It lurks in the shower, in the dishwasher or on the wall. Is black mold dangerous? [WE EXPLAIN]
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Mold feels good in a modern home. We create an ideal environment for it to produce spores and take over more and more territory. You will find mushrooms not only on flooded walls or by windows. You probably have black mold in your dishwasher or bathroom too. This is bad news.

  1. A few years ago, there was a lot of publicity about black mold and its lethal effect on the body. It was supposed to cause constant fatigue, headaches and even memory loss
  2. In fact, “black mold” is actually a few different species of fungus that thrive in damp, poorly ventilated places such as bathrooms and dishwashers.
  3. Any mold should be removed because it is actually harmful. Though not as previously thought
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Black mold. What is this?

Mold is a type of fungus that occurs naturally in many places. There is also no such thing as “black mold”. Many species of mold can be just this color, but this doesn’t mean they are exactly the same fungus. The most common black-colored mold that can be found in our homes is Stachybotrys papers. And it was just a few years ago that it was referred to as “toxic black mold”, which can cause constant fatigue, persistent headaches and even memory loss.

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Except Stachybotrys papers you can often find other black mold in houses – Exophiala. While the former is most likely to choose a bathroom or window area, the latter is easier to find in a dishwasher.

Mold can also be found in the kitchen, toilet, basement, and on wood or paper stored in the home.

Mold in the dishwasher, shower, walls. Is it harmful to health?

Scientists have estimated that 62 percent of mold may be present. dishwashers. It is an ideal environment for her – moist, warm, but also salty (which is even desirable for some species). It grows mainly in the spaces between the rubber sealing elements on the dishwasher door.

Another place where mold has excellent conditions for growth is the interior of the bathroom. Here, the interiors of shower cabins and joints are particularly vulnerable. On the other hand, mold on walls most often develops as a result of flooding or in winter, when the rooms are damp and ventilation is limited.

  1. Editors recommend: Tips for people allergic to mold

Although we are already used to the idea that mold in the home is something extremely dangerous, in practice it looks a bit different. Until now, no studies have linked any of the known species of black mold to memory loss or serious illnesses in healthy people. And even more. Studies from 2017 and 2019 have shown that black mold does not cause any serious ailments in healthy people. In their case, staying in rooms where the fungus develops may result in a runny nose or cough.

In people sensitive to mold, symptoms such as eye irritation, sneezing, sinusitis and skin rash are possible.

The situation is different, however, with allergy sufferers, asthmatics or people with reduced immunity. The latter group includes children, seniors, and healthy people who have to take antibiotics as a result of an infection. In this situation, mold can lead to dangerous ailments. In asthmatics, the severity of symptoms is at stake, while in children it is possible to develop this disease. In the case of allergy sufferers allergic to mold, there is also a real risk that their health will worsen. In turn, people who are immunocompromised have a risk of lung disease.

So in general, black mold is not as bad as it is painted, but it is strongly recommended to remove it as soon as it appears. Even if there are no elderly people, children or allergy sufferers at home, lowered immunity can affect any of us at any time. In fact, a simple cold is enough to make you more susceptible to ailments related to the presence of the fungus.

How to remove black mold?

Mold can be removed, although it sometimes takes patience. Especially if it could develop in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies for a long time. The most important rule is that the process is done with gloves. You will also need a mask covering your nose and mouth. To remove mold on the walls or in the bathroom, specialized preparations will be the best, which should be used according to the instructions on the packaging.

In the case of a dishwasher, the safest solution is to clean it with a paste made of baking soda and vinegar. Such a preparation should be applied to an old toothbrush and then thoroughly scrub all rubber parts of the dishwasher.

Mold particles can float in the air and endanger our health, so it is worth ordering an air purifier that will help restore the proper composition of the air we breathe.

You can buy a set of FFP2 filtering masks at an attractive price at

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