Issue of postage stamps in the USA
American mail is no worse and no less than Russian mail is trying to attract attention and revive the love of the audience. Another PR move of the postal service was the national vote for the now living star, whose portrait will be placed on the stamp.
The National Postal Service of the United States keeps pace with the times: the employees of this respected department dared to break all the rules and invite Americans to place not deceased, but legendary stars, but now living idols of popular culture on postage stamps.
The traditional nationwide vote for a face on the brand has turned into a bitter fight between fan clubs. The postmen invited everyone to go to the official page of the service on the social network Facebook and name the five most worthy applicants for the honorary placement.
Whose faces will decorate envelopes with utility bills and old-fashioned anonymous declarations of love?
Lady Gaga, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?
The undisputed leaders among the nominees were the most influential woman in show business Lady GaGa,
Postal service spokesman Stephen Kearney admitted: “By changing our rules, we wanted to provoke an increase in the use of postal services, to attract the interest of the younger generation, who could use mail for at least their simplest tasks. And it looks like we succeeded! “
Brands with images of Elvis have been the best sellers for a long time.
The most popular brand was invented in the late 70s of the XX century. And for its creation, neither votes nor approval by special commissions were needed. The stamp with the portrait of Elvis Presley was invented by the artist responsible for the stamping. The postal employees, however, had only to approve with the citizens of the United States what kind of image of the king of rock and roll she wants to see on her envelopes. Voting was carried out directly at the post offices.
The brand with the portrait of Marilyn Monroe became the second in popularity and sales level. The image of the actress still excites the imagination of fans and directors: soon a new film about the famous material girl will be released on the screens.