It’s the easiest way to catch a cold. Three common situations that increase the risk of disease

A cold is most often associated with cold rainy weather. And in fact, this disease most often attacks during autumn and winter. However, the direct cause of a cold is not the cold. Although low temperatures play a part in this. When is the easiest time to catch a cold? And what situations are conducive to this? We explain.

  1. A common cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Most often, rhinoviruses are responsible for them
  2. Cold is not directly responsible for causing a cold. Such weather, however, is conducive to “catching” this disease
  3. How does cold contribute to colds, and what other situations increase the risk of infection?
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What is a cold really? Common symptoms

“Dress warmly or you will catch a cold” – these words have been heard by everyone, not once or twice. In fact, everyone probably associates a cold with cold or cold. It turns out, however, that the weather is not directly responsible for causing this disease. Before explaining why, let’s remind you what a cold is.

A common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat (upper respiratory tract). Hence, they are also referred to as viral nasopharyngitis or viral nasopharyngitis and sinusitis. There are many viruses (even 200) that cause colds. They include, among others coronaviruses, responsible for approx. 15 percent. cases of illness. Most often, however, the common cold (up to half of the cases) is caused by rhinoviruses (there may be about a hundred of them).

Cold symptoms usually appear one to three days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms may vary from person to person, but the usual symptoms are: runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, mild body aches, mild headache, mild fever, general malaise, feeling broken.

  1. Find out how the common cold proceeds and how to treat it?

According to the prestigious Mayo Clinic organization (it conducts research, clinical and integrated patient care), adults can expect two or three colds a year (children more often). Most often this happens in the fall / winter season. What is the relationship between cold and rainy weather and a cold?

When do we get colds the most? Cold and dry air

As already mentioned, cold weather is not a direct cause of a cold. It is true, however, that it is conducive to “catching” this disease. But, as Libby Richards, who teaches nursing at Purdue University, explains, it’s true that cold weather makes it easier to catch a cold. Many viruses, including rhinovirus, replicate faster at lower temperatures and stay infectious for longer. Therefore, these pathogens spread more easily in winter, she explained on CNN.

This is an important reason, but not the only one. When it is cold, transmission of the virus is easier. Cool air (but also sudden changes in temperature) cause changes in the nasal mucosa, which in turn facilitates the transmission of the pathogen from person to person. Breathing cold air can also adversely affect the immune response in the airways, making it harder for your body to fight infection. Therefore, covering your nose and mouth (e.g. by wearing a headscarf) may help.

Colds are favored not only by the cold, but also by the accompanying dry air. One study found that a decrease in temperature and humidity over three days increased the risk of rhinovirus infection.

According to Medical News Today, inhaling cold and dry air causes the blood vessels in the upper respiratory tract to narrow. This can prevent white blood cells from reaching the mucosa and therefore make it harder for the body to fight pathogens ».

It is worth remembering that the condition of the immune system largely depends on the level of vitamin D in the body. What is the risk of vitamin D deficiency?

When do we get colds the most? Staying in closed rooms

Colds are spread, among others by droplets, i.e. during contact with an infected person who, coughing or sneezing, sprays droplets of respiratory secretions, and with them viruses. Hence, it is clear that spending time together indoors – and that is what the rainy weather helps to do – is conducive to infection. Such a situation usually means closer contact with other people. Meanwhile, respiratory viruses are known to spread within less than two meters of an infected person.

Another factor is added here – heating, which dries the air and thus the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

To improve immunity, we recommend “Healthy as Fish” – a set of fruit and vegetable shots with herbs, which you can only buy now at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

When do we get colds the most? Touching infected objects

Staying in closed rooms poses one more threat, which is conducive to colds. The disease spreads not only through airborne droplets, but also through contact with infected objects. Some viruses can survive in the environment (including on everyday objects such as door handles, telephones, handrails) for up to several hours. When we touch an infected object and then our mouth, eyes or nose, we will likely transfer the pathogen into the body.

The same situation occurs when sharing contaminated items such as dishes, cutlery, food, towels, etc. Hence, it is so important to avoid such behavior, refrain from touching your face, wash your hands regularly, and also frequently clean the surfaces used by a lot of people.

How to avoid catching a cold? Practical tips

The above rules do not exhaust what we can do to protect ourselves from catching a cold. In the upcoming fall-winter season and, in fact, all year round, remember to:

  1. eat healthy food (e.g. include dark green, leafy vegetables, eggs in the diet). Diet to strengthen immunity – what should you eat to strengthen the body?

Are you looking for a complementary immune supplement? The preparation with routine 500 mg will have a positive effect on the immune system and the absorption of vitamin C. You can also drink the elderberry flower infusion, which you can find at Medonet Market.

  1. hydrate the body (drink at least eight glasses of water a day), you can also use warming herbal teas, such as Pukka Wild Apple & Cinnamon – apple tea with cinnamon and ginger. Dehydration – How To Protect Yourself From It?
  2. remember to be active, even in winter
  3. sleep well
  4. when we sneeze or cough, always into a handkerchief, and if it is not, into the elbow, not in the hands.

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