It raises cholesterol and destroys the body. This alcohol is the worst

High cholesterol is the cause of many diseases, including atherosclerosis, PAD, heart attack and stroke. Does alcohol increase it? What Bad Percentage Drink Habits Shorten Life? What to do to prevent this from happening?

  1. Experts have no doubts that high cholesterol is directly related to many common drinking habits, which increase LDL cholesterol.
  2. If it is not an option to completely exclude or reduce alcohol consumption, there are a few important rules to follow
  3. High cholesterol is influenced not only by poor drinking habits, but also by a poor diet and little sleep and exercise
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Cholesterol – role in the body

Cholesterol is included in lipids, or fats, which are organic chemicals. The human body produces it on its own, but it is also found in food. It is necessary for the proper functioning of nerve cells, and thus – for the efficient work of the brain. It also helps in the digestion of fat as it is part of the bile.

Normal cholesterol levels affects the proper activity of receptors and enzymes related to many metabolic processes. In addition, it also has an extremely important function – it is a precursor of vitamin D and many steroid hormones, including progesterone, testosterone and estrogen.

Is There Good Cholesterol? Types of cholesterol

Cholesterol norms they depend mainly on its fraction. It is divided into exogenous (i.e. absorbed from food) and endogenous (produced naturally in the body of every human being). The blood insoluble cholesterol must be transported to lipoproteins, i.e. appropriate protein complexes.

The main carriers of this fat in the body are LDL and HDL fractions. The former is considered the “bad” faction, while the latter is the “good” faction. By accumulating in excess, LDL contaminates the body and leads to atherosclerosis. HDL, on the other hand, is primarily responsible for cleansing the tissues of excess cholesterol, as well as transporting it from other tissues to the liver.

The rest of the article under the video.

What are the effects of consuming alcohol? Alcohol and health

Apart from certain genetic conditions, sex and age, the most important factors influencing the state of health should be the human lifestyle. You have to consider not only traffic but also eating habits and the amount of alcohol consumed. This common drug – both among adults and, unfortunately, adolescents – causes a lot of side effects that few people pay attention to.

Excessive or long-term alcohol consumption carries the risk of many negative consequences, especially cardiovascular diseases. High cholesterol and glucose, hypertension, atherosclerosis and stroke are just some of the effects. Studies have shown that the consequences of overuse of interest drinks are also changes in the central nervous system. The severity of the toxic effect of this substance depends on the area in the body – the liver is the most vulnerable organ.

  1. See also: These drinks lower cholesterol

Dangerous habits while consuming alcohol

The influence of regular alcohol consumption on the human lipid profile has been proven by many studies, but it is only a substitute for the problem. You should also take a closer look at some common ones drinking habits where cholesterol rises. Many people unknowingly harm themselves not so much with drinking alcohol as, for example, mixing it with carbonated drinks or sweet juices.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that healthy eating habits they are usually put aside after a sleepless night spent in a state of intoxication. Stress, lack of sleep and an inadequate diet – all this in connection with alcohol affects the body, often debilitating it over many years. Here are some of the most important alcohol consumption habits that lead to higher cholesterol levels.

Ignoring the drinking limit and the lipid profile

The most common habit that is easily observed in eaters interest drinks, is to ignore the limit beyond which the negative impact of this drink on the body begins. Usually it results from feeling good in the company, willingness to belong to a group or problems with assertiveness.

Scientists from various universities have repeatedly proven that the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol leads to an increase in “bad” cholesterol, ie the LDL fraction, although the relationship of this factor with changes in the lipid profile is relatively unclear. The elevation of triglycerides was clearly evident not only in studies carried out in rats, but also later in volunteers. The increase in LDL fraction occurred primarily in the group of people who were administered alcohol in the form of beer, while smaller changes were noticed in the case of vodka and wine.

Although occasional smoking, drinking or eating unhealthily does not immediately destroy all the results related to healthy eating, the risk of coronary heart disease, PAD or stroke increases with each shot. It should be remembered that reducing drinking has a positive effect not only on physical but also mental well-being. Therefore, it is worth working on assertiveness in order to stay healthy while it is not too late.

  1. Find out more: Doctors warn: these habits raise cholesterol

Dehydration – the dangerous play with alcohol and cholesterol

Alcohol in hot weather can be a pleasant refreshment and refreshment. Whether it’s on vacation or an evening barbecue with friends, most people go for chilled soft drinks to relax from the overwhelming heat.

However, you should consider that a cholesterol-lowering diet relies heavily on adequate hydration, while alcohol does the opposite. Summer sun exposure and dangerous dehydration caused by insufficient fluid intake lead to an increase in the level of bad cholesterol. It can also result in heat exhaustion or a stroke. Change of habits it is enough to minimize the risk of these consequences. Start by consuming more water (minimum 1,5 liters a day) and avoid sun until 15 p.m.

Lack of sleep, stress and high cholesterol

Dysregulated sleep, as well as insomnia after alcohol, are consequences that often occur in people who use this drug. Along with them, there may also be an increased concentration of cortisol in the blood, and thus – problems with concentration and memory. Insomnia also increases the level of LDL cholesterol and reduces the level of serotonin.

To minimize these effects, first of all, you need to provide your body with an adequate amount of undisturbed sleep. It is also a good habit to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume to the acceptable portion, i.e. for men to a maximum of two beers a day for five days a week. Women can drink less alcohol – it is not recommended to exceed two servings, i.e. one beer.

It is worth using herbal dietary supplements to lower cholesterol. For example, we recommend CHOLESTEROL + – the Herbapol dietary supplement in Krakow, which you can conveniently order today at Medonet Market.

Carbonated drinks – an ingredient of many drinks

Sweetened drinks are an integral part of many alcohol-based drinks. They also have a direct influence on the increase of bad LDL cholesterol. Study published in Journal of the American Heart Association showed that people with a high level of this fraction consumed drinks sweetened with sugar much more often.

This so-called white death causes increased glucose values, which is directly related to high cholesterol and a slowdown in the metabolic rate. To minimize the negative effects of sugar consumption, you should minimize it or use other, healthier sweeteners, such as stevia or erythritol, perfect for diabetics.

  1. What are the elevated triglycerides evidence?

Caloric alcohol, i.e. overweight and cholesterol

You also need to pay attention to calorific value of alcohols. Although this stimulant is not necessary for the proper functioning of the body and does not provide the most important nutrients, 1 g of pure alcohol contains as many as 7 empty calories. In combination with polyphenols and sugar, it creates a pathway to obesity, which leads to an increase in LDL cholesterol.

In order to avoid excess weight, as well as the consequences resulting from it, first of all, you should give up large amounts of alcohol and, if anything, choose the low-calorie options. It is also worth stopping the consumption of sweetened drinks, which are directly involved in building adipose tissue and increasing the LDL fraction.

Snacks for alcohol – an unhealthy habit

Snacks with vodka, wine or beer they can be not only extremely caloric, but also unhealthy and fattening. Alcohol increases the appetite, thanks to which a person consumes much more food than on a daily basis, when not using this stimulant. The habit of snacking while drinking alcohol affects both young and old people and directly affects the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Do you want to check your LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels in your body? You can find the appropriate research package in Medonet Market

So what to do in order not to snack? First of all, you should limit alcohol. However, if this is not possible, it is worth eating a valuable, healthy meal before the planned departure. An appropriate diet and a matched caloric supply make a person more control over snacking, thanks to which it is easier to keep cholesterol levels normal.

Alcohol consumption does not necessarily lead to extensive damage to the body, but the above-mentioned habits should be limited. By giving up comfortable and pleasant habits, your bad cholesterol will not exceed the allowable limits, which will allow you to enjoy health for many years. It is also important to regularly undergo regular checkups that allow you to quickly recognize various disorders and diseases and to introduce appropriate therapy on time.

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