“It is immoral, unethical, illogical, harmful and stupid.” Strong doctor entry
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The fourth wave of the pandemic is still taking its toll, unfortunately this is not the only threat to our health. As more beds in institutions are transformed every day, people waiting for treatment and diagnostics lose their chance for health, and sometimes even life. It depends on the availability of ambulances, beds in wards and medical staff whether someone who needs help receives it on time. In the medical community, this topic deserves to be called an industry taboo, doctor Dawid Ciemięga, known for his online fight against fake news, decided to break the silence and clearly wrote what he thought about it all.

  1. Last day, the Ministry of Health informed about almost 25 thousand. new infections in Poland and 571 deaths
  2. There are almost 24 in hospitals. COVID-19 patients
  3. Transformation of subsequent and subsequent branches, including surgery, neurosurgery, gynecology, internal medicine – in order to fill them mostly with people who did not want to get vaccinated and save them there, it is immoral, unethical, illogical, harmful and stupid – wrote on FB doctor Dawid Ciemięga
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

It is immoral, unethical, illogical, harmful and stupid

“I will write what many of my medical friends say, but they do not dare to repeat it publicly, we talk about it privately, more and more often, so I think it’s time to finally stop thinking in categories – it is not appropriate” – doctor Dawid Ciemięga begins his appeal on Facebook. Medic is known for his open fight against anti-vaccines and fighting hate on the Internet.

Epidemiologist: Delta variant takes its toll, the situation is dramatic

In a moving and very powerful post, the doctor talks about the consequences of transforming ordinary hospital wards into covid units. The costs that we all bear as a society turn out to be enormous. “Transformation of subsequent and subsequent branches, including surgery, neurosurgery, gynecology, internaires – in order to fill them mostly with people who did not want to get vaccinated and save them there, it is immoral, unethical, illogical, harmful and stupid ” – adds Ciemięga and explains that such a solution means that a huge number of patients are given the opportunity for diagnosis and treatment. Longer waiting time for help and proper diagnosis of the disease mean at the same time taking away the chance for health and life. Which the doctor thinks is completely unethical.

The situation in hospitals caused by the unvaccinated

Ciemięga does not hide that most of such sacrifices and solutions would not be necessary if the public were vaccinated, because people hospitalized due to SARS-CoV-2 virus infection are mainly people who are not vaccinated against the coronavirus.

  1. The latest COVID-19 infection map in Europe. What is the situation in Poland?

Vaccination against Covid-19 infection has been available for almost a year, unfortunately after the initial vaccination boom, the entire process of engraftment in society has slowed down. Poles who have not yet vaccinated are reluctant to change their minds. In the public debate, there is no shortage of disagreements between supporters of compulsory vaccination and those who are completely against them. Unfortunately, there is still no effective legal and systemic solutions to fight the pandemic in Poland, which is being tolled by a deadly virus. Ciemięga doesn’t beat the bush and writes further in his post:

“(…) This country, this government uses medications, wipes its pathological and deceitful mouths with them. Doctors are forced to work in covid wards, they are taken from clinics and home wards and ordered to work in covid hospitals – under duress. People they should deal with are left without medical care, they have postponed procedures, operations, diagnostics. Mainly to deal with the unvaccinated … “

Dawid Ciemięga’s entry – reactions

Post is spreading virally on the Polish Internet, causing a lot of excitement. Within a dozen or so hours of publication, it has already been shared nearly eight hundred times. Many people watching Dawid Ciemięga’s profile praise the doctor and support his observations in the comments:

“The freedom to choose antiseptics ends when they require medical attention, infect others, or create new strains. covid and block the availability of medical care to ordinary vaccinated citizens for reasons other than covid “

“I fully agree that not vaccinating without a real, medical reason is immoral and unethical in the present situation, and I would like to add that it is inappropriate, because it is irresponsible, to exercise freedom.”

  1. Dr. Stopyra warns: any child who is not vaccinated will become ill

There are also considerations about the molarity of such an approach and words of criticism that the doctor should not speak in a similar tone at all.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

At the end of his emotional entry, Ciemięga emphasizes that he does not wish anyone anything bad. On the other hand, blaming society with the consequences of, in his opinion, someone’s wrong and irrational decisions, does not deserve any justification. He ends his appeal with an emphatic conclusion: A wise Pole after the damage.

Read Dawid Ciemięga’s entry on his Facebook profile. Do you agree with this approach or do you have a different opinion?

Also read:

  1. Symptoms of Omikron infection. What do we know at the moment?
  2. Infections and deaths among vaccinated. How many cases have there been?
  3. Can Omicron bypass Pfizer protection? There is a new WHO study and position
  4. Scientists concerned. They discovered an “invisible” version of the Omicron
  5. Will the new restrictions improve the epidemic situation in Poland? The virologist answers

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