It affects every 4th of us. Six diseases that obesity can make us into
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Obesity is now a global problem that affects younger and younger people, including young children. The percentage of the obese population in the world is growing at an alarming rate and it is predicted that by 2030 of the population of Poland will suffer from it. With excess weight, the risk of developing serious diseases increases. What is the risk of obesity and where to seek help?

Obesity – a disease of the XNUMXst century

Obesity is not a cosmetic defect, but a serious non-communicable disease that affects an increasing proportion of the population. According to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity is diagnosed at the BMI value ≥ 30,0 kg / m². It is a state in which the body receives an amount of energy from food that significantly exceeds its requirements. This, in consequence, causes excessive growth of adipose tissue. In women, about 30 percent. body weight, while in men over 35 percent. body weight.

There can be many factors that cause obesity, including:

  1. genetic,
  2. psychological – not coping with difficult emotions and situations,
  3. environmental – e.g. an excess of simple sugars and the so-called unhealthy fats in your daily diet, eating too much, little or no exercise, low fiber intake
  4. hormonal – e.g. some diseases, including diabetes, hypothyroidism,
  5. cultural and social.

According to recent studies, over the last decade the number of overweight and obese people in Europe has increased by approx. 40%. This is not an optimistic forecast for the future.

Like high blood pressure, cancer, and hormone problems, obesity requires diagnosis and prompt treatment. Underestimating the problem carries the risk of developing serious diseases, which are a direct threat to human health and life.

Obesity causes disease

Obesity is only the tip of the iceberg. It is an inflammatory factor in many health-threatening diseases, the most common of which are:

  1. type 2 diabetes – is a metabolic disease based on insulin resistance, i.e. reduced insulin sensitivity. It is characterized by high blood glucose levels and occurs mainly in people over the age of 30. Factors that increase the risk of the disease are obesity and genetic predisposition. The former is fully controllable and therefore modifiable. Untreated diabetes leads to serious complications, including kidney disease, neuropathy, blindness and blindness, gum and periodontal disease, as well as male impotence,
  2. Coronary heart disease is a serious medical condition caused by hypoxia of the heart muscle. All symptoms of coronary artery disease result from insufficient oxygen supply, which makes cells less nourished and transport of hemoglobin much more impaired. As a consequence, the patient may experience shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, palpitations, pressure behind the breastbone and shallow breathing.
  3. arterial hypertension – associated with a pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg, which must be present in the patient as a result of multiple measurements, preferably several weeks. Both obesity, an unhealthy (high in salt) diet and the physiological aging process of the body all contribute to the development of the disease. Patients with arterial hypertension often suffer from fatigue, headache, and years later they often develop more serious diseases, including, for example, stroke or heart failure, 
  4. stroke – is a condition that directly threatens human life. In its course, parts of the central nervous system die and blood supply to specific areas is stopped. There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Timing of first aid is most important in the event of a stroke. The victim’s further fate, and even his life, depend on it. Being overweight is one of those factors that greatly increases your risk of a stroke event.
  5. heart attack – most often it occurs as a result of rupture of atherosclerotic plaque. It blocks the lumen of the vessel that cannot deliver enough blood to the heart. About 200 die of cardiovascular diseases in Poland each year. patients, mainly men over 65 years of age. The symptoms of a heart attack include severe pain located behind the breastbone, associated with a burning sensation and pressure,
  6. cancer – obesity is the second major risk factor for cancer after smoking. According to many reports, obesity significantly increases the incidence of cancers of the digestive system, such as cancer of the colon, esophagus, pancreas, gallbladder and liver. However, not only that, because the increased risk is also observed in the case of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. Few people know that, especially in the case of kidney, colon or liver cancer, obesity is the first risk factor, thus overtaking smoking.

It is also worth remembering that obese people are more likely to have fertility problems, suffer from widespread degeneration of the joints and experience breathing problems.

Where to go for help?

In the case of obesity, help should be sought from a general practitioner who will refer the patient for detailed tests and, based on the results, will assess whether further consultation with a specialist will be required. A good step towards a healthy figure is to go on a proper diet, but preferably under the supervision of an experienced dietitian. A person who does not have knowledge about proper nutrition is not able to compose a balanced diet. It should be individually adjusted to the needs of an obese patient, taking into account not only his initial weight, but also lifestyle and the presence of other chronic diseases. The care of a dietitian is also a greater certainty that the patient will avoid the “yo-yo” effect. It’s also important to remember that changing your diet should actually be permanent.

In many cases, you may also need the help of a psychologist, because obesity is often associated with “eating up stress” and emotional problems. If non-pharmacological treatment does not bring the desired results, it may be an indication for pharmacotherapy or referral of the patient to bariatric surgery. The method of treating obesity is individually selected by a general practitioner or specialist. A person with a BMI> 35 and additional diseases or with a BMI> 40 should consider consulting an obesity surgical center. During the entire treatment process, the obese person should receive the full and conscious support of their loved ones.

Regardless of the choice of obesity therapy, in each case the patient should be supervised by a therapeutic team consisting of a doctor, dietitian, physiotherapist and psychologist.

Obesity Treatment Campaign – “In New Shape”

The “In New Shape” campaign was created for all obese people to support them both in making a decision about treatment and along the entire treatment path. The campaign aims to motivate patients to undertake holistic treatment and quickly regain their optimal weight. The campaign is organized by the Conscious Man Institute Association. The campaign is co-created by clinicians, scientific societies, specialists and partner organizations.

As part of the campaign, a website was created, where there is practical information for people with obesity and their relatives, as well as a map of obesity treatment centers where patients can get comprehensive help from specialists. In the fall, the first free live webinars for obese people and a dedicated mobile application supporting patients in the treatment of obesity.

The ambassador of the “W Nowy Ksztalcie” campaign is actor Andrzej Grabowski, who became the hero of the campaign’s promotional spot:

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