Isle of Jura

Isle of Jura is a legendary island scotch whose story is like an adventure novel, and the design of the bottle with magic signs is remembered without tasting. There is even a belief: before you uncork the whiskey, you need to squeeze the bottle harder and hold it for several minutes, then the drink will certainly attract good luck. And no matter what they say about the superstitious Scots, what the hell is not joking …. The shape of the bottle also contributes to the ritual: it fits well in the hand, slightly tapering in the center.

Historical reference. Until 1810, Prohibition reigned on the Scottish island of Jura, introduced by the ruler of the island, Lord Campbell. It is with him that the legend of the soothsayer is connected, who predicted the ruin and death of his family to the lord with an excessively cruel disposition. The last of the Campbells fell into poverty and left the island in 1838. In honor of this event, 100 years later, the most famous drink of the island was released – Isle of Jura Prophency, “Prophecy”.

A distillery on the island, in a cave of smugglers, was built by farmer William Abercrombie to find use for a bountiful harvest of barley. But he was not interested in the production of whiskey, and after 5 years he sold his factory to a visiting liquor merchant John Hump, who resold the distillery a few years later to James Ferguson. It was Ferguson and his sons who removed the roof from the distillery so as not to pay taxes – according to the law, only buildings with a roof were taxed with them. So the plant changed hands until the end of the XNUMXth century, and then it was completely closed due to the economic crisis in Britain.

The business was rebuilt by two locals, Archibald Fletcher and Anthony Riley, in 1958 with the good intention of creating jobs on the island and attracting new residents to Jura. The well-known Scottish architect Delm Evans helped them cope with the task. It was at his suggestion that distillation cubes with a neck tapering upwards were installed at the distillery, thanks to which the alcohols are light and soft. When Evans died in 2003, Jura Whiskey Delme Evans Special Edition was created in his memory by the distillery’s blenders. At that time, the company and the brand were already owned by White & Mackay, which acquired them in 1994 and still owns them.

Isle of Jura

Brand features

  1. The distillery is located on the shores of Lake Bale Mhardate with crystal clear and soft water from underground sources, which is used in production.

    70% of the malt is imported from Speyside and the Highlands, which gives the drink some of the characteristics of these regions, in particular, a floral aroma and a sweetish aftertaste.

  2. The malt is dried using smokeless technology.
  3. The plant produces two lines of drinks – a small part of heavily fumigated malt and the main one of low peat.
  4. Isle of Jura varieties don’t have overly spicy or overly smoky flavors. The only exception is the very “prophetic” Isle of Jura Prophency.

Types of whiskey “Isle of Jura”

  • Isle Of Jura 10 Years Old (40%). Scotch tape of bright amber color with a light floral aroma. There is nothing reminiscent of island origin in it – there is no characteristic salinity, the smell of algae and smoke. Mild taste with pleasant hints of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate. Brief warm aftertaste. Recommended as a digestif – pure or with a few pieces of ice, can be served with fruit.
  • Isle Of Jura 18 Years Old (40%). An amber-colored single malt with golden gleams, it smells of chocolate, candied orange peels, mint and cinnamon. Multifaceted taste with hints of sherry (sherry casks affect), caramel and almonds. Long warming aftertaste with notes of dried melon. It is best to drink clean or Scotch with just a little cold water added.
  • Isle Of Jura 21 Years Old (44%). The drink is intensely tea-colored, acquiring a reddish tint in the light. Light aroma with notes of sherry, almonds and citrus. Harmonious taste with hints of prunes, cinnamon and orange. A long warming aftertaste with a slightly perceptible salty aftertaste. Good as a digestif, it is best to drink clean.
  • Isle of Jura Prophency (46%). The legendary scotch has a bright caramel color and smells of the sea, cinnamon and nutmeg. Powerful taste with hints of oak wood, leather, spices. Long aftertaste with notes of smoke and dry heather. Recommended as a digestif and aperitif, you can drink clean and on ice, sometimes it is served with fruit.

Isle of Jura

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