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On September 29, we celebrate the World Heart Day #WorldHeartDay, initiated 21 years ago by the World Heart Federation, of which the Polish Cardiac Society is a member. As every year, the Polish Cardiac Society actively participates in the celebration of the Feast of the Heart, reminding Poles of the importance of prevention and a healthy lifestyle. Education of the society, especially now, during the coronavirus epidemic, is extremely necessary, taking into account the threats posed by heart and circulatory system diseases.

Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common cause of death in the world. The main causes of heart and circulatory system diseases are, among others improper diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, hypertension, diabetes, but also genetic conditions and lipid metabolism disorders. These diseases can develop for many years without visible symptoms, which is why regular preventive examinations are so important. Regular examinations guarantee early detection of abnormalities, which gives a chance of recovery – the sooner we start treatment, the more effective it will be.

According to data from the Ministry of Health, the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened statistics because in 2020 relative to

In 2019, almost 17 percent increase in deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, which is the largest increase among other chronic diseases, including oncological ones.

The admission of patients with heart diseases to hospitals should be accelerated, the number of procedures and operations should be increased, and clinics and clinics should be fully opened for patients. Media information campaigns are also important, encouraging patients to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as promoting vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus – without vaccination, we can again find ourselves in the situation that took place in 2020 – says Prof. Adam Witkowski, President of the Polish Society of Cardiology.

In turn, prof. Przemysław Mitkowski, president-elect of the Polish Society of Cardiology, explains that the reversal of the trend of life extension and the increase in cardiovascular mortality can not always be explained by the COVID-19 pandemic, but its effects are visible among patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases – The heart will not wait – this is not only the motto of this year’s 22th International Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society, which began on September 2 and will last until October XNUMX, but also a challenge for all of us, therefore we call for not underestimating symptoms, chest pains and immediate reporting to hospitals, and if it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Untreated myocardial infarction is responsible for 40 percent. mortality, and treated 5 percent, which is eight times lower! – adds prof. Mitkowski.

As part of this year’s World Heart Day celebrations, the Polish Cardiac Society continues its activities in the media and virtual spheres. They are planned, among others educational articles published in national and regional media, interviews with experts and activities in social media. Educational materials on cardiovascular diseases are also available on the websites of educational portals for patients and their caregivers prepared by experts of the Polish Cardiac Society:,,,

This year and last year – the Society is reuniting with other countries in the action of illuminating significant objects in the country, therefore it once again launched the initiative to illuminate the facade of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw on September 29.

Read also:

  1. Most Poles die of it. The cardiologist tells you what needs to be changed immediately
  2. Seven symptoms of a silent heart attack you need to know
  3. When the heart fails, warning signs appear on the skin


The Polish Cardiac Society is one of the longest operating medical societies in Poland. They were founded over 67 years ago. The association has nearly 6 thousand. members. PTK is active within the structures of the European Society of Cardiology and the World Heart Federation. The main goal of PTK is to promote the prevention and fight against heart and vascular diseases by engaging in innovative solutions enabling the development and education of both medical staff and society. His scientific journal is “Kardiologia Polska”, and the didactic one is “Zeszyty Edukacyjne”. The president of the Polish Society of Cardiology in the term of office 2021-2023 is prof. dr hab. Przemysław Mitkowski, MD, PhD.

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