Alexey Kovalkov named two effective tactics.
Doctor Aleksey Kovalkov, founder of the Weight Correction Clinic, answered on the clinic’s official YouTube channel to the main questions of subscribers and told how to deal with a hanging belly.
It turned out that if, with the help of proper nutrition and sports, a person has lost weight to the optimal weight for him, the stomach may not go anywhere, but hang in an ugly apron. It is not so easy to remove it, because if a person continues to lose weight further, then everything decreases in volume, except for the hated belly.
Dr. Kovalkov says there are two effective tactics that can help remedy the situation.
If the belly is soft and can be collected into a lump, then the fat cells have not gone anywhere, but simply decreased in size. There are two tactics. The first is surgical treatment, the second is mesotherapy, when phosphatidylcholine and other cocktails are injected that dissolve the membrane of these fat cells. Mesotherapy will take two weeks, ”said the expert.
The doctor emphasized that mesotherapy is the fastest way to remove an overhanging belly.
These doctor’s advice will help bring your body to perfection, but at the beginning of the journey you will still have to resort to sports exercises, as well as develop an optimal nutrition plan for yourself.
Recall that earlier we wrote about products that burn fat, among the record holders is a popular, but underestimated seasoning.