It’s more fun together: how to teach your dog to run with you
Активный образ жизни, правильное питание и занятия спортом – все это тренды, набирающие популярность уже не первый год.
In conditions of a high pace of life, it becomes difficult to find time for full-fledged trips to the fitness room. The easiest way to keep fit is to start running, but sometimes we lack the motivation and good company to jog regularly. However, you can go out for a run not only with a friend – a dog can also become an excellent companion. Together with the experts at the pet food brand Eukanuba, we have prepared a detailed guide for those who have long dreamed of learning how to run with a dog.
Начать бегать можно даже зимой
Какие породы подходят для бега
There are no contraindications to running for individual breeds – almost any healthy adult dog will gladly accompany you on a run, but it is important to take into account the physiology of each breed. It will be difficult to run a distance of many kilometers, for example, for dogs with a short muzzle (brachycephalic) like a boxer, pug or French bulldog. A short, easy-paced run is fine for these breeds.
Despite its small size, a Yorkshire terrier or a dachshund can be an excellent companion for joint sports, but it is important to take into account the anatomical structure of the breed – dachshunds, for example, will not be easy to overcome rough terrain and high obstacles.
If you are planning to run professionally with your dog, then you should choose a dog with a strong constitution and active character. These include, for example, the German shepherd, shorthaired pointer, greyhounds, Hungarian vizsla, Labrador, English setter.
Where to start: check your pet’s health
Most adult dogs are active and enjoy active play and running, however, be sure to take the animal to a veterinarian before starting training.
Специалист сможет выявить противопоказания к бегу, а потому необходимо регулярно проходить профилактические осмотры – особенно важно проверять здоровье сердца питомца. Для участия в профессиональных забегах необходимо несколько раз в год проводить исследования, включая общий и биохимический анализ крови, ЭКГ, проверку суставов, трещин и порезов лап.
The retriever can be a good companion
Train your dog in basic commands
Рекомендованный возраст для начала совместных тренировок – один год, но небольшие нагрузки можно начинать с 10 месяцев, постепенно увеличивая длительность и дистанцию.
Прежде чем начать бегать вместе, убедитесь в том, что собака освоила простые команды: «фу», «рядом», «сидеть» и «ко мне». Главная задача владельца – воспитать и приучить питомца бежать рядом с собой, а также держать заданный темп, поскольку запас выносливости животного гораздо больше человеческого. После того, как собака выучит базовые команды, можно переходить к более сложным: «вперед» – «стоп», «вправо» – «влево».
Выбирайте режим пробежки, подходящий вам обоим
The length of the distance depends on your fitness and the capabilities of your pet. Each dog, depending on the breed and character, has its own preferred running pace, so do not forget – the pet is much more enduring than you and will be able to run longer and much faster. A rare dog will be able to jog like you, so prepare to keep up and keep up with its gallop.
Тем, кто собирается участвовать в спортивных забегах, необходимо подобрать правильную экипировку. В профессиональной дисциплине каникросс на собаку надевают специальную шлейку, которая подбирается индивидуально. Шлейка крепится к поясу бегуна с помощью потяга с амортизацией – это позволяет атлету и животному не травмироваться при резком старте.
Лабрадор сам выведет вас на пробежку
Due to the weak development of sweat glands, thermoregulation of dogs occurs in the only way – through the tongue and breathing, therefore it is important to observe a certain temperature regime, preventing the animal from overheating.
Professional canicross marathons are never held in the summer in order to prevent the animal from overheating. Joggers should also not go out to train with a dog during a hot period (at temperatures from 22 degrees and above). During long runs, be sure to take water not only for yourself, but also for your pet – it will help the dog to cool down.
Do not feed your dog for at least an hour before and after a run to avoid causing nausea.
If running on asphalt is not recommended for people, then for dogs it is a strict taboo. Running on a hard surface is dangerous because the paw pads of the animal are erased. You can run on asphalt only in winter, when the road is covered with snow. It is important to avoid areas sprinkled with salt as it damages the surface of the dog’s paws.
Ярослав Рюмин, ветеринарный врач и эксперт брендов Royal Canin и Eukanuba:
“The training and nutrition regimen of the dog is selected depending on the goals that you set for yourself. Any training should begin with checking the health of the animal with a specialist, after which you should proceed to teaching basic commands. This is necessary in order to ensure the safety of both the dog on the street and those around him. The main goal for amateurs is to teach the dog to listen to commands and not be distracted while jogging. In addition, it is important to train the animal to maintain a pace that will be comfortable for both of you.
If you are going to educate a future champion, it is better to turn to a trainer who will draw up an individual training program, as well as choose the right diet for the future champion, together with a veterinarian. “