- Treatment and diagnosis: what does an acupuncturist do
- Parts of the body and organs, mental phenomena treated by an acupuncturist: how acupuncture works
- What diseases and pathologies in the work of the body can be eliminated with the help of acupuncture
- Preparation for the session and contraindications for acupuncture
- Symptoms for which you should see a specialist
- Diagnostic and treatment methods used by an acupuncturist
- Conducting an acupuncture session
- Feedback on the procedure: how the result depends on the choice of acupuncturist
- Tips from an acupuncturist for maintaining health
The method of treating a person through acupuncture has about three thousand years of history. Physicians of ancient China used the techniques of influencing special needles on special points of the human body, which are called acupuncture points. The whole idea of healing with needles is based on the teaching that invisible energy channels pass through the human body, which distribute vital energy between organs and parts of the body. By influencing acupuncture points in various ways, including acupuncture, you can restore the balance of energy in the body and improve health. Acupuncture belongs to the section of medicine called “reflexotherapy”, and the application of the method in practice is carried out by an acupuncturist. Learning this technique, which requires precision from a specialist, can take decades.
Reflexology is a much wider area, as it includes various ways of influencing the energy points of the human body. This may be the effect of fingers, thermal, ultrasonic, magnetic effects. Acupuncture is considered the classic and most common form of treatment of all reflexology methods.
This method of healing the sick came to European countries not so long ago – in the 20th century, European doctors began to practice it. It is considered one of the branches of traditional Chinese medicine.
Treatment and diagnosis: what does an acupuncturist do
A doctor who specializes in working with acupuncture points on the human body can carry out the initial appointment of a patient, or receive a patient referred to him by another specialist, for example, a therapist. In the first case, the doctor will need to carry out diagnostic measures in order to determine what disease he has to fight. To this end, the doctor interviews and examines the patient, learns from him about all the symptoms and manifestations that have become a reason for a person to seek medical help.
Often it is necessary to prescribe additional examinations, in particular, tests, x-rays, ultrasound examinations. Having received the diagnostic data, the acupuncturist determines whether it is possible to carry out acupuncture treatment, whether there are any contraindications to it. In some cases, he refers the patient to a competent specialist for additional examination or treatment. If the disease is to be treated by influencing the acupuncture points, determines its scheme, course and duration, and proceeds to the sessions.
Parts of the body and organs, mental phenomena treated by an acupuncturist: how acupuncture works
All reflexology is based on a point effect on certain parts of the body, due to which a therapeutic effect can be achieved. The doctor works with active points, located on the whole body, including the soles of the feet, hands, palms and fingers, neck, knees, face, buttocks, lower back, shoulders, hips, ears.
By inserting small thin needles into the corresponding points of the body, the doctor can influence:
- muscles and joints;
- brain;
- organs of the genitourinary system;
- digestive tract;
- the nervous system;
- skin integument;
- respiratory system.
In addition, the acupuncturist works with eating and sexual disorders, childhood fears, nervous pathologies and phobias.
It can be argued that the whole body is subjected to the influence of an acupuncturist in a complex way. Stimulation of acupuncture points is aimed at the main conducting systems of the body – the nervous, lymphatic and vascular. Thus, the main control systems of the body are activated – endocrine, immune, neurohumoral.
What diseases and pathologies in the work of the body can be eliminated with the help of acupuncture
Acupuncture sessions help to deal with problems such as:
- obesity, diabetes, metabolic disorders;
- allergy;
- gynecological pathologies and sexual dysfunction;
- infectious diseases;
- diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression;
- skin diseases;
- disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
- problems of functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
- pain syndromes of varying severity;
- pathologies obtained during childbirth and in the postpartum period.
The doctor is also engaged in the rehabilitation of patients after illnesses, operations and injuries, treats chronic diseases, helps to cope with neurological pathologies such as intercostal neuralgia and neuralgia of the facial nerve.
Preparation for the session and contraindications for acupuncture
Treatment with acupuncture is a very delicate process, and requires from a specialist increased accuracy and attentiveness, experience and deep knowledge in anatomy, physiology and the very technique of acupuncture. Oriental doctors, when preparing for a course of reflexology, carefully study the physical and spiritual condition of their patient, take into account his gender and age, even when choosing the time of day for the session.
For the patient, there are restrictions that must be adhered to immediately before the start of treatment and during it. Forbidden:
- spicy and fatty foods;
- alcohol;
- intense exercise;
- swimming in pools, ponds, bath procedures.
It is imperative to inform the doctor about fever or other manifestations of respiratory infections, about all medications taken and appointments of other doctors. On the days of menstruation, women do not have acupuncture sessions.
In what cases is acupuncture prohibited for a patient? Among the contraindications:
- severe depletion of the body;
- acute infectious diseases; some skin diseases (for example, fungal, lichen);
- malignant tumors;
- pregnancy;
- severe mental illness.
Symptoms for which you should see a specialist
The manifestations and discomforts that should be a reason to visit a doctor are very diverse, since acupuncture therapy has a wide impact profile. The main symptoms to look out for are:
- obesity, sudden weight gains;
- chronic fatigue and exhaustion;
- frequent headaches;
- violations of the digestive process;
- chronic pain in the lower back and back;
- painful premenstrual syndrome in women;
- frequent stressful situations and general overexertion.
With such manifestations of disturbances in the functioning of the body, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor to diagnose the disease and determine the scheme of its treatment.
The results of the analysis of medical practice indicate that people usually resort to the help of an acupuncturist when standard treatment regimens and narrow specialists have not shown positive dynamics. However, acupuncturists themselves say that the chances of a quick and successful recovery are much higher when treated early in the onset of anxiety symptoms.
Diagnostic and treatment methods used by an acupuncturist
The first task that a doctor faces when accepting a new patient is to make the correct diagnosis. Usually, for these purposes, the doctor uses instrumental examination techniques, interrogates and examines the patient. If a person already has ready-made test results that he passed earlier, they should be taken with you and shown to a specialist.
Among the types of examinations that a doctor can prescribe are acupuncture with pulse diagnostics, psychological diagnostic techniques, muscle testing, craniosacral therapy.
The main treatment technique that an acupuncturist applies to patients is the impact on acupuncture points with small sharp needles. A doctor of this specialization, in some cases, may prescribe drug therapy that plays a complementary and supportive role in the treatment – these can be anti-inflammatory or immune-strengthening agents, most often phytotherapeutic drugs.
Conducting an acupuncture session
For the procedure, the doctor uses sterile disposable metal needles of small diameter. The insertion site of the instrument is carefully treated with alcohol or another disinfectant. The duration of one session is usually about 20-30 minutes. A lot depends on the qualifications of the doctor, on the mood and perception of the patient.
The process is mostly painless, some even manage to sleep during acupuncture. However, mild itching, burning, heat, numbness, or swelling at the injection site is acceptable. Also, the procedure may be accompanied by pain symptoms. All your feelings should be reported to the doctor. Usually, all these manifestations disappear after the end of the session and the removal of the needles.
Feedback on the procedure: how the result depends on the choice of acupuncturist
Finding a specialist is an important part of the entire treatment process. Feedback from people who have experienced the effect of acupuncture speaks of a direct dependence of the result achieved on the level of qualification and experience the doctor has reached in his field. Before the start of the course, a competent specialist conducts a preliminary preparation of a person for the upcoming treatment, establishes a trusting contact with him, clearly and exhaustively explains what awaits the patient, what results can be.
Also, the success of the therapy is strongly influenced by the internal perception of the patient, his positive attitude, readiness to fully trust the doctor and adhere to the prohibitions imposed during the treatment. Acupuncture and its effect are actively studied by physicians and biologists, and its effectiveness for general strengthening of the body and stimulation of the immune system is proven. With regard to the treatment of specific diseases, acupuncture, like other methods of treatment, cannot guarantee a XNUMX% result.
Tips from an acupuncturist for maintaining health
Of course, the best therapy for diseases is a healthy lifestyle, in which the body’s defenses are independently able to maintain its vital activity at a normal level. It is sometimes easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to treat it later. According to the observations of acupuncturists themselves, a significant part of patients turn to them due to disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system, the musculoskeletal system. These people are united by similar symptoms – numbness of the limbs, pain in the back, joints, limitation of mobility. In such cases, doctors recommend not self-medicating and not postponing seeking medical help. Simultaneously with the course of acupuncture, a general medication can be carried out, which is prescribed by the attending physician – so the effectiveness of the treatment can increase.
A fundamental prevention of the emergence of various health disorders is the rejection of bad habits, regular physical activity and exposure to fresh air, a balanced diet, an adequate work and rest regimen.
An acupuncturist is a specialist who works with all parts of the human body, affecting all its systems in a complex way. High requirements are put forward for the level of training and qualification of this doctor: he must have a higher medical education, a certificate of completion of relevant courses, skills in handling special medical equipment, as well as experience and qualifications of a diagnostician. The profession of an acupuncturist implies that the doctor has some personal qualities: attentiveness, accuracy, analytical mind. The absence of vision problems is mandatory, as well as good motor skills of the hands.
It is quite possible to cure a correctly and timely diagnosed disease if adequate therapy is prescribed, and the necessary duration of the course is determined. That is why qualified acupuncturists with proven medical experience are specialists whom patients with a wide variety of disorders and diseases turn to for help, from drug and alcohol addiction to gynecological problems and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.