It is difficult to distinguish infection with Omikron from influenza. Which symptoms are the most confusing?
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Scientists still haven’t figured out the mystery of Omicron. The new strain is much more contagious than the Delta variant, but less deadly, according to the findings so far. It also has relatively mild symptoms and is difficult to distinguish from flu or a cold.

According to data from the study from the ZOE Covid application (you can use it to report your symptoms and the course of COVID-19 disease for research purposes. About 4 million people around the world participate in it), the new strain causes mild symptomswhich are very difficult to distinguish from the common cold without testing.

Tim Spector, founder of the project, said the data suggested that about half of all Omikron cases went undiagnosed because they did not show “classic” COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, new and persistent cough, and loss or alteration of smell or taste.

The new coronavirus variant will cause flu-like symptoms, he says in an interview with BBC Spector.

South Africa: the incidence rate increased by 255% in early December

Previous reports from South Africa, where the first cases of Omikron were recorded, suggest that its symptoms and course are much milder than those of the existing strains. South African data also confirm the increased infectivity – the incidence rate has increased by 255% since the beginning of December.

However, England’s chief physician Chris Whitty called for caution over information coming from South Africa. The medic said in a press conference in Downing Street earlier this week that the level of immunity in South Africa for this variant of the coronavirus – due to earlier variants and the vaccination program – is higher.

  1. Check it out: How to distinguish smog cough from covid cough? The doctor advises

Omicron – what are the symptoms?

According to the already quoted prof. Spector majority symptoms related to Omicron it is identical to the symptoms of a severe winter cold. Symptoms of Omicron include headache, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue, sneezing and coughing.

Another aspect of the case was pointed out by John Bell of the University of Oxford in an interview with the BBC. The medical professor noted that muscle pain, intestinal upset, and diarrhea appear to be another distinguishing feature of the new infection with a variant of the coronavirus.

In turn, Dr. Unben Pillay, a family doctor who runs an individual practice in Johannesburg (South Africa), reported that patients come to him with an unusual symptom of infection – night sweating. The other symptoms are similar to those of the flu: dry cough, fever, tiredness and severe aches and pains throughout the body.

  1. A characteristic symptom of Omicron. “Nobody knows why this is so”

Dr. Ryan Noach, CEO of South African health insurer Discovery Health, said doctors have observed a slightly different set of symptoms among people who contracted Omicron. The most common symptom is a scratchy throat, then rhinitis, dry cough i lower back pain.

So how do you distinguish infection with Omikron from flu and colds? The only sure and reliable way is with a diagnostic test. Any other assumptions will not give us a fair answer. So why are we writing about the known symptoms of Omicron infection? The reason is simple: it is worth knowing all the possible symptoms of infection with a new coronavirus mutation and as soon as we feel that we could be infected with it – it is worth performing a diagnostic test. And until you know its result, isolate yourself from contacts with people.

The COVID-19 Real-Time PCR test can be performed at selected drive thru points of the Diagnostics network.

Read also:

  1. Moderna less effective in the fight against Omicron? There is also some good news
  2. What determines the order of symptoms in COVID-19. Scientists have found an explanation
  3. How Much Does COVID-19 Treatment Cost At Home? Here is my kit

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