not drop it. Well, and Stephanie, despite the rush and, to put it mildly, not the most standard situation, managed to pull herself together and make a series of excellent shots. It doesn’t matter that the baby was born in a car in the parking lot!

And there the staff had already arrived, and Lauren went to the ward, as expected. By the way, they were delighted with the photos.

By the way, Stephanie Knowles specializes as a family photographer, working with newborns and during childbirth. But for the first time, she managed to film the process itself and the very moment of the birth of the child. So baby Noah not only became famous the moment he was born. He also boosted the career of his photographer.

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