It is normal to be sad: keys to managing emotions in times of Covid
This pandemic can be a moment of reflection that allows us to regain control of our psyche and, at the same time, help us learn certain keys to emotional management that we can apply in any context of life

We’ve been through so many moods in the last year that we’ve explored feelings that we didn’t know or might one day develop. Sadness for not being able to see our loved ones as often as we would like; agony of not knowing when this situation will end; impotence when seeing how many skip the rules while others abide by them; nostalgia because, as the saying goes, any past time was better; emotion to see how vaccines arrive … and the most surprising thing is that in a single day we have been able to go through several of them, so the accumulation of moods sometimes prevents us from seeing clearly the situation that we are truly living.
Beatriz Gil Bóveda, an expert psychologist in leadership and personal development, explains that despite the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought multiple negative consequences, “it can be a moment of reflection that allows us to regain control of our psyche and, at the same time, once, help us learn certain keys to emotional management that we can apply in any context of life.
For the expert, these would be the keys to take control of our emotions and not let ourselves be approached by them:
1. Observe your emotions. Identify, accept and name them. It is normal to feel worried and experience distress and even disbelief at some point.
2. Focus your energy and create a new routine. Plan all the actions you are going to do on the day to organize yourself. It can help to create a daily schedule that includes work, chores, and leisure time. Create a great day at home. From the moment you get up until you go to bed, what would your ideal day be like? Try to accomplish this by being flexible with yourself and with others.
3. Take care of your habits. According to the psychologist, there are some basic ones that it is important to follow:
– Sleep (7-8 hours).
– Healthy nutrition.
– Exercise (30 minutes / day).
– Balance between work and leisure.
“Spending so much time at home, it is common for many people to neglect some of these healthy habits. The ideal thing would be to propose to keep these four essential habits in mind and, as far as possible, not to forget their importance ”, communicates Beatriz Gil Bóveda (@ psique.cambio).
4. Know your own signs of stress, anger, sadness or irritation. Check your mood during the day. Analyze yourself to discover the state of your mind and the emotions that control you. Ask yourself: How do I feel? What emotion is behind? What can I do to change things? And try to keep track so you can know the triggers and be able to manage the emotion.
5. You have a positive mindset. Be aware of how you talk to yourself. Speak to yourself with sweetness and appreciation. Get out of your mind “you are a disaster” and change it to “how well I am doing, I feel motivated to continue improving”.
6. Manage your expectations. Towards yourself and towards others. Focus on what you can control. Try to develop a new normal for this situation.
7. Write an emotional journal at the end of the day. Beatriz Gil Bóveda advises the DAS technique: What have I enjoyed? Because I’m grateful? What things am I satisfied today?
8. Manage uncertainty being in the present moment. Get started in meditation or mindfulness. «The following apps can help you: Calm, Headspace and Waking up. Try to do a guided meditation before going to sleep, you will see how good you feel when you finish », advises the psychologist.
9. Limit (over) information. Contrast the information through reliable sources, and limit the news once a day.
10. Create support systems and maintain positive relationships. Invest time in your relationships and unburden yourself. Listen to your loved ones and feel heard. If you think you need help, go to a professional.
For the expert Beatriz Gil Bóveda it is normal that in these uncertain times you can experience negative feelings, such as anxiety, stress or sadness, so share these keys so that you can start to manage your emotions and feel better.