It’s time to appreciate apples! Discover its health properties!
It’s time to appreciate apples! Discover its health properties!

Apple is a fruit that is not only tasty but also very valuable. However, on a daily basis, we underestimate this fruit, replacing it with oranges and bananas. Why we do not appreciate a local, fresh and healthy product. What do apples actually contain, what can they protect us from and what ingredients can they enrich our diet with? Apples come in many different varieties, so everyone will find the right one for themselves.

Apples you don’t know

When eating apples, we don’t think about how beneficial the substances they contain can be for our body. Apples are not only great for digestion, they also support the weight loss process, they also prevent atherosclerosis by lowering cholesterol levels. The most valuable ingredients of an apple are contained in the skin. It contains pectins that effectively cleanse our body of toxins. Therefore, they should become the favorite fruit of smokers. Thanks to the positive effect on the work of the intestines, they prevent constipation, this is how the fiber contained in them works.

Healthy and light apples…

Apples are also a treasury of minerals such as potassium and iron as well as vitamins. The most important vitamin contained in them is vitamin C. Vitamin C has a positive effect on our immunity. Apples owe their slightly sour taste to malic and citric acids and easily digestible sugars. Their composition has a diuretic and cleansing effect on our body. Apples strengthen our cardiovascular system, improve liver function, improve the functioning of the nervous system and effectively reduce swelling. For years, apples have been used in folk medicine as a remedy for joint pain.

Are apples good for everything?

The role that apples can have on our body is very versatile. They help with diarrhea»>diarrhea, they help eliminate inflammation in the mouth and throat. They also serve people struggling with ulcers and suffering from indigestion. For people on a diet, this natural sweetness is allowed, and even recommended. Apples are very low in calories. However, you can not overdo it with their amount during the diet, because they contain a large amount of sugars. Thanks to the vitamin C contained in the composition, they facilitate the absorption of calcium. Children should eat apples for this reason, they are anti-caries. Hard apples allow you to exercise your gums.

Apples for beauty…

Apples have a very good effect on the condition of our nails and hair, strengthening them. They also improve the appearance of our skin. Thanks to vitamin C contained in apples, the skin ages more slowly, remains elastic for longer, and the addition of vitamin PP prevents the formation of spider veins on the skin.

Ways to get apples?

Sour, sweet, hard or juicy, apples are good both raw and in preserves or cakes. Their varieties differ in ripening time, storage method, color, size and taste. A good snack raw will be juicy lobo, jonagold, ligol, ruby ​​or mekintosh. Gray rennet and antonówka will always work in preserves. On the other hand, apple pie is worth trying out. It doesn’t matter how, it’s worth reaching for apples, the more that we have them available all year round.

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