“It’s so good with you” and 10 more phrases that are important to say to loved ones

It’s no secret that little words have great power. Words can hurt, hurt, kill. Encourage, support, inspire hope. Perhaps we should all pay a little more attention to what and how we say to the people around us, especially if they are not indifferent to us. And, perhaps, even specially pronounce some phrases that the interlocutor will be very pleased to hear.

1. “I was thinking about you”

Have you ever shared a problem that is tormenting you with a friend, and a few days later pick up the phone and hear: “I was thinking about what you said. How are you now? Better?”? If so, then you will surely be able to easily remember what a surge of gratitude you experienced for this person.

Just one phrase is enough to make the interlocutor feel important, significant. It’s not necessary to recall a specific conversation – just if you suddenly thought about a person, let him know: “I just remembered you and thought that we hadn’t communicated for a thousand years”, “I’m so glad you called – just recently about you remembered.” This is a simple and effective way to strengthen relationships.

2. “You look great!”

“Long time no see – you look great!” – a simple phrase, but how much better your interlocutor will immediately feel. Complimenting each other is a beautiful feminine trait. Perhaps men should adopt it too?

3. “What do you think about this?”

“I want to consult with you about …”, “What do you think about …”, “I need your objective opinion about …”, “Give me advice on how best to deal with …?” … Exchange of experience is an important part of the communication process.

People like to share what lessons they have learned in a given situation. It is important for them to know that someone is interested in their opinion, that others will take it into account when they make a choice.

So, if you understand that the interlocutor cares about what you are telling him, ask him to share his point of view. And in general, be more often interested in other people’s thoughts, views and experiences.

4. “I love your view of the world”

“Wow! I never thought about it in such a way”, “That’s why I love meeting you – you always learn something new”, “You are just a storehouse of valuable information!” – phrases that literally inspire interlocutors. So do not skimp on praise and gratitude every time you hear something new, original and interesting from others.

5. “Last time we talked, you told me about…”

When the interlocutor repeatedly recalls what we talked about last time, we feel that we are not indifferent to him, that what we are talking about is really interesting and important to him. So learning to be a good listener is not superfluous at all. How to do it? Practice daily.

“Last time you said that you were given a big project. How are things with him? Are you coping?”, “At that time you said that your mother was unwell. How is she now?

The more details you can remember, the better. To remember that a friend’s mother is sick is silver. Mention her name in a conversation – gold. Showing another that we are really listening to him is the best gift we can give him.

6. “I followed your advice and…”

When someone tells us that they listened to our recommendation, we literally blossom. So do not deprive yourself or others of this pleasure! Make the other person feel useful and authoritative. “I took your advice and started turning off wi-fi after 22:00. And you know, for the first time in several years, I began to really switch off from work! Thank you!”

Knowing that your words even slightly changed the life of another for the better is priceless.

7. “I missed you”

Say this to your friends, even if you haven’t heard from them in just a few days, and even more so if you haven’t seen each other for several months.

Right now, put aside everything, pick up the phone and write or call a friend, find out how he is doing, and tell him that you miss him. Such a conversation may last only a minute, but will become an important building block in the building of your friendship.

8. “What I really like about you is…”

In every person there are traits that cause admiration. Take the time to find them in the interlocutor, and mention them in the course of your conversations with him. “I am amazed at your ability to find a common language with people”, “I sincerely envy your strength. If this happened to me, it’s not a fact that I would have coped. And aerobatics is to celebrate someone else’s progress in anything, even if it is insignificant.

9. “It’s so good with you”

“I always feel better after talking with you”, “You have such a good … aura, energy – call it what you want”, “I love spending time with you!” – yes, from such words the interlocutor, especially not your closest friend, may be embarrassed, but he will definitely be pleased.

10. “I saw this and immediately thought of you”

Share a funny video, a link to a vacancy, an article that you think might be interesting to the interlocutor, a song that you listened to in the car during a joint trip many years ago – it will take you only 10 seconds, and the person will feel flattered: you remember and take care of him.

11. “Thank you for being who you are”

Many of us have been taught since childhood that love and attention must be earned – by academic success, exemplary behavior. Is it correct? No. Can something be done about it? Yes. First of all, by learning to appreciate others for who they are, and not for their achievements. And tell them about it.

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