It is the cheapest and best drug we have, but we are reluctant to share it. Why don’t we want to donate blood?

According to statistics, on average 1 out of 10 people in hospital needs a blood transfusion – this is an irreplaceable drug. One unit of blood saves the lives of three people. Your contribution is 60 minutes. You need to complete a form, get tested, donate blood, and collect your chocolate. One hour of your day distances the “last hour” of others. Human blood is priceless, even the best care and knowledge of specialists cannot save a life when it is lacking – doctors remind us in connection with the World Blood Donor Day, encouraging people to donate blood.

  1. Every year the number of donors increases by about 3,6%, unfortunately at the same time the needs are increasing by 8,6%. The groups A Rh-, 0 Rh- and B Rh- are most often missing in blood donation centers, but every holiday is needed.
  2. June 14 is a celebration of blood donors around the world since 2004.
  3. Blood donation points all over Poland are waiting. Family health care practitioners encourage people to donate blood

Unique liquid

A favorite vampire drink that circulates through blood vessels and the body cavity is a type of connective tissue. It consists of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), platelets (thrombocytes) and plasma. Newborn babies have one cup of blood in them, and we, depending on the weight, vary from 5 to 6 liters, or about 10 units. Figuratively speaking, only a massive attack of mosquitoes (1,200,000 to be exact) could rob us of the last drop. At the same time, they would have to be bloodsuckers, males are vegetarians. Time for the most important question: What’s all the fuss about, or why do we need blood? It is essential for maintaining water and electrolyte balance, and for regulating the pH value and body temperature. It has a transport function and is part of the immune system.

Compliance rules

Blood group is a constant feature of all of us, it stabilizes around the age of 2 and does not change anymore. Knowing her is essential for blood transfusions, organ transplantation and when a couple is planning to become pregnant. If your veins are AB Rh + blood, then you are the lucky one, that is, the universal recipient. Your blood, on the other hand, can only be donated to people with the same blood type. Group 0 Rh-, on the other hand, is one of the universal donors.

We owe the division into blood groups to the Austrian doctor, pathologist and immunologist – Karl Landsteiner. It was he who discovered 116 years ago that in red blood cells there are two antigens that determine the phenomenon of agglutation, i.e. clumping of blood cells in contact with antibodies present in the blood plasma of groups with a different antigenic structure. On the basis of these observations, he distinguished three blood groups: A, B and C, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. In 1902, Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli discovered the AB group. In turn, our compatriot Ludwik Hirszfeld, bacteriologist and immunologist, proposed the modern nomenclature, i.e. he renamed C to 0. Of course, each group is also characterized by the Rh factor, i.e. the presence or absence of the D antigen. population), and in the absence of Rh negative. In Poland, the most common group is A Rh +, and the rarest AB Rh-.

The perfect giver

In the case of blood donation, you may not always want to be able to do so, you still have to meet several conditions. First, age: from 18 to 65, second, weight: over fifty kilos. You are absolutely unsuitable if: you have heart defects (except congenital and healed), ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, circulatory failure, developed atherosclerosis, diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, liver, psoriasis, collagenosis, cancer and infectious diseases (hepatitis B, C, babesiosis, HIV status, venereal diseases). Contraindications are also mental disorders and diseases, addiction to drugs, alcohol and intoxicants.

There are a few more small details that can stand in the way of becoming an Honor Blood Donor. After childbirth or termination of pregnancy, women must wait 9 months, and must not be menstruating on the day of blood donation. The last six months are also important – no surgery, piercing of ears or other parts of the body, tattoos, acupuncture, travel to countries with high AIDS incidence or stay behind bars. Remember not to take any medications with aspirin for the last three days, not to undergo any surgical procedures for the last seven days, and not to get sick, fever or get vaccinated for the last month. On the day you donate your blood, you should be as healthy as a fish, be free of hay fever, and undergo dental treatment.

To give back or not …

After donating blood, its loss is replenished within 4 weeks, and the loss of iron within 8 weeks. This means that we do not really donate blood, or we borrow it, and our body returns it to us. Despite this, only 40 percent. Poles donated blood once in their life. Why do we choose so rarely? We don’t like giving? Do we suffer from hemophobia? Or is it about something more?

As emphasized by Anna Flak, a psychologist and coach associated with the Warsaw Stress Clinic, there are many reasons and each of us has our own. – On the one hand, the reason may be the fear of blood, needle sticking, presence in a medical facility or the procedure itself. When we are not fully aware of what voluntary blood donation is, it is easier for doubts to multiply, to succumb to fears and to listen to unpleasant stories from others who had an unfortunate accident while donating blood. The second reason may be your daily struggle. We live fast and intensely, we have a lot of responsibilities and deadlines are pressing. It’s hard to find a moment to reflect on why blood donation is so important. We have trouble finding time, we are tired or we are simply not on our way. In our free time, we prefer to rest or spend a few moments with our loved ones. Sometimes we justify ourselves by saying that many donors are keeping the blood supply in banks. And here we smoothly move on to another reason – today you do not think about other people, about strangers. When we hear a story about victims of accidents or diseases, we feel sorry, but these are always distant events. Therefore, it is easier to forget and not pay attention to them. As long as there is no clear need in the immediate vicinity, blood donation is not considered. Only a difficult situation in the family or in a circle of friends can cause a change in the way of thinking and taking action – says the specialist.

Hour «0»

Are you determined but don’t know where to go? We invite you to the blood donation station: stationary or mobile. 450 ml of blood are collected at one time, which is less than 10%, men can donate blood six times a year, and women only four. Before the nurse crops up your vein, we have some tips for you. During the day before, drink at least 2 liters of fluids, exclude fatty dishes from the menu (lipemic blood – oily blood is not suitable for medical purposes) and get a good night’s sleep. Immediately before donating blood: eat a light breakfast, absolutely do not drink alcohol and do not smoke at least one hour before the procedure. That’s it – don’t forget your photo ID.

The most important thing is: DON’T PANIC! Donating blood does not hurt, it does not reduce your strength in any way, it does not change your weight and it is not addictive. It is SAFE. The procedure is performed in comfortable conditions, under constant nursing care and medical supervision. Only single-use devices are used to collect blood, so contracting AIDS or any other disease is completely impossible.

Honorary profit

Congratulations – you’ve just become an HONORARY BLOOD DONOR. It’s free to donate blood, but you’ll get much more than a few bills in your pocket. Firstly, the priceless feeling of doing something good, secondly, a noble title and the ID of Honorary Blood Donor, thirdly – chocolate! Add to that a day off from work and a tax break depending on the amount of blood donated.

If you choose to become a Meritorious Honorary Blood Donor, there is still a long way to go. Women receive this title if at any time they donate at least 5 liters of blood or an equivalent amount of other blood components, men – one liter more. Being “Zasłużony” you can count on a free (up to the funding limit) supply of drugs covered by the list of reimbursed drugs and the list of drugs that can be used in connection with donating blood on the basis of a prescription and after presenting the card of the Honored Honorary Blood Donor. Plus you have the right to use healthcare services and pharmaceutical services provided in pharmacies out of sequence.

Continued …

What’s next with your blood? After collection, it’s time for preparation. First, the blood is rotated in special centrifuges. This makes it possible to separate it into three fractions: concentrate of red blood cells, plasma and the so-called A buffy coat, which is used to obtain a concentrate of platelets. Due to the specific needs of patients, the separated blood components often undergo additional procedures: removal of leukocytes, irradiation, or division into smaller portions. Later, many tests are necessary, especially for the presence of hepatitis B and C viral markers and HIV immunodeficiency virus, as well as for syphilitic reactions. Only after the results are obtained, the so-called release of blood components for clinical use and for this purpose they are transferred to refrigerators, freezers or incubators.

Among the components of blood, we can distinguish concentrated red blood cells (RBC), i.e. red cells with a small amount of plasma, which can be stored in the refrigerator up to 42 days after collection. RBC is used to replace blood lost, most often in the treatment of people after accidents and in patients with anemia. In turn, platelet concentrate (KKP) is platelets suspended in a small amount of plasma. Due to the short life of platelets, KKP is only suitable for transfusion within 5-7 days of collection. Platelets are mainly administered to patients with thrombocytopenia and cancer patients. In turn, plasma is used primarily in people with coagulation disorders. The sooner it is frozen, the more heat-sensitive clotting factors it contains. The highest value is that of plasma, which will be cooled to -30 ° C or lower within 30 minutes from the moment of blood collection. Such plasma is called Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP). Once frozen, FFP can be stored at or below 25 ° C for up to 3 years. Other blood products are: albumin – the main protein in the blood plasma, immunoglobulins – proteins secreted by part of the white blood cells during the immune response, and cryoprecipitate – concentrated plasma protein concentrate containing larger amounts of clotting factors.

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