It’s not always a tumor. Breast cancer can be very tricky
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As soon as we feel a suspicious bump on the chest, we are drenched in cold sweat. We quickly ask ourselves: is it cancer? Unfortunately, awareness of cancer and disrespectful approach to one’s health still take their toll. Breast cancer is not just tumors. This insidious disease can manifest itself in a very unusual and ambiguous way. If the appearance of your breasts has changed, do not underestimate it, visit your gynecologist as soon as possible.

Atypical symptoms of breast cancer

Breast self-examination is an essential tool in the early detection of breast cancer. Having a mammogram or a breast ultrasound on a regular basis can also save your life. Don’t wait! Make an appointment for an ultrasound today – click HERE.

However, apart from these methods, there is one more very important way to detect changes early: observation. Breast cancer can take many different forms and is not always manifested by the appearance of a typical lump or lump on the breast. If you are worried about anything about the appearance of your breasts, do not hesitate to see a doctor as soon as possible. Check unusual symptoms of breast cancer.

Further part below the video.

Breast wrinkling and collapse is a symptom of breast cancer

Wrinkling and strange sagging of the breasts may be a symptom of a developing cancer. This change occurs when you raise your arms up and back when you return to your previous position.

Stand in front of the mirror. Then raise your arms above your head and look for possible indents and dimples. If you find them, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have breast cancer. However, make an appointment with a gynecologist and always consult the changes in the appearance of your breasts.

Genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer – you can buy BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene analysis at Medonet Market.

Nipple leakage and breast cancer

If there is discharge or blood coming out of the nipple on its own, make an appointment with your doctor. This could be a sign of breast cancer.

Swelling, redness or a darker color of the breasts – signs of breast cancer

This rare symptom of breast cancer is also known as the inflammatory form of breast cancer. It develops rapidly, causing breast swelling and inflammation. Many people confuse this symptom with a skin infection and do not pay much attention to the signals sent by the body. If you notice this symptom, make an appointment for a gynecologist immediately. Oncologists consider this type of cancer to be extremely dangerous due to its rapid development.

Changes in breast size and breast cancer

Changes in the size of the breasts may be natural and may be caused by, for example, changing body weight. However, it can also be one of the early symptoms of breast cancer. Inflammatory breast cancer can cause swelling. Additionally, asymmetry or unevenness and irregular shape of the breast may appear. Although lumpy breasts are natural and many women have asymmetrical breasts, if the change occurs suddenly and the bust has grown significantly, it’s time to see a specialist. A sudden change in breast size for no logical reason should be a warning sign.

Breast cancer. Itching, flaking, or rash on the nipple

Itchy skin or the nipple can cause skin disease. However, it can also be a symptom of breast cancer. If anything bothers you, always consult your doctor.

Postmenopausal breast pain is a signal of a tumor

Although this is rare, the pain that is characteristic of PMS after the menopause may be one of the early symptoms of breast cancer. Some women describe this symptom as a burning sensation. Only 2-7 percent experience it. female patients. If you experience breast pain, see your doctor.

Breast warming is an alarm sign

This is another symptom of extremely malignant inflammatory breast cancer. In addition to redness, swelling and tightness of the skin, there may be a perceptible warmth of the skin. The symptoms of this cancer are similar to those of inflammation of the breast and nipple.

Redness is a symptom of breast cancer

Breast cancer may appear as reddening of the skin, changes in its color or texture. In some cases, the skin may develop discoloration and bruising-like changes. The skin may have a bluish or purple tinge.

Lymphadenopathy and breast cancer

Lumps, swelling, and suspicious bumps may be associated with enlarged lymph nodes. In breast cancer, you may notice swelling in your armpit or around the collarbone. Watch your body.

Pucker of the nipple

Retraction of the nipple, i.e. its concavity inwards, is another symptom that should prompt you to visit a specialist. Although some women physiologically have inverted nipples, such a change in the appearance of the nipple is a serious alarm signal. If your nipples looked different before, do not delay your medical consultation.

If you develop any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your gynecologist right away. Breast cancer can be fully curable if diagnosed and treated early on.

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