Isomalt (E953)

Those who decide to lose weight or just lead a healthy lifestyle do not have to give up cakes and chocolates. And all thanks to science, which invented sweeteners. Such a discovery is especially useful for people with diabetes, because artificial sugar analogues not only protect the figure, but also do not increase the glycemic index. “Artificial” in this case also means “unnatural” or “harmful”. For example, food supplement E953 is 100% herbal, sweet, but does not increase blood sugar levels.

Features of the E953 additive

A food additive under the European index E953 is also defined under the names: isomalt, palatinite, isomaltite. These are sweet crystals of various sizes, colorless and odorless, sometimes the additive is in the form of a loose powder. Isomalt is present in some sugar-containing plants: cane, beetroot, bee honey. In 1956, scientists first separated this substance from sucrose, resulting in a product with the taste of ordinary sugar, but more beneficial for the body.

It was recognized as absolutely safe only in 1990, after which the additive began to be used in all countries. Today, palatinite is mined in the laboratory from the same natural raw materials, the production involves several stages. First, the bond between glucose and fructose is broken in the sucrose molecule, after which hydrogen molecules are attached to the fructose. As a result of fermentation, a substance with the chemical formula C12H24O11, or simply isomalt, is obtained.

Despite the chemical laboratory stages of obtaining E953, this nutritional supplement is considered safe for the body, and in many ways it is much healthier than the usual sugar. Isomaltite crystals dissolve in water just as well, the product is suitable for use in cooking and at home. Compared to regular sugar, palatinite is still less sweet, it can be from 40% to 60% of the sweetness of regular sugar.

In addition to the food industry and home use, E953 is used in pharmaceuticals. Due to the high melting point (1450C) and taste, this substance is used in tableting medicines to improve the taste. Scientists have also found that isomalt improves the structure of tooth enamel, so it is often included in oral care products. In pharmaceuticals, E953 meets all the necessary standards: suitable for all patients, chemically stable, not of animal origin, cost-effective.

Application of E953 in cooking and food industry

In the food industry, conventional sugar may be substituted for cost savings or to create a specific group of products, such as foods for people with diabetes. From a financial point of view, the use of palatinite as a substitute for sugar does not make sense, since even ordinary sugar will cost the manufacturer cheaper. But for creating dietary products, it is great.

This additive is used not only as a sweetener. In addition to sweetness, it also has other useful properties, with its help, products are given the necessary shape, and E953 also acts as a light preservative that extends the shelf life of the product, like regular sugar. It also regulates acidity, resists clumping and caking, due to the high melting point, products with this additive do not stick to hands, do not spread and keep their shape, do not crumble from temperature changes.

You can meet this supplement in such products:

  • ice cream;
  • chocolate, bars and sweets;
  • hard and soft caramel;
  • confiture;
  • dry breakfasts;
  • chewing gums;
  • sauces, etc.

At the same time, products sweetened with isomalt do not have cloying, since this substance is not as sweet as sucrose or fructose. It is mainly used in food products for diabetics and low-calorie dietary products (for weight loss, sports nutrition). Given the safety and some advantages of palatinite over other analogues, such products will be useful to any group of consumers.

Manufacturers appreciate the additive because it pairs well with natural and synthetic flavors, as it is odorless on its own and brings out other flavors.

In cooking, E953 is more popular as a material for all kinds of decorations for cakes, pastries, homemade candies, etc. A viscous substance is obtained from isomaltite crystals, from which it is subsequently easy to obtain any form for decoration. Unlike ordinary sugar, this substance does not caramelize, that is, it remains transparent and clean without changing color. Jewelry elements that did not work out can be re-melted and remade, so working with such material is very simple.

This sweetener is also used by chefs and confectioners for presentations, creating artistic elements for dessert or second courses. The advantage of this decor is that it is edible and safe. Chefs of molecular cuisine are especially fond of isomaltite, with its help they encapsulate vegetable oils, create transparent edible vessels that are filled with berry foam, shavings, and sometimes smoke for a spectacular presentation. In addition to haute cuisine, recipes with isomalt for home use are popular.

The effect of isomalt on the body

As we have already noticed, if the product contains the additive E953, this does not mean anything bad. The sweetener in many ways even surpasses the properties of ordinary sugar, while it is useful not only for diabetics or athletes, but also for other consumers. To date, the use of this substance in food production has been approved by the following organizations:

  • EEC Scientific Committee of Food (EU Scientific Committee on Food);
  • WHO (World Health Organization);
  • JECFA (Joint Committee on Food Additives).

In many countries around the world, isomaltite is approved for use, some of them do not establish restrictions and allowable doses. However, doctors’ reviews still recommend using this supplement in moderation, as it enhances intestinal motility. The recommended dose for an adult is 50 g per day, and for children under 25 g.

For 60 years of using this substance, scientists have had enough time to study in detail its effect on the body. So the benefits and harms of E953 were established.

Of the useful properties are:

  • due to the low glycemic index does not cause sharp fluctuations in blood sugar;
  • provides a surge of strength, since energy is released gradually and for a long time;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • reduces appetite, prolonging the feeling of satiety;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • improves the microflora of the stomach;
  • in moderation improves digestion.

It is worth limiting the use of E953, since its beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract is due precisely to moderate doses. The scientific journal British Journal of Nutrition has published the results of studies on the effect of isomalt on digestion. It turned out that the substance is well tolerated by the body, does not impair metabolism, improves bowel function and can be used to promote health. However, an increase in intestinal motility can cause diarrhea and flatulence with the uncontrolled use of this supplement.

This sweetener suppresses appetite because the human body perceives it as a fiber, unlike regular sugar, which is recognized in our body as a carbohydrate. Due to this, the substance acts as a dietary fiber, which swells and fills the stomach (ballast), from which the feeling of hunger disappears. This quality is especially appreciated by people who follow a diet for weight loss.

For a long time, the question of the effect of palatinite on tooth enamel remained controversial: how can sweet not destroy it? In the course of observations and studies, it was found that the supplement does not really cause caries. In the oral cavity, it reduces the acid content, thereby increasing the amount of calcium. In addition, unlike sugar and many of its substitutes, isomalt cannot be a source of food for bacteria. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines products with E953 as “not causing caries”.

Where to buy and how to apply

Of the side effects from the use of this supplement, only the risk of diarrhea and an allergic reaction has been identified. Such consequences can only occur if E953 is misused. There are no strict contraindications to its use, but in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor before use (pregnant women, severe gastrointestinal diseases, failure of internal organs).

People with diabetes need to use this substitute only in the dose prescribed by the doctor. This also takes into account the proportion of products containing this component. For those who are losing weight, athletes and people who want to give up regular sugar, you should not get too carried away with such an additive, it is more useful than the usual refined sugar, but only in moderation. For children without special need, it is better not to introduce nutritional supplements into the diet, and if necessary, do not exceed the allowable rate (20 g per day).

You can buy E953 in online stores, here you can order almost any quantity: from bulk purchases to 300-gram packages. In grocery stores, such a substitute is rare, but dietary products with it are a sea. Also, sometimes such products are available in pharmacies, in the form of dragees or powder, in a crumbly form it is more convenient, since it can be used for diet desserts, homemade chocolate and drinks.

From what we have learned about this supplement, we can conclude that it is safe for health, suitable for diabetics, children, athletes and everyone else who wants to stay healthy and fit.

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