Isotonic drinks – what are they and how to prepare them at home?

Isotonic drinks are often associated with unhealthy, colorful waters. There is, unfortunately, a lot of truth in this. Some of them contain synthetic dyes, which in large amounts can harm our health, decomposing into carcinogenic compounds. But you can also make a healthy isotonic drink. The recipe is quite simple.

  1. Isotonic drinks, also known as isotonic drinks, are fluids that allow you to quickly and effectively balance the level of water and electrolytes in the body
  2. These products are intended mainly for athletes as they are very physically active. However, in hot weather, they can be useful to everyone
  3. Interestingly, isotonic drinks are divided into two basic groups, i.e. hypertonic and hypotonic drinks. The first of them supply our body with more carbohydrates and minerals than we have in our blood. The latter, on the other hand, have a smaller number
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Isotonic drinks for children

Given that isotonic drinks you buy often have an unhealthy composition, it’s worth asking yourself if isotonic drinks are safe for our children. First of all, keep in mind that this is the same for adults and children isotonic are intended for people who participate in intense, long-term and repetitive physical exertion. So if our child is training in a sport, he or she can drink isotonic drink. However, let’s remember about the golden rule – everything in moderation. If isotonic it is more a child’s invention, it is better to restrict access to them. These drinks are high in calories, so a less physically active child should not drink them. Otherwise, your baby may gain a lot of weight.

Natural isotonic drinks

We lose water and electrolytes during intense exercise. These deficiencies can lead to an overall feeling of fatigue and muscle cramps. That’s why you can drink isotonicHowever, it is worth consuming the natural ones instead of the usual ones available in stores. One option is coconut water. Coconut is a very popular product recently, used in many options. Fresh coconut, coconut shrims, coconut oil, and coconut water. It is she who can do a great job izotonikuwhich we will drink after exercise. First of all, coconut water is low in calories and does not contain cholesterol, fat, preservatives and dyes. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium, zinc, manganese and B vitamins. Interestingly, the amount of electrolytes in coconut water varies, depending on the palm species and the degree of maturity of the coconut.

Another natural isotonics there is birch sap. It is also a popular product. Our ancestors already knew him and called him birch and oskołka. Interestingly, Birch juice can be obtained independently. In spring, at the turn of March and April, you can go to the forest, drill a small hole in the trunk of a tree, and then insert a pipe through which the juice will flow. Remember to put a bucket under it. Birch juice it is rich in potassium, zinc, copper, calcium, vitamins B and C, amino acids and antioxidants. This product is treated like isotonicbecause it has phosphorus, potassium, calcium electrolytes and those that hydrate our body. Importantly, it does not contain sugar.

Another natural isotonic drink there is maple water. It is not yet thoroughly researched and too popular. Maple water has around 50 different nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, and manganese. Scientists are constantly investigating how maple water affects people who play sports. Apparently it works better as isotonic after daily activity than after very intense exercise. Interestingly, maple water contains even less sugar than coconut water, and has more magnesium, iron and calcium.

Another natural isotonics there is cactus water, which is made from the fig prickly pear. The plant is found in Southern Europe and Mexico. It is a source of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, silicon and vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3 and C. Important information for athletes is that cactus water contains taurine, which helps regenerate muscles after exercise and accelerates metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

The last natural isotonics there is artichoke water, which is a source of potassium, iron, magnesium and vitamin C. Importantly, artichoke water has a positive effect on our metabolism, gives us the feeling that we are full, and the level of sugar and cholesterol is lowered.

Are you looking for a good-quality isotonic drink? Try Isotonik powder for the regulation of water and electrolyte balance OstroVit, which you can safely and conveniently order at Medonet Market.

How to prepare a home-made isotonic drink?

As it turns out isotonic we can prepare it at home. These are not complicated recipes, or at least we know what ingredients our drink is made of. isotonic not only is it supposed to support our body, but it can also be tasty. Here are two citrus recipes isotonic.

The first one is made on the basis of oranges. We need two glasses of water, two glasses of fresh orange juice and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. And that’s all! The ingredients should be mixed. The drink is ready to eat.

The second isotonics it is lemon honey. For this drink we need two glasses of warm water, one and a half tablespoons of honey, a little salt and the squeezed juice of half a lemon. First we need to dissolve the honey in the water. That is why it should be warm, so that this process lasts shorter. Then just add salt and lemon juice, and natural isotonic ready.

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