“It is okay to dream of a happy future, but it is better to act to create it”

“It is okay to dream of a happy future, but it is better to act to create it”


Andrés Pascual, author of «Positive Uncertainty» has written a guide to find the good side of the unknown and the secret so that insecurity, chaos and change work in your favor

“It is okay to dream of a happy future, but it is better to act to create it”

We have been listening and reading for years to coaching and psychology experts say that we should not focus on the past or the future but on the present, the now and what we have at a given moment. However, this, on many occasions, creates uncertainty, that feeling of not knowing how little we like it.

Andrés Pascual, a successful novel and non-fiction writer and a prestigious speaker who gives talks and conducts workshops around the world, has a very different opinion … For him, uncertainty can be good and focusing on the future is the best decision we can drink. Why? Because the future we want is created by «paying full attention to

 the infinite options for prosperity that the present offers us.

“We live in the age of uncertainty, a natural, permanent state and, fortunately, also a positive state for our prosperity, both personally and corporately ”, summarizes Andrés Pascual. What is the problem, then? That we usually have our minds projected onto a ambiguous and unreal photography of how ours should be, instead of devoting all our attention to each of the moments of the dynamic film from day to day: «We do not realize that it is these moments of now that, well managed, provide us with a prosperous and happy existence. It’s okay to dream of a happy future, but it’s even better to stay awake and act to create it.

How to look favorably upon uncertainty

Andrés Pascual (@andrespascual_libros) says that if until now we got along so badly with uncertainty, it was because there was no guide to explain how to deal with it and manage it for our benefit. We tried to eliminate or avoid it, two claims that are impossible since we cannot know everything or control everything …

And that is why the author of «Positive Uncertainty: turns insecurity, chaos and change into a path to success» has created a small manual with small points that they won’t make you see uncertainty as a threat: «Positive Uncertainty is a method that shows how to improve our relationship with insecurity, chaos and change, accepting them as something natural and turning them into a path to success». To do this, the writer proposes seven steps based on the teachings of teachers and scientists of all times that will guide us along this simple and pioneering path towards a new self more tolerant of uncertainty and, therefore, towards a new self. more free.

“It is never the best time to create our future, every day there will be bad news, letters from the bank, troubles … Every day there will be uncertainty,” says Andrés Pascual, for whom now “is a gift.” “I trust that the seven steps of Positive Uncertainty help many people to act and walk through this uncertain world.”

As Andrés Pascual comments, we seek to have certainty, to have order, to have security … but Positive Uncertainty It is not about having, but about being: being aware that insecurity is our natural state, being free to choose the most appropriate option for the circumstances, being one with the present moment, being intuitive and brave to move forward and enjoy the road. «From this new version of ourselves, from this new being, having comes in addition».

The Seven Steps of Positive Uncertainty

In Andrés Pascual’s new book, he gives the keys so that uncertainty is your companion and not your enemy, and tells what are the seven points to take into account:

Empty yourself of bad habits. When we eliminate the behavioral patterns that feed intolerance of uncertainty, we leave room for the small qualitative changes that will shape our new personal or corporate identity.

Destroy your certainties. Thanks to the fact that in the world there is not a single certainty that forces us to follow predetermined lanes, we are free to start our own path and commit ourselves to those purposes that give it meaning.

Leave your past behind. Since everything is constantly changing, we have to adapt to the circumstances and opportunities of the present moment, without clinging to a past that does not exist and without fear of losing something along the way.

Create your future now. We live in an era of infinite prosperity options that we have to choose paying full attention to now, without projecting ourselves into a future that we are building with each of our actions.

Keep calm. Our projects go forward in an unintelligible but effective network through which we have to flow keeping calm, without trying to control everything and focusing on minimizing our inner chaos.

Trust your star. To create good luck we have to use intuition, without forgetting that chance and unpredictable events also play their cards, which we will put on our side if we bet on extremes and on people.

Enjoy the road. Maintaining an attitude of enthusiasm, enjoyment or acceptance is the secret to persevere without giving up or looking for shortcuts, giving ourselves body and soul even when uncertainty prevents us from seeing the end of the road.

“If you choose to live in this world, you have to pay a price,” the author tells us. Which one? Uncertainty. To make it our ally, Andrés Pascual proposes a method built from the reflections of the most distinguished minds of Humanity. In essence, “Positive Uncertainty” teaches us to:

Taking decisions valuing our experience, but without being chained to a vision of life or of the company that changes at every moment with the environment.

Enjoy the advantage that provide us with information and forecasts, without blocking us from the search for absolute knowledge.

Jump from fear to self-confidence when developing new tactics and strategies.

Play the best trick with risk and chance, generating opportunities for success while ensuring a healthy space under our feet.

Implement simple daily micro-habits that will prepare us to successfully handle situations of maximum uncertainty.

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