It can save you from Alzheimer’s. The easy way

Alzheimer’s is a serious neurological disease that affects more and more people. When he attacks, the patient slowly loses his cognitive abilities and his functioning in society becomes more difficult. The latest research shows that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease can be relatively easily reduced.

  1. Alzheimer’s disease has no specific genesis. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood
  2. Scientists are constantly working on methods that could prevent its occurrence
  3. The list of such methods has just grown. Omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s

Scientists from the Fatty Acid Research Institute (FARI) and various centers in the USA and Spain report the likely, protective effect of omega-3 acids on the brain. These substances are of key importance, among others for the nervous system.

In their project, the researchers analyzed data on 1,5 thousand. people aged 65 and over, from the well-known research project Framingham Offspring Cohort. They compared the concentration of one of the main omega-3 acids (docosahexaenoic acid – DHA) with the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

They noticed clear differences. In people with the highest concentration of DHA, the risk of disease was as much as 49 percent. lower than in participants with the lowest concentration. Put another way, these results mean on average an additional 4,7 years without disease for people with high levels of DHA.

A more detailed analysis showed one more relationship. The protective effect of the aforementioned acid was particularly noticeable in people with a mutation in the apolipoprotein (APOE) gene predisposing to the disease.

Getting the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids isn’t difficult or expensive. These compounds are found in large amounts, for example, in marine fish and sea fish.

«Considering that in 2021, the cost of caring for Alzheimer’s patients in the US was $ 355 billion. (excluding costs incurred by the family and caregivers), any economically viable strategy to delay the development of the disease is of key importance for public health »emphasize the authors of the publication.

In the world with Alzheimer’s disease live from 15 to 21 million people, and in Poland – over 350 thousand. Meanwhile, scientists estimate that delaying the development of Alzheimer’s disease by 5 years leads to a 2,7 year extension of life.

The relationship is also confirmed by other studies

This is not the first study to show the protective effect of omega-3 acids against the disease.

Dr William S. Harris, dir. FARI, emphasizes that the results agree with those obtained in 2012 by another team of US researchers, showing cross-sectional correlations in the same group between DHA concentration in red blood cells and cognitive abilities and brain volume. Higher DHA concentration was associated with better results.

Interestingly, 15 years ago, scientists led by Ernst J. Schaefer obtained similar results in the group of parents of the people on whom the current study was focused (the original Framingham Heart Study group). «They reported that people in the upper quartile of DHA concentration had 47 percent. lower overall risk of developing dementia compared to those with the lowest levels. A similar result obtained in two generations with a similar genetic pool strongly confirms the relationship between DHA and dementia “- emphasizes the specialist.

author: Marek Matacz

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